Coffee review

Introduction to the taste and flavor of Yunnan Tieka boutique coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, During the Tang Dynasty, GE Luofeng, the king of Nanzhao, was sent to Chang'an to worship the king of the Tang Dynasty. Wang asked: where is the king? The remote guide said: under the clouds in the south. So in the eyes of the imperial court, Yunnan was the name of the southwest frontier of the people's motherland. In the sixteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty (728), the king of the Tang Dynasty sealed the cabinet Luofeng as the king of Yunnan. Yunnan Xingzhong Shu province was established from Yuan to Yuan 11 (1274), and Yunnan was officially determined as the name of the Yunnan region.

During the Tang Dynasty, GE Luofeng, the king of Nanzhao, was sent to Chang'an to worship the king of the Tang Dynasty. Wang asked: where is the king? The remote guide said: under the clouds in the south. So in the eyes of the imperial court, "Yunnan" was the name of the southwest frontier of the people's motherland. In the sixteenth year of the Yuan Dynasty (728), the king of the Tang Dynasty sealed the cabinet Luofeng as "King of Yunnan".

Yunnan Xingzhong Shu Province was established from Yuan to Yuan 11 (1274), and "Yunnan" was officially determined as the name of the Yunnan region. After historical changes, Yunnan County has been set up in Yunnan County, Yunnan Province, Yunnan Prefecture, the word "Yunnan" has been used.

From the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, Yunan County was often referred to as "Little Yunnan" in the writings of the literati and Mohist. In the past, there was a folk song of "Little Yunnan", which was barren for three years and two seasons, carrying water in the middle of the night and planting yellow seedlings in the Torch Festival.

In 1918, in order to avoid the same name of province and county, Yunnan County was renamed "Xiangyun County", ending the history of "Yunnan" as the regional name of Xiangyun in 2027 years. [5]

Organizational evolution

During the Yin and Zhou dynasties, Yunnan was known as the "country of Baipu".

In the first 3 centuries, Chuang Kai, a general of the State of Chu, entered the Dianchi Lake area and established the State of Dian.

The Qin Dynasty built the "five-foot Road" and sent officials to Yunnan, marking the beginning of the official rule of the central dynasty over Yunnan.

In the second year of Yuan Feng (109 BC), during the reign of Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty, Kaixianyi, the King of Yunnan, established Yizhou County, and Yongchang County was established in Baoshan in the Eastern Han Dynasty, which also belonged to Yizhou Department, and the rule of Yunnan was further deepened. the territory of China in the western part of Yunnan has been largely established.

Typica: the most classic high-quality Arabica species, which is derived from many commercial improvements at present. It has excellent taste and is recognized as a boutique coffee variety, but its yield is very low and it is vulnerable to rust, so more manpower management is needed. Tieka Coffee, native to Ethiopia and southeastern Sudan, is the most widely cultivated variety of coffee in the Western Hemisphere. The plant is stronger, but not light-tolerant, and the yield is higher in Hawaii. The top leaf of the iron pickup is red copper, which is called red top coffee.

Bourbon: this variety is derived from the iron pickup and was expanded by the French in 1708 on the island of Bourbon (now known as Reunion). Bobang also has a beautiful aroma and rich flavor, which is higher in yield and growth than iron pickup trucks. It is suitable for planting in an area of 1200 million meters, but it is less resistant to diseases and insect pests and is more sensitive to strong winds and heavy precipitation. Bourbon coffee is a variety of small-grain coffee second only to iron pickup. At first, the main branch and trunk grew upward at 45 degrees, and with the fruit load, the lateral branches were denser, the fruit was more, and the yield was higher. But the berries are smaller and ripen more slowly. Bobang terminal bud tender leaves are green, called green top coffee

Catimor: Katim is not pure Arabica, it is a hybrid of Timor (which belongs to Robusta) and caturra (a variety of Bobang), so catimor has 25% Robusta blood, and its Robusta blood also determines its taste defects: the aroma is not rich enough, and the overall taste is bitter, prone to astringency and more irritating mildew.

All the varieties planted in Pu'er area of Yunnan are catimor (Katim). In Baoshan City, typica and bourbon were introduced as early as the 1950s, and the locals called them "old varieties". Because the old varieties have low disease and insect resistance and yield, and the management is relatively expensive and manpower, coupled with the market purchase price does not have many advantages, brown farmers have changed to a new variety catimor in recent years. From the botanical point of view of coffee, Yunnan small-grain coffee is genetically similar to the recognized best blue mountains in Jamaica (Jamaica Blue Mountain) and Kona in Hawaii.