Coffee review

Introduction to the flavor and taste characteristics of Tanzania boutique coffee manor with pure flavor

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The eastern coastal areas and inland lowlands of Tanzania have a savanna climate, while the western inland plateau has a tropical mountain climate, with an average temperature of 21-25 ℃ in most areas. More than 20 islands in Zanzibar have a tropical maritime climate, hot and humid all the year round, with an annual average temperature of 26 ℃. [6] rainfall types can be divided into bimodal distribution and unimodal distribution. Areas with double bee distribution of rainfall include

The eastern coastal areas and inland lowlands of Tanzania have a savanna climate, while the western inland plateau has a tropical mountain climate, with an average temperature of 21-25 ℃ in most areas. More than 20 islands in Zanzibar have a tropical maritime climate, hot and humid all the year round, with an annual average temperature of 26 ℃. [6]

The types of rainfall can be divided into bimodal distribution and unimodal distribution. The areas with double bee rainfall include the provinces around the Lake Victoria basin, the northeast highlands, the coastal and inland northeastern. The bimodal rainfall area is characterized by two rainy seasons. The short rainy season occurs from September to December. The total rainfall can reach 200-500 mm. The long rainy season occurs from March to May, and the rainfall reaches 300-600 mm. The areas outside the double-bee rainfall area are all single-bee rainfall areas. the rainfall time is from November to April, and the rainfall is 500-1000 mm. The national emblem of Tanzania was slightly modified on the basis of the Tanganyika national emblem in 1964. Central shield

National emblem of Tanzania

National emblem of Tanzania

The face is divided into four parts: the burning torch at the top cuts through the pre-dawn darkness and lights the flame of freedom and hope; it is painted with the Tanzanian flag; and below on the red ground are crossed tomahawks and spears; finally, the waters of the Indian Ocean and the lakes in the country. Below the shield emblem is Africa's first peak, the snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro; the melting ice peak nourishes the earth, and coffee and cotton grow on both sides of the peak, representing the country's booming agricultural production. A pair of local men and women guard both sides of the shield emblem, holding ivory. On the white ribbon across the hillside, Tanzanians express their desire for "freedom and unity" in Swahili.

The coffee beans produced here are all exported from Kilimanjaro, but apart from Mount Kilimanjaro, there are several major coffee-producing areas throughout Tanzania, there are more small farms in other areas, and most small farms also have a planting area of several hundred mu. Some have their own washing equipment and drying farms, but graded treatment still has to go through large-scale treatment plants. Tanzania has considerable historical experience in growing coffee, and even small farms can handle good quality coffee beans.

Drinking Tanzanian coffee, especially the small round bean peaberry, is always impressive. Coffee is like the simple, frank and enthusiastic national character of Tanzania. Its refreshing acidity and medium mellowness complement sweet citrus and floral aromas. This coffee tastes great whether it's a hot drink or iced coffee. With oranges or berries, it can show its bright flavor. You can see that different ethnic groups produce different coffee flavors, while the same land is pregnant with coffee trees and human processing plants are located in towns near the foot of the mountain, making it easy to handle coffee beans nearby. Many of the farm owners' families have lived here for generations of immigrants, including Indians, Scandinavians, British, and, of course, locals, but most of them are small farms. however, the managers of farms and processing farms are mostly local people. Labor in Tanzania is cheap, so much of the work of pruning and maintaining coffee plantations in Tanzania depends on manual processing rather than machines. During the coffee growing season, the job of coffee workers is to manually check to remove the leaves of some sick or growing insects. Coffee processing in Tanzania is highly dependent on labor, but it also brings jobs to locals and increases household income. Workers earn their wages by harvesting the number of coffee fruits, and small farm women bring coffee fruit to the farm in their hand-made sacks to account for its delicate fragrance and the aroma of wine and fruit. it is memorable after tasting. After drinking Kilimanjaro coffee, I always feel a soft and mellow earthy smell around my mouth. Coffee gourmets often use words such as "wild" or "wild" to describe it. It can be said that pure Kilimanjaro coffee is "the most African coffee". Kilimanjaro AA is the highest grade of beans, its grains are full, pure flavor, rich and refreshing, all aspects of quality are good. It is usually more acidic than Kenya coffee and evenly stimulates the taste buds in the middle and sides of the back of the tongue, feeling a bit like the sour taste of tomato or soda. Has a strong aroma after moderate or more moderate baking.