Coffee review

Blue Mountain No. 1, the king of boutique coffee must be mentioned.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Jamaica's Blue Mountain No. 1 coffee bean is the most well-known coffee. It is also one of the most popular coffee for black coffee lovers. Together with Kona of Hawaii, he is called the king and queen of the coffee industry. It is the masterpiece of Island Coffee and a classic representative. Although, due to the sudden increase in production and negligence in quality control, climate change has led to some declining trends in Blue Mountain Coffee in recent years, but the No. 1 King of Blue Mountains in Jamaica

Jamaica's "Blue Mountain No. 1" coffee beans are the most well-known coffee. It is also one of the most popular coffee for black coffee lovers. Together with Kona of Hawaii, he is called the king and queen of the coffee world. It is the masterpiece of Island Coffee and a classic representative. Although, due to the sudden increase in production and negligence in quality control, climate change has led to some declining trends in "Blue Mountain" coffee in recent years, the momentum of the King of Jamaica's "Blue Mountain one" has not wavered at all, but the price is becoming more reasonable.

Boutique coffee, like red wine, also involves the distinction of the manor. Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is mainly produced by the following boutique estates: Conastale Manor, Mohao Manor and Maybeth Manor. What I am introducing here is Blue Mountain one of Conastdale Manor. This is the Blue Mountain No.1 Coffee Manor that TVB introduced in tasting Coffee.

About Conastale Manor (CLYDESDALE)

Conastair Farm existed from 1801 to 1842.

From 1801 to 1825, the first generation farmer was Colin McClarty, and the second generation owner was his son Alexander McClarty.

From 1825 to 1842, the management right of the farm was handed over to the third generation farmer Alexander Campbell.

After 1842, there was no way to examine the information about the farm, and Conastair Farm disappeared from history. Now, only the abandoned houses of the coffee mill at that time can be seen in the local area. It was the coffee trading company of Sharp that brought this ancient brand back to life. Father-Florence. Sharp, the eldest son-Richard. Sharp, second son-- Jason. Sharp. They buy fresh coffee fruits from farmers near Conastair Farm and grind and barrel them at the B.M.C.P factory run by Coffee Trading Co., Ltd.

In short, Conastale is now not only the name of the farm, but also a famous coffee brand. It is purchased by Xia Pujia Coffee Trading Co., Ltd., and produced and processed by B.M.C.P factory.

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Blue Mountain No.1 Coffee beans from Conastale Manor