Coffee review

Introduction to the characteristics of flavor and taste varieties in Brazilian coffee manor with unique advantages

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, On April 22, 1500, Portuguese navigator Pedro Cabral arrived in Brazil. He named the land the Holy Cross and declared it to be owned by Portugal. As the plunder of the Portuguese colonists began with the cutting of Brazilian mahogany, the word Brasil gradually replaced the holy cross as the name of Brazil, and is still in use today, and its Chinese transliteration is Brazil. Portugal in the 1630s

On April 22, 1500, the Portugal navigator Pedro Cabral arrived in Brazil. He named the land Holy Cross and claimed it for Portugal. Since the Portuguese colonists began plundering the Brazilian redwood, the word "redwood"(Brasil) gradually replaced "Holy Cross" and became the name of Brazil, which is still in use today. Its Chinese transliteration is "Brazil."

In the 1630s Portuguese expeditions were sent to establish colonies in Pakistan. The governor was appointed in 1549. Later, the whole colony was unified along the Atlantic coast under Portugal rule. The French invaded in 1555 and occupied what is now Rio de Janeiro, intending to establish a French colonial stronghold in South America. However, since the French were unable to attract colonists from Europe, they were finally expelled from Rio by the Portugal in 1565. Two years later, the Portugal founded Rio. Portugal sovereignty over Brazil was not challenged again until 1630.

Napoleon invaded Portugal in 1807 and the Portuguese royal family moved to Brazil. In 1820, the Portuguese royal family moved back to Lisbon, and Prince Pedro remained as regent. On September 7, 1822, it declared complete independence from Portugal and established the Brazilian Empire. He was crowned emperor and called Pedro I. In 1824 Brazil promulgated the Constitution. In 1825, Portugal recognized Brazilian independence.

During the imperial period (1822~1889), after the establishment of the Brazilian Empire, the Braganza Dynasty system and Portugal aristocratic power remained intact, the large manor system and slavery still existed, and Brazil was economically and politically dependent on Britain. Pedro I ruled despotically, forcibly dissolving Parliament in 1823 and then suppressing republican revolts in the northeastern provinces of Pernambuco by force

Brazil, like Argentina and Chile in South America, is a rapidly developing country with the title of "BRIC", and its economic development speed surprises the world. Its industrial and agricultural development affects the development of the world economy to a certain extent. As one of the world's major producers and suppliers of raw materials, Brazil has unique advantages over Southeast Asia, Central Asia and Central Africa. Below, let's learn more about Brazil's most distinctive agricultural development from the current situation and development of Brazil's coffee industry. First of all, it is necessary to understand the unique natural geographical conditions for the production of coffee beans in Brazil from the natural environment of Brazil. Brazil is located at latitude 15°45 south and longitude 47°57 west, with tropical climate in most areas and subtropical climate in parts of the south. The average annual temperature in the Amazon Plain is 25 - 28 degrees Celsius, and the average annual temperature in the southern region is 16 - 19 degrees Celsius. The southeast of Brazil is the main producer of coffee. Brazil's terrain is mainly divided into two parts, one part is the Brazilian plateau above 500 meters above sea level, distributed in the south of Brazil, and the other part is the plain below 200 meters above sea level, mainly distributed in the Amazon River Basin in the north and the west. The terrain is divided into Amazon Plain, Paraguay Basin, Brazilian Plateau and Guyana Plateau, among which Amazon Plain accounts for about 1/3 of the country's area. There are three major river systems: Amazon, Parana and San Francisco. Amazon River is 6751 kilometers long, traversing northwest Brazil, covering an area of 3.9 million square kilometers in Brazil; Parana River system includes Parana River and Paraguay River, flowing through southwest, with many rapids and waterfalls, rich in hydraulic resources; San Francisco River system is 2900 kilometers long, flowing through arid northeast, and is the main irrigation water source in the region. The coastline is more than 7400 kilometers long and the territorial sea is 12 nautical miles wide.


The territorial exclusive economic zone is 188 nautical miles. Among them, the Amazon Plain is the largest plain in the world, the Amazon River is the largest river in the world, and the Brazilian Plateau is the largest plateau in the world. Sao Paulo is the largest city in the southern hemisphere.