Coffee review

Introduction to the characteristics of El Salvador Himalayan coffee flavor and taste area with deep flavor

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The Salvadoran flag of China Coffee Network was launched in 1822, was revoked in 1865, was restored in 1912, and was officially established as the national flag in the Constitution of El Salvador in 1972. The national flag is rectangular, with a ratio of length to width of 335 to 189. From top to bottom, the flag is connected by three parallel equal horizontal rectangles of blue, white and blue, and the central part of the white part is painted with the national emblem. Because El Salvador used to be

The Salvadoran flag of China Coffee Network was opened in 1822, revoked in 1865, restored in 1912, 1972

El Salvador

El Salvador

The Constitution of # was officially established as the national flag. The national flag is rectangular, with a ratio of length to width of 335 to 189. From top to bottom, the flag is connected by three parallel equal horizontal rectangles of blue, white and blue, and the central part of the white part is painted with the national emblem. Because El Salvador used to be a member of the former Central American Federation, its national flag is the same color as the original Central American Federal Flag. Blue symbolizes blue sky and sea, while white symbolizes peace. The National Assembly of El Salvador has a unicameral system, with a total of 84 members, of whom 64 are according to the population of each province.

San Salvador

San Salvador

Proportional distribution, the remaining 20 regardless of provincial origin, according to the number of votes to determine the term of office of 3 years, can be re-elected. The latest parliament was established in May 2015 and its term of office lasts until April 2018, including 35 seats for the nationalist Republican Union, 31 seats for the Marty Front, 11 seats for the Grand Alliance of National Unity, 4 seats for the National Reconciliation Party and 3 seats for other parties. The Speaker is Lorena Pena (LorenaPe ñ a) of the Marty Front, who will serve until 7 November 2016, followed by Guillermo Gallegos, a member of the Grand Union of National Unity, who will serve as Speaker until April 2018. Sanchez Salem is President of El Salvador. He was born on June 18, 1944 in Xattepec, El Salvador. After graduating from Alberto normal School, he taught in a primary school in his hometown for 10 years. He participated in the creation of the first left-wing armed force in El Salvador, the Farabondo Marti people's Liberation Forces, in 1970 and became general secretary of the organization in April 1983. Since then, the organization has joined forces with other left-wing political and military groups in Saudi Arabia to form the Marty Front. In 1992, he participated in the signing of the Peace Agreement that marked the end of the civil war in Saudi Arabia. He served as General Coordinator of the Marty Front twice from 1994 to 1997 and from 2001 to 2004. He was elected for three consecutive terms from 2000 to 2009, and served as the leader of the parliamentary caucus of the Marty Front from 2006 to 2008. Served as Vice President and Minister of Education from June 2009 to June 2014. In March 2014, he was elected president as a candidate of the Marty Front and took office on June 1 for a five-year term.

Savanna climate. The plain area belongs to the tropical rain forest climate and the mountain area belongs to the subtropical forest climate. The average annual temperature is 25-28 ℃. The annual precipitation is more than 1800 mm in mountain areas and about 1000 mm in coastal areas. The rainy season is from May to October.

Don't underestimate El Salvador's coffee production. In its heyday, it was once the fourth largest coffee producer in the world, but decades of civil war almost dragged down the coffee industry. fortunately, the war has stopped in recent years, and the coffee industry has come back to life. The only benefit that the civil war brought to the Salvadoran country was that the farmers' fields were barren and failed to catch up with the most popular Katimo exposure train in the past two decades, thus preserving the ancient varieties of bourbon and Tibica, that is to say, El Salvador still uses the most traditional shade planting, which is of positive significance to the aroma of coffee. In 2005, the Salvadoran mixed-race Pacamara boasted in coe, which confused many international cup testers and did not know how to grade it. It was never expected that this hybrid bean not only broke the mellow boundaries of coffee, but also expanded the visibility of Salvadoran coffee.

El Salvador boutique coffee is concentrated in the volcanic rock producing areas of Santa Ana in the west and Charantanan fruit in the northwest. In recent years, the top 10 cup tests are almost entirely from these two producing areas, with an altitude of about 9-1500 meters, mainly bourbon (68%). Followed by Pacas (29%), mixed-race Pakamara, Dulaai and Kaddura accounted for only 3%.

The coffee harvest lasts from November to March. The fresh fruit of coffee is picked by hand.

On the whole, Salvadoran coffee inherits the mild quality of Sino-American coffee, which is soft, slightly sour and has beautiful sweetness. At the same time, it also has its own characteristics: the aromatic taste is slightly sour and very soft; it is pure and has no miscellaneous flavor, and the taste balance is excellent; the smooth feeling like cream chocolate is impressive; the dense feeling of coffee in the mouth gives the coffee a deep taste and a long finish.

Salvadoran coffee is graded according to the altitude of planting, with the highest grade being SHG:

More than SHG:Strictly High Grown-1200 meters

More than HG:High Grown-900 meters

Above CS:Central Standard-600 meters.

Introduction to Pacamara:

Pacamara is the artificial breeding variety of Pacas and Maragogipe. It was first cultivated by researchers in El Salvador in 1958. Pacamara is an excellent variety under rare artificial breeding, which is better than blue, and perfectly inherits the advantages of the mother plant. Both the excellent taste of Pacas and the large size of Maragogipe are inherited by raw bean granules. The bean body is at least 70% and 80% of that of elephant beans, with more than 17 orders and more than 100% and more than 18 eyes. Average bean length 1.03 cm (general bean about 0.8-0.85 cm) average bean width 0.71 cm (general bean about 0.6-0.65), thickness 0.37 cm, bean shape plump and round. The biggest feature of this variety is that it is sour, lively and tricky, sometimes biscuit, sometimes fruity, thick and greasy. The quality is the best from El Salvador and Guatemala.