Coffee review

Guatemalan coffee with delicious taste and balanced acidity features fine coffee in manor area.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Guatemala is located in the tropics, the northern and eastern coastal plains have a tropical rain forest climate, the southern mountains have a subtropical climate, the year is divided into two dry and wet seasons, with the wet season from May to October and the dry season from November to April of the following year. The narrow and fertile flatlands on the Pacific side of Guatemala have a tropical climate. The central plateau is also the cultural center of Guatemala, where the year-round temperature ranges from 1300 to 1800 meters.

Guatemala is located in the tropics, the northern and eastern coastal plains have a tropical rain forest climate, the southern mountains have a subtropical climate, the year is divided into two dry and wet seasons, with the wet season from May to October and the dry season from November to April of the following year. The narrow and fertile flatlands on the Pacific side of Guatemala have a tropical climate. The central plateau is also the cultural center of Guatemala, where temperatures are mild all year round at an altitude of 1300 to 1800 meters, with daily temperatures between 18 and 28 ℃, and higher levels tend to be colder in January and February. The annual precipitation is 2000-3000 mm in the northeast and 500-1000 mm in the south.

Topography and geomorphology

All of Guatemala is made up of mountains and plateaus. There are Kuchu Matanes Mountains in the west, Madre Mountains in the south, volcanic belts in the west and south, with more than 30 volcanoes. Tahumurco volcano is 4211 meters above sea level, which is the highest peak in Central America. Earthquakes are frequent. There are Petten lowlands in the north. There are narrow coastal plains on the Pacific coast. The major cities are mostly distributed in the intermountain basins in the south. The northern lowland plain of Pateng is a tropical rain forest, and the central highlands have volcanoes up to 4200 meters. Guatemala City, the capital, is the largest city in Guatemala and a city in Central America. Area

Map of Guatemala

Map of Guatemala

996 square kilometers with a population of 3.1 million (2010). Founded in 1524. Due to repeated damage by the earthquake, he moved to his present site in 1776. How low buildings are in the city. It has been the capital since 1779. It was the capital of the Central American Federation from 1823 to 1838. A distribution center for coffee, corn, wheat and other agricultural products. Has more than half of the country's industries, mainly cement, wood processing, textile, tobacco, food processing and so on. Transportation hub, the railway to the northeast and southwest to the port of Barrios and San Jose respectively. There are universities (founded in 1676), academies of sciences, museums and so on. The Central American Common Market is headquartered here. There are monuments of Mayan culture on the outskirts of the city. Tourist centers include Lake Attila, the old capital of Old Guatemala, the ancient Mayan city of Tikal and some other famous cities such as Kesaltnango and Chichikas de Nango. Guatemala City is the national economic, cultural and transportation center. On the plateau of the southern volcanic area, 1493 meters above sea level, the climate is extremely mild, with flowers blooming all the year round, green grass and little seasonal change, so it is known as the "evergreen city".

The aroma of coffee liberates all forms, hearts and national boundaries. Through coffee, the mood leaves the country at any time and lands in a strange country half a world away. Even at the end of the world, you can share a mood. Antigua was the capital of the Spanish colonial period in 1543. Although this emerald-like valley has been surrounded by active volcanoes in all directions, layered, deliberately waiting and full of dangers since ancient times, its vastness, vastness and fertility still tempted Spaniards to build a capital in the precarious cliff valley.

The volcano once destroyed the once-prosperous capital in an instant, robbing it of all its prosperity and beauty overnight. After this subversive mountain city, the splendor has disappeared for more than 200 years, and Antigua has never swaggered again. After being dull, Antigua is now run by the last remaining Indians. These hardworking Indians became later coffee producers. They not only discovered the rich and attractive unique smell of Antigua coffee, but also brought it to people all over the world. Today, Antigua coffee enjoys a reputation as the best quality coffee in the world, and is praised by coffee connoisseurs as the best and most distinctive coffee in the world. Guatemala is located in the center of North and South America, and its geographical location occupies an important position in Central America. Guatemala covers an area of about 108899 square kilometers. The land features can be divided into plateau volcanoes, lowland tropical forests, volcanic sandy shore plains along the Pacific coast, and virgin lands along the Caribbean Sea. The SierraMadre Mountains of Central America, which straddles Guatemala from east to west, covers an area of about 2GP3 and has 34 volcanoes. In this country, rivers and lakes dot the landscape, while equatorial forests and plain jungles cover the land. There are also untapped volcanic beaches on the Pacific and Caribbean coasts.

The coffee produced in Guatemala is one of the top coffee in the world, because Guatemala is a high-altitude volcanic terrain, and these volcanoes are the ideal places to grow coffee. Compared with other varieties of coffee, critics prefer this mixed flavor coffee with spicy flavor. The extra hard coffee beans here are a rare good coffee with full grains, delicious taste and balanced acidity. In addition, its giant coffee beans have attracted a lot of attention in Guatemala