Coffee review

Introduction to the flavor and taste characteristics of Rwanda coffee manor with rich fruit flavor

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The watershed between the Congo basin and the Nile basin runs through Rwanda from north to south, with about 80 per cent of the country draining from the Nile and about 20 per cent from the Ruzi River and Lake Tanganyika. The longest river in the country is the Niabalongo River (Nyabarongo River) in the southwest, which turns north, east and southeast and flows into the Luwuwu River to form the Kagaila River.

The watershed between the Congo Basin and the Nile River basin runs through Rwanda from north to south, and about 80 per cent of the country is drained from the Nile River, while about 20 per cent draws water from the Ruzizi River and Lake Tanganyika. The longest river in the country is the Nyabarongo River, which originates in the southwest and turns north, east and southeast respectively before flowing into the Ruvwu River and forming the Kagera River, which will flow due north along the eastern border of Tanzania. Both the Niabalongo and Kagera rivers will eventually flow into Lake Victoria. Rwanda has many lakes, the largest of which is Lake Kivu. Located at the base of the Albertine Rift Valley and extending along the western border of Rwanda, the lake is 480 meters deep at its deepest point, making it one of the 20 deepest lakes in the world. Other large lakes include Lake Burera, Lake Ruhondo, Lake Muhazi, Lake Rweru, and Lake Ihema, the largest of a series of lakes in the eastern plains of Akagera National Park, one-third of which were mountainous in Rwanda during prehistoric times. Naturally occurring plants are largely confined to the country's three national parks, while terraced agriculture dominates the rest of the country. Newgway Forest is the largest forest in existence, with 200 species of trees, orchids and begonias. Rwanda Volcanoes National Park is dominated by bamboo, most of the rest is moorland, and there are small areas of trees. Akagera National Park is a savanna ecosystem, all plants in order to Acacia the most. [3]


Rwanda's national parks also contain rare or endangered plant species such as cattail trees and Guinea cockscomb orchids. The largest number of large mammal species are also found in the three national parks, which are also designated protected areas. Akagera National Park is home to typical savannah fauna including giraffes and elephants, while Volcano National Park is home to about a third of the world's mountain gorillas. Newgway Forest Park is home to 13 primate species, including chimpanzees and Ruwenzori arboreal colobus monkeys, of which as many as 400 live in groups, more than any other primate in Africa

Rwanda is a sovereign country located in central and eastern Africa, south of the equator, bordering Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Rwanda is located in the Great Lakes region, high altitude, geographically dominated by mountains in the west and savannahs in the east, with multiple lakes distributed throughout the country. The country has a temperate to subtropical climate, with two rainy seasons and two dry seasons each year.

Rwandan coffee, like many African countries, is mainly produced by small farmers. During the harvest period, the ripe coffee cherries are collected and sent to the processing station for processing.

Every year, farmers gather ripe coffee berries for processing at processing stations, first picking them by hand to ensure that no immature or damaged fruit is mixed in.

Then remove the peel, wash and ferment for 12-18 hours under cool and low temperature environment, and clean the adhered pectin in the channel.

During the drying process, the members of the processing station will manually turn and carefully care to ensure that the shelled green beans do not lose moisture or dry unevenly in full sunlight until the moisture content stability of the green beans drops to less than 14%.

Rwanda Maraba is 100% bourbon tree species, planted in the Maraba region of the Republic of Rwanda, with an altitude of about 1560-2100 meters. The harvest season is between February and June every year. The main component of the soil planted is volcanic ash. It is completely organic. Due to the unique geographical cultivation, coffee beans have strong regional characteristics.

In recent years, Rwandan coffee beans have mostly appeared as SCAA certified gourmet coffee, and have also received very high evaluation in the world coffee industry.

Rwanda kirorero

production Location: Malabar region

Processing method: washing

Grade: AA

Variety: Bourbon Bean

Degree of roasting: medium roasting

Flavor characteristics: high sweetness, rich fruity aroma, soft sour rich, chocolate aftertaste, caramel sweet. Soft and rich with tropical climate characteristics

Rwandan coffee beans were introduced to Rwanda by German missionaries in the 20th century. Because of Rwanda's favorable climate and unique geographical environment, coffee beans also have a unique fruity and grassy aroma. Rwanda has many cultivation bases, but the coffee beans produced by the machine are even better, not only because of its unique rich and full aroma, but also can bring a refreshing, fresh feeling. And it's not enough.