Coffee review

Balanced taste of Panama Cassah Coffee Flavor Taste Manor Boutique Coffee Introduction

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Panama is located in Central America on the Isthmus of Panama, east of Colombia, south of the Pacific Ocean, Panama map of Panama west of Costa Rica, north of the Caribbean Sea. The territory is S-shaped connecting North America and South America, and the Panama Canal connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean from north to south, known as the world bridge. [5]Panama has an area of 75517 square kilometers and a length of

Panama is located on the Panamanian isthmus in Central America, bounded by Colombia to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the south.

Map of Panama

Map of Panama

It is bordered by Costa Rica to the west and the Caribbean to the north. The territory is S-shaped to connect North and South America, and the Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans from north to south. It is known as the "bridge of the world". [5] Panama has a land area of 75517 square kilometers, a land length of 772km and a width of between 60km and 177km. The coastline is 2988 kilometers long and the land boundary is 555 kilometers long. In terms of longitude and latitude, the Panamanian flag is located between 7 °and 10 °N and between 77 °and 83 °W on November 3, 1904. The national flag is rectangular and the ratio of length to width is 3:2. The flag consists of four rectangles of white, red and blue. White symbolizes peace; red and blue represent the former Panamanian Liberal Party and the Conservative Party respectively, and they are also symbols of the two parties' United struggle for the interests of the nation. The blue star on the white background at the top left represents loyalty and integrity, while the red star on the white background at the lower right represents the authority of the law. The design of the crosshairs divided into four pieces represents that Panama is located at the junction of South America, North America, Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. Red, blue and white are the colors of the American Stars and Stripes that support the independence of Panama. The flag was designed by Manuel Amador Guerrero, the first president of Panama. [6]

National emblem

The national emblem of Panama was launched in 1904 by a brown eagle with its head held high and its wings spread.

Panamanian national emblem

Panamanian national emblem

It stands on the national emblem with a white ribbon with the Panamanian motto "for the benefit of the world". In the middle of the national emblem is the brown isthmus of Panama, the blue Pacific and Caribbean seas, and the Panama Canal that connects them; under the blue sky, a bright moon has risen, the corresponding sunset is still shining in all directions, symbolizing the arrival of Panama's independence "at sunset and moonrise"; the silver sword and rifle crossed on the upper left have experienced the ups and downs of hundreds of years of war on Panamanian land. The T-pick and shovel on the upper right represent the country's call for active construction and hard work; the sheep's horn overflowing with gold coins and the golden two-winged flywheel symbolize the progress and prosperity of the country. Four national flags are decorated around the national emblem, and the top nine golden five-pointed stars represent the nine provinces of Panama.

Panama is a small country located in the center of the American continent, with a total area of 75517 square kilometers. It is bounded by Colombia to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the south, Costa Rica to the west and the Caribbean to the north. The country connects North and South America in the shape of "S". There are ups and downs and valleys throughout Panama. There are many rivers. Except for the north-south coastal plain, it is mostly mountainous.

Panama is near the equator and has a tropical maritime climate. It is humid during the day and cool at night. The annual average temperature is 23-27C °. The whole year is divided into two seasons of drought and rain, with an average annual precipitation of 1500mm to 2500mm. Panama has one of the highest volcanoes in Central America: Mount Baru. The Baru volcano has an altitude of more than 3474 meters, and the surrounding land is nutritious and balanced, providing sufficient conditions for the sowing and cultivation of Panamanian coffee. Cold air streams converge and flow above 2262 meters in the Central Mountains, creating a variety of microclimates in the Bouquete and Volcan regions. The microclimate of the Panamanian highlands, as well as fertile soil, abundant precipitation, suitable temperature and height, have become a unique resource for the cultivation of quality coffee in Panama.

Bokuidi is a small town in the westernmost province of Chiriki in Panama. it has always been the most high-profile coffee producing area in Panama, and the surrounding mountains are known as the "promised land for coffee". The coffee paradise of Panama has given birth to a lot of high-quality coffee and created many top coffee estates. there are numerous coffee stars, some of which are enough to make coffee gluttons salivate. This time, I would like to share with you the La Esmeralda Manor, that is, the Emerald Manor in Bokuidi. And Elida Manor Emerald Manor is famous for its Geisha variety. Rose summer seeds were discovered in the rose summer forests of Ethiopia in 1931 and sent to the Coffee Institute in Kenya, and then introduced to Uganda, Tanzania and Costa Rica, all mediocre. It was not until it was transplanted to Panama in the 1960s that it became a blockbuster after nearly half a century. Beat Bourbon, Kaddura, Kaduai and Tibica on BOP (Best of Panama) in 2005, 2006 and 2007, and won the championship for three years in a row.

In 2007, the International famous Bean Cup Test sponsored by the American Fine Coffee Association (SCAA) won the championship again, and the bidding price was sold at US $130 per pound, setting a record for the highest price in the history of competition beans. Rosa, a member of the Tibika family, grew into the king of coffee in the land of Panama after leaving Ethiopia. It successfully conquered the taste buds with rich floral and fruity aromas and bright acidity.

Taste rosy summer, after the entrance of the beautiful sweet, accompanied by a slight floral fragrance, comfortable and balanced taste, long-lasting rhyme. The unique fruity aromas of litchi, lemon and citrus are amazing enough. Carefully capture the aroma of peach and apricot, the overall feeling is cool and transparent. In every cooking, always with the mood of making holy wine, do not dare to slack off (in fact, it is also because of the high price, I would like to add a smirk here)