Coffee review

Classification of coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Grade Grade1 (level 1): washed bean highest Grade2 (second level): washed bean standard level Grade3 (third level): sun dried bean highest standard grade Grade3 (fourth level): sun dried bean standard grade Grade5 (fifth level): basic level of sun dried bean export this grading region representative: Ethiopia according to size particle classification: e Peaberry round bean super large PB P

Grade according to the way of treatment

Grade1 (level 1): the highest level of washed beans

Grade2 (second level): standard grade of washed beans

Grade3 (level 3): the highest level of sun-dried beans

Grade4 (level 4): standard level of sun-dried beans

Grade5 (level 5): basic level of sun bean export representative of this graded region: Ethiopia

Graded according to size:

E Peaberry super large round beans

PB Peaberry round bean

AA 17-19, AA+ and AA++ are getting higher and higher in turn.

AB 15-16 mesh, the highest grade is AB TOP

C is less than AB grade beans

Low quality beans found locally in TT, T, ML and MH. Representative of this graded region: Kenya

According to the elevation of the cultivated land, the grade can be divided into three, four, seven and other grades (different standards in different countries). For example, Mexico and Honduras have three grades, while Guatemala has seven grades. Generally speaking, the quality of highland beans is better than that of lowland beans, and the price is higher because of the increase in freight.

(* Note: coffee refers to the particle size of coffee, which is one of the indicators of coffee grading. 1 mesh = 1 foot 64 inch, about 0.4 mm 17 mesh = 17 mesh 64 inches, that is, a mesh with a diameter of 17 foot 64 inches generally Arabica coffee beans can be as large as 17 mesh, and Robusta can be as large as 20 mesh)

Grade name

S.H.B strictly selects good quality beans

H.B fine coffee beans

S.H medium coffee beans

E.P.W super high-grade washed coffee beans

P.W first-class washed coffee beans

E.G.W specially washed coffee beans

G.W quality washed coffee beans representative of this graded producing area: Guatemala