Coffee review

Full-bodied coffee boutique coffee from Lindong Coffee Manor in Sumatra, Ethiopia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In September 1974, a group of young officers formed the Coordination Committee of the Army, the Police and the Local Army (DERGUE, meaning SHADOW, and later generally referred to as the junta and the Mengistu regime) launched a military coup to overthrow the government of Haile Selassie and announced the end of monarchy and the establishment of an interim junta. In November, the interim military junta was changed to the interim military Administrative Council. In December, interim military administration

In September 1974, a group of young and strong officers formed the "Coordination Committee of the Army, Police and Local Forces" (that is, DERGUE, meaning SHADOW, and later generally referred to the junta and Mengistu regime) to launch a military coup, overthrew the Haier Selassie government, and announced the end of monarchy and the establishment of a "interim junta." In November, the "interim military government" was changed to "interim military Administrative Council". In December, the interim military Administrative Council declared Ethiopia a "socialist country" with the nationalization of land, financial and financial institutions and industry. In February 1977, Lieutenant Colonel Mengistu Haile Maryam (MENGISTU HAILE MARIAM) staged a military coup and served as Chairman and head of State of the interim military Administrative Council. In 1979, the Ethiopian Labor people's Party Organizing Committee, mainly composed of soldiers, was established to implement an one-party system. In 1984, the Ethiopian Workers' Party was formed according to the Soviet Communist Party model. In September 1987, Mengistu announced the dissolution of the "interim military Administrative Council", the end of military rule, the establishment of the "people's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia" and the establishment of a new parliament. Mengistu served as President and head of Government in December 1994. formulate the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. According to the Constitution, Ethiopia will implement a federal system and a parliamentary cabinet system after the general election for a term of five years. After the national election in May 1995, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia was established on August 22, and Meles became prime minister in her capacity as chairman of the majority party of the people's House of Representatives. On May 14, 2000, Ethiopia held a national election, and EGF defeated other opposition parties by an absolute majority to stay in power. In October, the new federal parliament and government were established, and the speakers of both houses and Prime Minister Meles were re-elected, and the original cabinet also remained in office with the approval of the parliament. In October 2001, May adjusted the government structure and reshuffled the cabinet, adding the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture and the Ministry of Taxation, and set up a new cabinet composed of 18 ministers.

China Coffee net Mantenin leaping micro-acid mixed with the richest fragrance, make you relaxed body

When it comes to the lively factor in the mild fragrance, its outstanding taste captivates many suitors. In the 17th century, the Dutch introduced Arabica seedlings to Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka) and Indonesia. In 1877, a large-scale disaster hit the Indonesian islands, coffee rust destroyed almost all the coffee trees, people had to give up Arabica, which had been in operation for many years, and introduced the disease-resistant Robusta coffee tree from Africa. Indonesia today is a big coffee producer. Coffee is mainly produced in Java, Sumatra and Sulawi, with Robusta accounting for 90% of the total production. Sumatra Manning is a rare Arabica species. These trees are planted on hillsides between 750m and 1500 meters above sea level, mysterious and unique Sumatra, giving Mantenin coffee, rich aroma, rich taste, strong flavor. Uniquely, the mountain area of Mantenin Coffee with a slight chocolate and syrup flavor can reach 4500-6000 mm; the annual precipitation from the eastern slope of the mountains to the coastal plain is 2000-3000 mm; and the annual precipitation at the north and south ends of the island is 1500-1700 mm. Although the coastline of Sumatra is very long, but it lacks a natural harbor. The reason is that it is often attacked by the "Indian Ocean surf". A high-rolled surf is pushed ashore in a long row or two or three rows, which is so powerful that it can lift a fishing boat to the top of the wave and then overturn and fall. Due to the existence of the phenomenon of "surf waves in the Indian Ocean", Sumatra, Java, the two main islands of Sumatra, almost have no natural harbor, Sumatra occupies 1max 4 of the Indonesian national territory. This is a veritable treasure trove of creatures. There are 176 species of mammals alone on the island. In addition, there are many reptiles and amphibians. The animals on the island include orangutans, various apes, elephants, tapirs, tigers, two-horned Sumatran rhinos, gibbons, tree shrews, flying lemurs, wild boars and cats. Three national parks on the island (Leuser, Kerinci Seblat and Bukit Barisan Selatan) were designated as World Heritage sites by UNESCO in 2004. With the increase in human activity in the local rainforest, biological resources are under increasing threat, with fewer than 5000 orangutans, while in 2001, there were only 132 Sumatran rhinos, according to the Indonesian Wildlife Conservation Foundation. The eco-environmental problems of Sumatra have aroused widespread concern. It is hoped that Sumatra, a natural treasure trove of creatures, will maintain its original appearance in Lindong, Sumatra.