Coffee review

Full of sour, sweet, bitter, astringent Colombian coffee flavor taste manor boutique coffee introduction

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The land of the District of Columbia [2] originally came from Maryland and Virginia. When the District of Columbia was founded, the north bank of the Potomac River included Georgetown (Georgetown,D.C.), Washington City (Washington City,D.C.) and Washington County (Washington County,D.C.). In 1878, the three places merged into Washington, D.C., and the city of Washington.

The land of the District of Columbia [2] originally came from Maryland and Virginia. When the District of Columbia was founded, the north bank of the Potomac River included Georgetown (Georgetown,D.C.), Washington City (Washington City,D.C.) and Washington County (Washington County,D.C.). In 1878, the three places merged into "Washington," and the District of Columbia and Washington became the same piece of land with dual political significance managed by the same government agency. The comma in its English name indicates its double meaning. When the District of Columbia was founded, the south bank of the Potomac River included Alexandria County, written in Alexandria County (Alexandria County,D.C.), but local residents had always opposed secession from Virginia, and after many petitions by local residents, the United States Congress passed a bill on July 9, 1846 and approved by the Virginia people's Congress to return the land on the south bank of the Potomac River to Virginia from 1847.

"Columbia" is the old American poetry name, MT. "District of Columbia" means "American district". The word "special" is usually added to the Chinese translation to indicate that the special status of Washington was planned by US Army Major Pierre Charles Lindsay 39th Enfant, who also designed the Federal Hall in New York. The planning at that time

Washington, D.C. Emblem

Washington, D.C. Emblem

It is based on horse-drawn carriages as a basic means of transportation, so Washington's road system is not suitable for modern motor transportation systems. At present, Washington is regarded as the city with the worst road traffic conditions in the United States. From 1791 to 1792, Andrew Ellicott and Benjamin Banneker, an African-American free man, surveyed the boundaries of the District of Columbia, burying a boundary marker per mile. Many of these boundary markers still exist. The foundation of the White House was laid on October 13, 1792. On August 24, 1814, British forces captured the District of Columbia and burned down most public buildings during the War of 1812. The American army failed to organize effective defenses and fled after burning down the naval shipyard. British troops burned down US government buildings such as the US Parliament, the White House and the Treasury. It is generally believed that the British burned Washington in retaliation for the American invasion and burning of Toronto (known as York at the time). But British action was limited to public buildings, while American troops destroyed many houses when they burned down Toronto, causing many Canadians to sleep on the streets in winter. In 1847, land on the south bank of the Potomac River was returned to Virginia. Before the outbreak of the American Civil War, Washington was a small town with only a few thousand people living. After the outbreak of the American Civil War, due to the needs of the war, the US government expanded rapidly and the population of Washington increased significantly.

Colombian Coffee-produced in Colombia, roasted coffee beans emit sweet aromas, with sweet acidity and moderate bitterness, and are often used in high-grade blended coffee because of the right concentration.

Colombian coffee has a bitter experience, clear and astringent as life, while bitterness is necessary in life, and the last fragrance at the root of the tongue is a thorough recollection of the past. Suffering is pain, clear and quiet, the last fragrance has become a kind of spiritual victory.

Colombians' relentless pursuit of coffee quality can only be described in one word: seriousness. In addition to serious, but also serious. A well-known example of this is that Colombians can replace bourbon coffee trees with fast-growing and high-yielding Arabica coffee trees. But Colombians are not going to do anything until the quality of coffee beans grown from Arabica coffee trees is confirmed, even if they are willing to hand over their coffee production ranking from second in the world to Vietnam, which only grows robastian coffee.

Emerald coffee

Colombian coffee is one of the few individual coffees sold in the world under its own name. In terms of quality, no other coffee has been so highly rated by coffee drinkers. It has another beautiful name, "Emerald Coffee."

Natural pasture

The masculine Mantenin has a character similar to that of an iron and steel man; the mellow fragrant Blue Mountain Coffee is called the gentle woman's yearning addiction. Columbia Super Coffee, which has always been light-scented, is the most suitable for those who like light sex. Such people do not want to drink coffee as a sitting thing, from sour, sweet, bitter, astringent experience what profound philosophy of life, just want to simply drink a cup of delicious coffee, a cup of hot Colombian coffee, let these people realize that "the best state of life is rich and quiet." Quiet, because of getting rid of the temptation of external fame and gain; rich, because of having the treasure of the inner spiritual world. They believe that the greatest happiness in life is to reap such an incisive interpretation of the realm.

Match just right

The sour, bitter and sweet flavors of Colombian premium coffee match just right. Unique fragrance, after drinking, the aroma fills the whole mouth. Exhale the aroma from the mouth again from the nose, the smell is very full. Perhaps you will find it too domineering, because it will occupy your taste buds, your mind and even your soul as quickly as possible. Why resist it? The life we live in is full of sour, sweet, bitter and astringent, so let the smell of coffee take away everything in the world. What we enjoy is not as simple as a cup of coffee, but also the tranquil moment that coffee brings us. The suitable climate in Colombia provides a real "natural pasture" for coffee. But people there do not deliberately emphasize their excellent growth conditions, they are more willing to hear people praise the superior taste of their coffee beans. They do not like to be judged that the reputation of Colombian coffee depends on its unique geographical location, and they want people to see their hard work and unremitting pursuit of quality, their good intentions for coffee quality and the great sacrifices behind them, and the gratifying changes in the quality of their coffee beans "growing with each passing day" and "keeping pace with the times". It's very difficult to do this.