Coffee review

Pure and aromatic Puerto Rican boutique coffee manor flavor introduction to Larez Yaoke Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Puerto Rico covers an area of 13790 square kilometers, with mountains and hills accounting for 3x4 of the island. The central mountain range stretches from east to west, stretching from Puerto Rico to Puerto Rico, from high to low, with the coast as a plain. The highest peak, Mount Pengta, is 1338 meters above sea level. Belongs to the tropical rain forest climate, [8] the rainfall is sufficient, the average temperature in January is 24 ℃, the average temperature in July is 27 ℃. Vulnerable to hurricanes

Puerto Rico covers an area of 13790 square kilometers, with mountains and hills accounting for 3x4 of the island. The central mountain range runs from east to west, and the terrain is in the middle.

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico

The center stretches in all directions, from high to low, and the coast is the plain. The highest peak, Mount Pengta, is 1338 meters above sea level. Belongs to the tropical rain forest climate, [8] the rainfall is sufficient, the average temperature in January is 24 ℃, the average temperature in July is 27 ℃. Vulnerable to hurricanes, annual average temperature 28 ℃ according to the Constitution enacted by the United States in 1952, the Governor is the Chief Executive, elected for a four-year term, and consists of a Council of Ministers. The United States Congress has the power to repeal laws passed by the Congress of Puerto Rico. The parliament is divided into the Senate and the House of Representatives. The island elects local commissioners to be resident in the United States Congress, but can only vote on the House Committee.

Political party

There are three main political parties: the people's Democratic Party, the New Progressive Party and the Puerto Rican Independence Party. Polish citizens do not have the right to vote for the president of the United States, but can only take part in the primaries of both parties. [2]

Political dignitaries

The current Governor Alejandro Garcia Patia (Alejandro Garcia Padilla)

San Juan

San Juan

), people's Democratic Party. Born in Puerto Rico on August 3, 1971, he received a bachelor's degree in political science and economics from the University of Puerto Rico and a law degree from the Pan American University of Puerto Rico. Professional lawyer. Zeng Renbo, assistant judge of the Court of Appeal and professor of law at the Pan American University of Puerto Rico. From 2005 to 2007, he served as Minister of Consumer Affairs of Poland. He was elected as a senator in 2008. He has been chairman of the people's Democratic Party since April 2011. He was elected Governor of Poland in November 2012 and took office in January 2013. [2]

Successive governors of Puerto Rico

Juan Ponce de Leon served a term of office from 1509 to 1512.

In the Spanish-American War, Spain lost and ceded Puerto Rico to the United States. In 1900, President McKinley appointed Charles Herbert Allen as the first civilian governor in Puerto Rico. The list of governors since then is as follows:

1949-1965: Louis Munoz (1898-1980, people's Democrat, first, second, third and fourth governor of Puerto Rico, journalist and poet)

1965-1969: Roberto Sanchez (1913-1997, people's Democrat, fifth governor of Puerto Rico, engineer)

1969-1973: Louis Ferry (1904-2003, New Progressive, sixth Governor of Puerto Rico, engineer)

1973-1977: Rafael Hernandez Cologne (1936, people's Democratic Party, seventh, tenth and eleventh governor of Puerto Rico, lawyer)

1977-1985: Carlos Romero (1932, member of the New Progressive Party, eighth and ninth governor of Puerto Rico, lawyer)

1985-1993: Rafael Hern á ndez Cologne (second term)

1993-2001: Pedro Rosayo Gonzalez (1944, member of the New Progressive Party, 12th and 13th Governor of Puerto Rico, pediatrician)

2001-2005: Sierra Maria Calderon (1942, people's Democratic Party, 14th Governor of Puerto Rico, businessman)

2005-2009: Anibal Acevedo (people's Democrat, 15th Governor of Puerto Rico, judge)

2009-2013: Luis Fortunio Burset (1960, member of the New Progressive Party, 16th Governor of Puerto Rico, Judge

Puerto Rico's coffee beans are carefully planted, pure, fragrant and heavy, of which the best coffee is Yauco Selecto, which means "Selecto". Yaocote Coffee is grown only on three farms in the southwest of the island, San Pedro, Caracolillo and La Juanita. It is a truly high-quality coffee with a strong flavor and a long aftertaste. The hills of southwestern Puerto Rico have a mild climate, a long period of plant maturity (from October to February) and high-quality clay. People here have been using an eco-friendly, intensive planting method, picking only fully ripe coffee beans and then flushing them in a drum device for 48 hours. Yaocote selected coffee beans are preserved with sheepskin before sale and will not be removed until order and delivery to ensure the best freshness of the coffee. Relevant U.S. government employees, such as FDA and USEA, will also be present at the transaction, and they are here to monitor producers' compliance with federal regulations. There are also professional reviewers who randomly take one bag of coffee from every 50 bags as samples and use international gauges to identify the quality of coffee beans, all in order to ensure the quality of the real Yaocote selected coffee.

Island Coffee-Puerto Rico

And Jaime Fortuno, the president of Escoki's Escogido Yauco agency, pays silent attention to all this work every year, even the smallest details. Fortuno is an investment banker who graduated from Harvard Business School. He was determined to seize every opportunity to open up a market for top coffee in Puerto Rico. He expects a maximum annual output of 3000 bags of 45kg each, less than 1 per cent of the island's total coffee production.

This is why Puerto Rico and Puerto Rico Yukot select Yauco Selecto, which is the manor bean, the joint brand of Puerto Rico San Pedro, Caracolillo and La Juanita.

Island Coffee-Puerto Rico

In fact, any kind of coffee will be given a unique flavor because of its origin, just like different music styles will always give you different feelings. Puerto Rico Yaoke coffee has the characteristics of boutique coffee, its acidity is very stable, full of particles, complete flavor, rich aroma. The reason why Yaocote chose coffee beans to be better than other producing areas on the island is that it is grown in high-altitude mountain areas, so it grows slowly and has rich fruit flavor, and it uses ancient coffee tree species, which have a unique flavor despite less yield. this is incomparable to some new tree species. Due to the abundant rainfall, rich soil and high-altitude microclimate zone, Yaoke coffee has all the qualities that gourmet coffee should have. Of course, Yaoke coffee is inseparable from the hard work of those coffee workers, who manage the whole process from planting coffee seedlings to post-harvest treatment.