Coffee review

Introduction to the characteristics of Puerto Rican Coffee Flavor Manor with Pure, aromatic and heavy granule

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In 1898, the Spanish-American War broke out and Spain was defeated. According to the Treaty of Paris, Puerto Rico was ceded to the United States. The administrative jurisdiction of the United States over Puerto Rico first took the form of a military junta. During its two years of governance of the island, the junta established schools, roads, railways, hospitals and health facilities. In 1900, the United States Congress established civilian control over the island. The Governor, the Cabinet and

In 1898, the Spanish-American War broke out and Spain was defeated. According to the Treaty of Paris, Puerto Rico was ceded to the United States. The administrative jurisdiction of the United States over Puerto Rico first took the form of a military junta. During its two years of governance of the island, the junta established schools, roads, railways, hospitals and health facilities. In 1900, the United States Congress established civilian control over the island. One of the two chambers of the Governor, the Cabinet and the Puerto Rican legislature is appointed by the President of the United States. Puerto Ricans elect another chamber of the legislature and a commissioner based in the capital who will represent the interests of the island in Washington and have a voice but no vote in Congress. Puerto Ricans are also exempt from United States taxes, the current Governor Alejandro Garcia Patia (Alejandro Garcia Padilla)

), people's Democratic Party. Born in Puerto Rico on August 3, 1971, he received a bachelor's degree in political science and economics from the University of Puerto Rico and a law degree from the Pan American University of Puerto Rico. Professional lawyer. Zeng Renbo, assistant judge of the Court of Appeal and professor of law at the Pan American University of Puerto Rico. From 2005 to 2007, he served as Minister of Consumer Affairs of Poland. He was elected as a senator in 2008. He has been chairman of the people's Democratic Party since April 2011. He was elected governor of Poland in November 2012 and took office in January 2013, which historically focused on sugar cane farming, and later industry surpassed agriculture as a pillar of the economy. Front

The five major economic sectors are manufacturing, finance, insurance and real estate, other services, government expenditure and trade. The main industries include pharmaceuticals, electronics, petrochemical, food processing, textiles and clothing, etc. Tourism is also an important part of the Polish economy, accounting for 7% of Poland's total revenue in 2009. [2]

In 2011, GDP totaled US $98.76 billion, with a per capita GDP of US $26588, which is lower than that of the states in the United States, but it is the highest compared with the Caribbean island countries, and its economic competitiveness is also one of the highest in the Caribbean region.

In fact, any kind of coffee will be given a unique flavor because of its origin, just like different music styles will always give you different feelings. Puerto Rico Yaoke coffee has the characteristics of boutique coffee, its acidity is very stable, full of particles, complete flavor, rich aroma. The reason why Yaocote chose coffee beans to be better than other producing areas on the island is that it is grown in high-altitude mountain areas, so it grows slowly and has rich fruit flavor, and it uses ancient coffee tree species, which have a unique flavor despite less yield. this is incomparable to some new tree species. Due to the abundant rainfall, rich soil and high-altitude microclimate zone, Yaoke coffee has all the qualities that gourmet coffee should have. Of course, Yaoke coffee is inseparable from the hard work of those coffee workers, who manage the whole process from planting coffee seedlings to post-harvest treatment.

And each kind of coffee has its own unique taste, when you taste Yaoke coffee, you will feel the unique acidic taste of Central American coffee, which is the most distinctive taste of Caribbean island coffee. So some people compare Yaoke Coffee to the coffee with the most attractive tongue, while Jaime Fortuno, the president of Escogido Yauco, the agency of Escoki, pays silent attention to all this work, even the smallest details every year. Fortuno is an investment banker who graduated from Harvard Business School. He was determined to seize every opportunity to open up a market for top coffee in Puerto Rico. He expects a maximum annual output of 3000 bags of 45kg each, less than 1 per cent of the island's total coffee production.

That's why Puerto Rico and Puerto Rico's Yukot Yauco Selecto are different. Yukot chooses manor beans, a joint brand of Puerto Rico San Pedro, Caracolillo and La Juanita. In Spanish, Puerto Rico means "port of wealth." The history of coffee in Puerto Rico dates back to 1736, when coffee seedlings were brought into the country by early Spanish settlers. In the 18th world, sugar cane was the main economic crop, so little attention was paid to it. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the French began to emigrate from the Corsica island in the Mediterranean to Puerto Rico because of European politics. Crowded by the Spaniards, many French settled in Yaoke Yauco in southwestern Puerto Rico. Yaoke's geographical environment is more hilly, so the French decided to grow coffee. After half a century of hard work, the quality has been affirmed by the market, which has established the position of Yauco Selecto coffee in the market in the future.

In the 1860s, the coffee produced in the Yaoke area of Puerto Rico won the reputation of high-end coffee and spread all over Europe. At that time, emperors and queens of various countries regarded it as the best coffee, and the kings and queens of many countries and European popes even recognized only Yaoke coffee when they chose coffee. And designated for the Vatican to drink the royal coffee.