Coffee review

Introduction to the unique and strong flavor of Costa Rican boutique coffee bean flavor manor

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, From 1870 to 1882, T. Guardia Gutierrez exercised dictatorship, weakening the power of the two families. Since the 1970s, British and American capital has infiltrated. American entrepreneur M.C. Keith signed a contract with the Costa Rican government to build a railway from Port Limon to San Jose on the east coast, won a concession in 1999 and occupied large tracts of land to develop banana plantations. United Fruit of America in 1899

From 1870 to 1882, T. Guardia Gutierrez imposed a dictatorship that weakened both families. Since the 1970s, British and American capital has infiltrated. American entrepreneur M. C. Keith signed a contract with the Costa Rican government to build a railway from Port Limon on the east coast to San Jose, and obtained a 99-year lease to occupy a large area of land for banana plantations.

In 1899, the United States took over Keith's industry and controlled the railway and banana production and export. In 1913, banana exports ranked first in the world.

In 1917 F. Tinoco Granados staged a coup d'état and established a military dictatorship. After Tinoco Granados stepped down, all previous rulers were controlled by American monopoly capital. In the 1930s, the Workers 'Movement rose. In the six general elections from 1953 to 1978, the National Liberation Party won four times. During the party's administration, it emphasized state intervention in the economy, nationalized some industries, raised import taxes to protect national industries, forced the United Fruit Company to increase income taxes; strengthened relations with other Latin American countries and Western Europe, changed its dependence on the United States alone, joined the Central American Common Market in 1963, and established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union and some countries in Eastern Europe in the 1970s.

In 1978, R. Carazo Odio, leader of the Solidarity Party, was elected president. In order to alleviate domestic contradictions, he adopted measures such as austerity, social welfare, etc., while proposing restrictions on state capital and encouraging foreign and private investment. Costa Rica's terrain is flat on the coast and isolated by rugged mountains in the middle. It declared an exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles and a territorial sea of 12 nautical miles. The climate is tropical and subtropical, and partly neotropical. The current constitution came into force on November 7, 1949. The Constitution stipulates that the State shall have a republican system of power with the separation of legislative, judicial and executive powers. The Office of the Comptroller-General and the Supreme Electoral Court are independent bodies. The president is the head of state and government and can stand for re-election every other term; the president and vice president are elected directly for a term of four years; in the absence of the president, the first vice president, the second vice president and the speaker take over in turn. In April 2003, Colombia amended the constitution again to allow the president to be re-elected for alternate terms.

Costa Rican coffee is full of particles, with ideal acidity and unique aroma. Costa Rica's coffee industry, formerly controlled by the Instituto del Café de Costa Rica (ICAFE), has been taken over by the Official Coffee Council (Oficin del Café). Among coffee exports, those deemed substandard are colored with blue vegetable dye before being recycled for domestic sale. Coffee consumed domestically (dyed blue or undyed) accounts for about 10% of the total production, and local coffee consumption per capita is twice that of Italy or the United States. Excellent Costa Rican coffee is called "extra hard beans" and can be grown at altitudes above 1500 meters. Altitude has always been a problem for coffee growers. The higher the altitude, the better the beans, not only because higher altitudes increase the acidity of the beans and thus enhance the flavor, but also because the lower night temperatures at higher altitudes can slow down the growth of trees and thus enhance the flavor of the beans. In addition, due to the high altitude drop caused by sufficient rainfall, the growth of coffee trees is very beneficial to high-quality Costa Rica coffee known as "extra hard beans", this coffee can grow at an altitude of more than 1500 meters. Altitude has always been a problem for coffee growers. In addition, due to the high altitude drop caused by sufficient rainfall, the growth of coffee trees is also very favorable. However, although coffee is grown at higher altitudes,

Many advantages, but must take into account the additional transportation costs, which is likely to make coffee production unprofitable. Costa Rican coffee has adopted new technologies to increase efficiency, including the use of "electric eyes" to select beans and identify beans with irregular size. S.H.B. refers to extremely hard beans at altitudes above 1500 meters, meaning high-quality Costa Rican coffee. This extra-hard coffee bean suitable for medium and heavy roasts has a strong acidity and attractive aroma. Costa Rican SHG coffee is usually full of particles, clear flavor, bright acid, consistency is also very good, strong flavor makes the ending lingering in the throat, unforgettable