Coffee review

Flavor and taste characteristics of Guatemalan coffee producing areas introduction of high-quality coffee beans

Published: 2024-10-26 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/26, Guatemala is located in the tropics, the northern and eastern coastal plains have a tropical rain forest climate, the southern mountains have a subtropical climate, the year is divided into two dry and wet seasons, with the wet season from May to October and the dry season from November to April of the following year. The narrow and fertile flatlands on the Pacific side of Guatemala have a tropical climate. The central plateau is also the cultural center of Guatemala, where the year-round temperature ranges from 1300 to 1800 meters.

Guatemala is located in the tropics, the northern and eastern coastal plains have a tropical rain forest climate, the southern mountains have a subtropical climate, the year is divided into two dry and wet seasons, with the wet season from May to October and the dry season from November to April of the following year. The narrow and fertile flatlands on the Pacific side of Guatemala have a tropical climate. The central plateau is also the cultural center of Guatemala, where temperatures are mild all year round at an altitude of 1300 to 1800 meters, with daily temperatures between 18 and 28 ℃, and higher levels tend to be colder in January and February. The annual precipitation is 2000-3000 mm in the northeast and 500-1000 mm in the south. The national emblem of Guatemala is round, with an unfolded scroll in the middle of the blue circle.



"Freedom, September 15, 1821" was written in Spanish to commemorate Guatemala's independence from Spanish colonial rule. A green gechar bird perches on the scroll. This is Guatemala's national bird, also known as the "Bird of Freedom", which is regarded as a symbol of freedom, patriotism and friendship. Behind the scroll are rifles and swords, symbolizing that the people of the country are always ready to defend the freedom of the motherland. The above pattern is surrounded by laurel branches

Antigua is the oldest and most beautiful city in America. As early as 1543, Antigua was the capital of all colonial times in Central America, and the Government House of Spain was also set up here. The whole city of Antigua was destroyed after the great earthquake of 1773, so the capital was moved to Guatemala City. Antigua is about 40 kilometers west of Guatemala City. Colonial buildings were damaged by the earthquake, and the whole remains after the earthquake is a living museum of history.

Antigua Island (Antigua) is a famous producer of coffee. Rich volcanic soil, low humidity, strong sunlight and cool night winds are the characteristics of Antigua. Three spectacular active volcanoes ── Agua, Acatenango and Fuego form a beautiful valley. Fuego active volcano also adds misty dust from time to time. Every 30 years or so, the area near Antigua is hit by a volcanic eruption, which provides more nitrogen to the already fertile land, and plenty of rainfall and sunlight make the place more suitable for growing coffee. Antigua coffee is produced in Camana Manor, where the best quality coffee is ELPulcal, which is not only of good quality, but also, when compared with other Latin American coffees, this coffee is quite complete, rich and astonishing, and you will find it unexpected if you enjoy it with chocolate. The most important thing is that it has a very rich flavor and a richer taste, and it has a fascinating taste of tobacco and is known as "the most perfect coffee bean".

Guatemalan coffee has a strong aroma, even if you don't drink it, just smelling it is already a pleasure. Antigua coffee has a rich and velvety mellow, rich and lively aroma, and fine sour taste. When the attractive fragrance lingers on the tip of your tongue, there is an indescribable mystery. You may feel dull at the first sip, but as the coffee cools down, you will find it slightly sweet and be surprised by its depth.

Antigua coffee is popular with most coffee lovers only because of its distinctive aroma. Because it is planted in the hills of volcanoes, it can retain its own characteristics more than Costa Rica, the main reason is that it has more geographical and climatic advantages than Costa Rica. Guatemala is located in the tropics, but due to the relatively high altitude, the climate is mild, it is a subtropical climate. Under the influence of this climate, coffee trees blossom and bear fruit more slowly than coffee trees in other parts of the world. However, the mild climate and fertile soil make it an excellent environment for growing coffee.

The coffee industry, run by the Mayans, once boomed Guatemala's economy and dominated the national economy. Unfortunately, the political situation in Guatemala is not good for these coffee growers. High output is usually a sign of a country's overall economic prosperity. However, coffee production in Guatemala has declined relatively, at 700kg per hectare, compared with 900kg per hectare in El Salvador and 1700 kg per hectare in Costa Rica. Guatemalan coffee exports are controlled by private companies, but the National Coffee Commission controls other sectors of the coffee industry.

At present, some of the best quality coffee from Guatemala is exported to Japan, where each cup of coffee sells for $3 to $4. In order to revitalize its coffee industry, Guatemala has specially set up a special coffee association and gives maximum funding and attention to these high-quality coffee. These efforts will soon bear fruit, and the real beneficiaries are not only coffee growers, but also coffee lovers all over the world.