Coffee review

Introduction of Flavor and Taste Coffee from Coffee Manor in Tanzania

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The topography of Tanzania is high in the northwest and low in the southeast, showing a ladder shape. The eastern coast is a lowland, the western inland plateau accounts for more than half of the total inland area, and the East African Rift Valley runs from east to west from Lake Malawi to the north and south. The Kibo peak of Mount Kilimanjaro in the northeast is 5895 meters above sea level, which is the highest peak in Africa. [6] Climate Tanzania Beach Tanzania Beach Tanzania East Tanzania

The topography of Tanzania is high in the northwest and low in the southeast, showing a ladder shape. The eastern coast is a lowland, the western inland plateau accounts for more than half of the total inland area, and the East African Rift Valley runs from east to west from Lake Malawi to the north and south. The Kibo peak of Mount Kilimanjaro in the northeast is 5895 meters above sea level, which is the highest peak in Africa. [6]


Tanzania beach

Tanzania beach

The eastern coastal areas and inland lowlands of Tanzania have a savanna climate, while the western inland plateau has a tropical mountain climate, with an average temperature of 21-25 ℃ in most areas. More than 20 islands in Zanzibar have a tropical maritime climate, hot and humid all the year round, with an annual average temperature of 26 ℃. [6]

The types of rainfall can be divided into bimodal distribution and unimodal distribution. The areas with double bee rainfall include the provinces around the Lake Victoria basin, the northeast highlands, the coastal and inland northeastern. The bimodal rainfall area is characterized by two rainy seasons. The short rainy season occurs from September to December. The total rainfall can reach 200-500 mm. The long rainy season occurs from March to May, and the rainfall reaches 300-600 mm. The areas outside the double bee distribution rainfall area belong to the single bee distribution rainfall area, the rainfall time is from November to April, and the rainfall reaches 500-1000 mm.


The main rivers in Tanzania are the Rufidi River (1400 km long), the Pangani River, the Rufu River, the Wami River and so on. There are many lakes, including Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika and Lake Malawi. [7]

Natural resources editor

Beautiful scenery of Tanzania

Beautiful scenery of Tanzania

Tanzania is rich in mineral resources. By 2014, the major minerals identified include gold, diamond, iron, nickel, phosphate, coal and various gemstones, ranking fifth in Africa in total. Tanzania also has huge natural gas reserves. According to official data released by Tanzania, Tanzania has proven natural gas reserves of 44 trillion cubic feet, and the total reserves are expected to reach at least 200 trillion cubic feet.

Tanzania's main coffee producing area, located at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, is rich in volcanic soil. Some coffee trees planted here are more than 100 years old. Coffee was first introduced by Christians from Kenya to grow coffee. Coffee trees must be carefully taken care of, weeded and fertilized. Moreover, old branches must be cut off so that new branches can grow to maintain the quality of coffee beans. Coffee bean processing plants are well equipped; coffee beans are an important economic crop in Tanzania, and the local government attaches great importance to this industry. In general, Tanzanian coffee has a "crisp" characteristic, exudes delicate aroma, and contains wine and fruit aromas, endless flavor. Locally, it is similar to Kenyan coffee, but overall, it is closer to Sumatra Lloyd's coffee. After drinking Tanzanian coffee, you will feel a soft earthy smell around your mouth. Coffee gourmets often use words such as "wild" or "wild" to describe it. It can be said that pure Tanzanian coffee is "the most African coffee".

Tanzania promotes the people to drink coffee.

Tanzania is a famous coffee producer in the world. Due to the current low domestic consumption in Tanzania, the government is calling on people to drink at least twice as much coffee every day for the next five years to boost domestic sales.

Premers Kimayo, director of the quality and Promotion Department of the Tanzania Coffee Council, the national agency, told Reuters on the 14th: "because of the colonial history of Tanzania, today's social elites are learning from the British to drink tea." But I would like to appeal to all Tanzanians to drink more of our own coffee. "

The Tanzania Coffee Committee believes that at this stage, the proportion of 7% of coffee sold in Tanzania is too low and should be increased to 15% by 2014, so as to reduce the impact of international market demand on the Tanzanian coffee market.

Kimayo believes that Tanzanians should drink twice as much coffee every day for the next five years.

Tanzania plans to add six new coffee producing areas

Source: website of Ministry of Commerce of China

The Tanzania Coffee Council (TCB) has identified six new areas as coffee growing areas, bringing the total number of coffee growing areas in the country to 13 to meet the target of 100000 tons of coffee production in 2020. Adolf, chairman of TCB. Kunburu said that the staff of the council stationed in various producing areas will provide services to farmers and guide them to plant new varieties developed by the Tanzania Coffee Institute.

Tanzania currently produces 50,000 tons of coffee a year, making it the fourth largest coffee producer in Africa. Due to the sharp rise in international coffee prices last year, Tanzania is eager to increase its coffee production through various measures. According to data provided by the International Coffee Organization (ICO), in December last year, the ICO coffee price composite index [1985.54 0.27%] reached its highest level since 1994, 184.26 cents per pound. In November last year, world coffee exports reached 7.6 million packets, an increase of 900000 packets over the same period in 2009.