Coffee review

Flavor Clear, Acidic, Bright Costa Rican Fine Coffee BeansRegional Characteristics Flavor Taste Introduction

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Costa Rica is located in the isthmus of Central America, belonging to North America, 10 N, 84 W. It is bordered by the Caribbean Sea to the east and the North Pacific Ocean to the west, with a coastline of 1290 kilometers (212 kilometers in the Caribbean Sea to the east and 1016 kilometers in the Pacific Ocean to the west). Costa Rica borders Nicaragua to the north (309 km) and Panama to the south-southeast (639 km). total

Costa Rica is located in the Central American isthmus, belonging to North America, latitude 10 °north, longitude 84 °west. It is bordered by the Caribbean Sea to the east and the North Pacific Ocean to the west, with a coastline of 1290 km (212km on the east coast and 1016 km on the west coast). Costa Rica borders Nicaragua in the north (309 km long border) and Panama (639 km long border) south-southeast. There are a total of 51100 square kilometers, of which the territory is 50660 square kilometers and the territorial sea is 440 square kilometers, which is slightly smaller than West Virginia in the United States. it is equivalent to Ireland and Costa Rica, which accounts for only 0.03% of the world's land area, but has nearly 4% of the world's species. is one of the countries with the richest biological species in the world. 26% of the land area is a national park or nature reserve, including 11 wetlands, 2 biological reserves and 3 World Natural Heritage sites. 52% of the country's forest cover is completely dependent on imports of oil, mainly from Colombia and other countries, and is monopolized by the National Oil Company (RECOPE), with an average annual import of 3 million tons of crude oil. Since 2012, the national oil company has suspended crude oil refining production due to aging facilities, and all fuel oil has been imported instead. In 2013, Costa Rica imported 19.3 million barrels of oil, with imports of US $2.3 billion, accounting for 5.5 per cent of GDP. The Supreme Court is the highest judicial body, composed of 22 judges for a term of eight years. At the end of his term of office, he or she may be automatically re-elected if there is no objection from the members of Parliament. There are four courts, the first, second and third tribunals are each composed of five judges, and the fourth court (Constitutional Court) is composed of seven judges and has the final power to interpret the Constitution. The Chief Justice shall be appointed by the Legislative Assembly for a term of eight years and may be re-elected. Supreme Court President Saria Bianueva Munh (female, Zarella Villanueva Monge), elected in May 2013, is the first female Supreme Court President in history. The cabinet of the local courts of Costa Rica at the provincial, county and district levels: 2 vice-presidents and 21 ministers. The vice-presidents are elected together in the presidential election, and the ministers are appointed by the president. When the president is absent, the first and second vice presidents and the speaker take over at one time. In the Solis cabinet, first Vice President and Minister of Finance Elio, second Vice President Anna Elena Chakon, Minister of Foreign Trade Alexander, Minister of economy, Industry and Commerce will Moramos, Minister of Planning and Economic Policy Olga Marta Sanchez, Minister of Public works and Transportation Ross Signini, Governor of the Central Bank Oliver, President of the State Power Telecommunications Corporation Carlos Manuel

Coffee is an important economic source of Costa Rica. It was introduced in 1808 and has been cultivated for 200 years. Costa Rica has 1x3 population input.

Newly developed villa sarchi species

Newly developed villa sarchi species

In the coffee-related industry, Colombians say that coffee has changed the country and can enjoy a rich environment, and coffee has indeed made an outstanding contribution. Although Costa Rica ranks third from the bottom in terms of land area in Central America, its economic environment is better than that of half of the countries, and because of the affluence of its people, social stability and the ability to care about environmental issues, there are more than 30 national parks in Costa Rica in 1729. Coffee was introduced from Cuba to Costa Rica in 1729. Today, its coffee industry is one of the well-organized industries in the world, with an output of 1700 kg per hectare. Costa Rica has only 3.5 million people but 400m coffee trees, and coffee exports account for 25 per cent of the country's total exports. Costa Rica's volcanic soil is very fertile and well drained, especially in the central plateau CentralPlateau, where the soil consists of successive layers of ash and dust. Costa Rica was therefore the first country in Central America to grow coffee and bananas for commercial value. Coffee and bananas are the country's main export commodities Costa Rican coffee is full of particles, ideal acidity and unique strong flavor. Costa Rica's coffee industry, originally controlled by the Costa Rican Coffee Industry Company (ICAFE), has been taken over by the official Coffee Committee (Oficinale Cafe). Among the exported coffee, those products that are considered to be of substandard quality are colored with blue vegetable dyes and then transferred back to China for sale. The coffee consumed in China (dyed blue or undyed) accounts for about 10% of the total output, and the local per capita coffee consumption is twice that of Italy or the United States. Other kinds of Brazilian coffee, such as Rio and Parana, can be produced in large quantities because they do not require too much care. Although the taste is rough, it is a kind of good and inexpensive coffee. Because it is distributed all over the country and its solid quality varies, it has its own standard (NO.2~NO.8 according to the number of sundries, NO.13~NO.19 according to the size of beans, and six grades according to taste). Almost all Arabica species are of good quality and stable prices, the most famous being Costa Rica, which has been a necessity of blended coffee since ancient times and is known to the public as Tarasu, located in the south of the country's capital SanJos é, is one of the most valued coffee growers in the country. LaMinitaTarrazu coffee is a famous local product, but its production is limited, about 72600 kilograms a year. It is grown on a piece of land called LaMinita, which is owned by nearly three generations of the McAlpine family in the UK. In fact, this land can produce more than 450 tons of coffee a year. However, the cultivation of Tarasu Latin American coffee does not use artificial fertilizers or insecticides, and its harvest and selection are all done by hand, in order to avoid the damage to coffee beans caused by air spray selection to some extent.