Coffee review

The difference between Yega Snow Coffee G1 and G2 Water washed Yega Chevy Coffee Taste characteristics of Yega Snow Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Yirgacheffe coffee raw bean is one of the most distinctive coffee in the world, rare and expensive, produced in the highlands of Ethiopia's sidamo province (4000 feet above sea level). It is an outstanding representative of washed coffee in Africa, with unique citrus and lemon fruit aromas, jasmine aromas, moderate roasting and soft acidity, deep roasting.

Yirgacheffe coffee raw bean is one of the most unique coffee in the world, rare and expensive, produced in Ethiopia's sidamo province (sidamo) 4000 feet above sea level, is an outstanding representative of washed coffee in Africa, with a unique citrus, lemon fruit aroma, with jasmine aroma, moderate roasting has a soft sour taste, deep roasting gives out a strong aroma. So Yega snow coffee is suitable for medium and deep baking. It is suitable for a single cup of coffee.

The main producing areas of Ethiopian coffee are Harald (Harar) in the east, Djimmah (southwest) and Sidamo (south). The unique fragrance of Yirgacheffe comes from Yirga, a small town in the northwest of Sidamo province. Yirgacheffe has always been famous in the eyes of coffee connoisseurs all over the world. the rare washed high-quality Arabica coffee is suitable for all degrees of baking, showing a fresh and bright aroma of flowers and fruits, beautiful and complete bean shape, which is incomparable to the general mocha. It has unique fruit aromas of citrus and lemon, with aromas of jasmine, sour taste similar to wine, clean and unmixed taste, just like freshly boiled citrus fruit tea with a long finish. Full of floral and citrus aromas, with mild acidity after moderate roasting and rich aromas after deep roasting, the rich and uniform taste is the most attractive feature of Ethiopian Yega snow caffeine. It is known as the best coffee bean in Ethiopia and is the representative of fine coffee in East Africa. Yirgacheffe is undoubtedly the most unique coffee in the world today.