Coffee review

Introduction to the sour Kilimanjaro coffee boutique coffee bean flavor manor in Tanzania

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In 1886, Tanganyika Inland was placed under the German sphere of influence. In November 1917, British forces occupied the whole territory of Tanganyika. In 1920, Tanganyika became a British mandate. In 1946, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to change it into a British trust. On May 1, 1961, Tanzania achieved internal autonomy. On December 9 of the same year, independence was declared, and the Republic of Tanganyika was established a year later. Zanzibar became a British guarantor in 1890

In 1886, Tanganyika was placed under the German sphere of influence. In November 1917, British troops occupied all parts of Tanganyika. In 1920, Tanganyika became a British "mandate". In 1946, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to change Tanganyika into a British "mandate". On May 1, 1961, Tanganyika achieved internal autonomy. On December 9 of the same year, independence was declared. A year later, Tanganyika Republic was established.

Zanzibar became a British "protectorate" in 1890. It gained autonomy on June 24, 1963. On December 10 of the same year, it declared independence and became a constitutional monarchy ruled by the Sultan. Since 2001, the coalition government has continued to consolidate the unity situation, maintain the coalition government, win moderate forces, fight against separatist forces in Zanzibar, and give consideration to the allocation of budget funds and other issues concerning the vital interests of Zanzibar. The RUF no longer openly advocates separation. Instead, they demanded more autonomy for zanzibar.

In December 2005, Kikwete was elected President of the United Republic and Karum was reelected President of Sang.

At the beginning of 2008, the Revolutionary Party and RUF held talks on the formation of a coalition government in Zanzibar, but no agreement was reached.

In 2009, some progress was made on the joint issue of Tanzania and Sang, but disputes between the mainland and Sang Island over the ownership of Sang oil and gas resources have heated up. Political reconciliation talks between the Sang Island Revolutionary Party and the main opposition party, RUF, resumed at the end of the year after a break at the beginning of the year. The historic talks between President Karum of Sang and General Secretary Hamad of RUF attracted widespread attention.

In early 2010, there was a new movement towards political reconciliation on Sang Island, with the Revolutionary Party and RUF agreeing on the formation of a Unity Government on Sang Island. In July of the same year, Sang referendum passed a resolution to establish a new constitution of national unity government system. In November, Sang general election was successfully held. Sang Island established a national unity government. Sang President, Second Vice President and 11 ministers came from Revolutionary Party. Sang First Vice President and 8 ministers came from RUF Tanzania. Tanzania covers an area of 945087 square kilometers, of which Zanzibar is 2657 square kilometers. It consists of the mainland, Zanzibar Island and more than 20 small islands. Located in eastern Africa, south of the equator, the continent borders the Indian Ocean to the east, Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique to the south, Rwanda, Burundi and Congo (DRC) to the west, Kenya and Uganda to the north. The continental coastline is 840 km long.

Tanzania's coffee beans are of exceptional quality. They are grown in the Moshi region near Mount Kilimanjaro. The mountain areas between 3,000 and 6,000 feet high are the best places to grow coffee. Fertile volcanic ash gives the coffee a strong texture and soft acidity. It exudes a delicate fragrance, and contains wine and fruit aromas, aftertaste is endless. After drinking Tanzanian coffee, you will always feel a soft and mellow earthy taste at the corner of your mouth. Coffee gourmets often use words such as "wild" or "wild" to describe it. It can be said that pure Tanzanian coffee is "the most African coffee". Tanzania AA is the highest level of beans, its full particles, pure flavor, rich and refreshing, all aspects of quality are first-class. Tanzania's main coffee-growing area is at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, which has rich volcanic soil. Some of the coffee trees planted here are more than 100 years old. The earliest coffee was first introduced from Kenya by Christians. Coffee trees must be carefully cared for, weeded and fertilized. And must also cut off the old branches in order to grow new branches to maintain the quality of coffee beans, coffee bean processing plant equipment is quite perfect; coffee beans are an important cash crop in Tanzania, the local government attaches great importance to this industry Kilimanjaro coffee is uniform size of large coffee beans, color is gray-green, compared with a strong sour and sweet aroma, excellent flavor. Moderately roasted will emit sweet and light sour, deep roasted will produce a soft bitter taste, suitable for blending First: choose good quality coffee beans, because the use of poor quality coffee beans, of course, will greatly reduce the flavor of coffee, even if a very balanced coffee, but also can not make delicious coffee, choose good quality coffee beans, is the biggest point.

Second: eliminate defective beans, mixed with defective beans, the taste will deteriorate. Therefore, it is better to remove the defective beans without being stingy. For example, long worms with holes, abnormal development, shell without kernel, all picked out.

Third: understand the characteristics of coffee beans, if the individual characteristics of coffee beans to be mixed are not very well understood, it is difficult to mix good or expected coffee, such as mocha coffee sour heavy, can not be used to dilute the sour coffee.

Fourth: understand the different degrees of roasting, different coffee beans by the degree of roasting different, its flavor is also different, so also a good grasp, such as Kilimanjaro, Blue Mountain is generally light roasting, carbon burning is deep roasting and so on