Coffee review

Introduction of high-quality coffee with rich and unique aroma in Bolivian coffee manor

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In 1932, the Chaco War broke out between Bolivia and Paraguay for oil resources in the North Chaco region. Bolivia was defeated and lost a large area of territory. The people's armed uprising broke out in April 1952, and Paisdensolo, leader of the nationalist revolutionary movement, became president. Since then, there have been frequent military coups and long-term political instability. Modern assets with South American characteristics were restored in October 1983

In 1932 Bolivia and Paraguay fought for oil resources in the North Chaco region and the Chaco War broke out. Bolivia was defeated and lost a large part of its territory.

In April 1952, an armed popular uprising broke out, and Paz Estensolo, leader of the nationalist revolutionary movement, became president. Since then, military coups have been frequent and the political situation has been turbulent for a long time. In October 1983, a modern bourgeois democracy with South American characteristics was restored.

Presidential elections were held on 18 December 2005. Evo Morales, leader of the Aymara Indian Movement for Socialism in Bolivia, won the election with 53.75% of the vote and took office on January 22, 2006. He became the first Native American president of Bolivia and the first leftist president of Bolivia. The construction of the Bolivian state, based on progressive communal socialism (i.e. Indian socialism), began.

On January 25, 2009, the 16th Constitution in the history of the Republic of Bolivia and the first Constitution to be adopted by referendum was approved with 61.8% of the votes cast.

On March 26, 2009, Morales signed a supreme decree declaring that the original name of Bolivia (República de Bolivia) should be changed to "El Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia" Bolivia is a plurinational state, mainly composed of indigenous peoples, including ethnic Indians; Mestizo: European and African immigrants and indigenous people

Bolivians in the market

Bolivians in the market

The population of Bolivia consists of about 30 per cent of the population and of European and African immigrants (about 15 per cent of the population). According to statistics, Bolivia has 37 indigenous ethnic groups, of which Quechua and Aymara have the largest populations, with 1.558 million and 1.279 million respectively, and Guaraní with 78,000.

Bolivia is a landlocked country, about one-third of which is Andes. The terrain is rugged and the altitude is very high. La Paz is known as the capital with the highest altitude in the world. Although there is no beautiful tropical seaside scenery, the lake scenery and the unique scenery of the Andes Mountains in the territory are also very nostalgic. The Salt Lake of Uyuni, known as the mirror of the sky, is a wonder of the world. There's no developed economy, it's one of the poorest countries in South America, but the people here are quite optimistic and open, and really different people have different pleasures in life, and coffee in Bolivia really started to be commercially produced in the 1950s.(Initially coffee trees were planted as fences around homes.) Coffee has grown rapidly in a short period of time, thanks in part to the impact of the 1975 Brazilian frost, which hit Brazil's coffee industry hard, and Bolivia's coffee industry took advantage of the opportunity to grow rapidly. Bolivia's coffee used to be mostly of average quality, but in recent years fine coffee production has grown rapidly and many very good beans have appeared. In recent years, the COE (Cup of Excellence) system, which was first implemented in Brazil, has gradually become popular. Bolivia has also introduced this system. On the one hand, it can stimulate the enthusiasm of coffee farmers, on the other hand, it is also to improve the quality of coffee. COE beans are better than ordinary coffee, whether they are green beans or roasted coffee.

Bolivian coffee aroma rich and unique, whether it is the aroma of beans after grinding or the aroma of the coffee produced are quite obvious rich, similar to the mixture of floral and fruit aroma, impressive medium acidity is low, but gives the feeling is not monotonous, but calm and generous, soft and fresh. You can even feel the sourness of citrus fruits when you taste them in the sourness.

Bolivia coffee overall taste rich and balanced, in addition to the good sour taste there is a light chocolate flavor, smooth taste is to give people a smooth feeling, in contrast to the bitter taste is not obvious. The coffee has a good aftertaste, and after drinking it, the sweet taste in the mouth lingers. The coffee brings a wonderful experience that is unforgettable.