Coffee review

Introduction to the unique charcoal-burning Guatemalan coffee varieties and manor characteristics of fine coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Between 1950 and 1954, the ruling president Jacobo Abens implemented land reform, when big landlords, who accounted for 2 per cent of the country's population, owned about 70 per cent of the country's arable land. Arbens wrote a check for land reform, promising to buy the land held by the big landlords and redistribute it to small farmers. Arbens won the election, and the land reform plan was carried out immediately. For owning land greater than 223

Between 1950 and 1954, the ruling president Jacobo Abens implemented land reform, when big landlords, who accounted for 2 per cent of the country's population, owned about 70 per cent of the country's arable land. Arbens wrote a check for land reform, promising to buy the land held by the big landlords and redistribute it to small farmers. Arbens won the election, and the land reform plan was carried out immediately. Landlords who own more than 223 acres of land will be expropriated as long as there is land not used for production. In the end, an average of 4300 acres of land was expropriated from 1059 farms, and about 100, 000 farmers were given ownership of the land. [7]

United Fruit has its largest estate in Guatemala, and it also owns medium



Inter-American Railway and the only seaport in Guatemala. Driven by the United Fruit Company, the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs began a propaganda war against Guatemala to crack down on the Arbens regime in the name of anti-communism. The Central Intelligence Agency, in cooperation with the opposition among Guatemalan soldiers, launched an operation called Operation PBSUCCESS. [7]

In 1954, Arbens was overthrown and Castillo Armas became the new dictator. The new government immediately invalidated all reforms. Enter the period of transition between the right-wing military government and the literati government

Antigua from Guatemala must be on the menu of some upscale cafes in the "Coffee of Origin" column. People who like it always keep in mind its special smoke smell. Coffee has created prosperity for Guatemala. To this day, coffee still affects the Guatemalan economy.

Antigua is the oldest and most beautiful city in America. As early as 1543, Antigua was the capital of all colonial times in Central America, and the Government House of Spain was also set up here. The whole city of Antigua was destroyed after the great earthquake of 1773, so the capital was moved to Guatemala City. Antigua is about 40 kilometers west of Guatemala City. Colonial buildings were damaged by the earthquake, and the whole remains after the earthquake is a living museum of history. Antigua coffee is produced in Antigua. It is grown on the hillsides of the volcano and grows naturally in full rain and sunlight.

Antigua coffee can be traced back to the Mayan civilization. Due to the eruption of the volcano, the soil here is more nutritious, and the sufficient sunlight and moisture also make the coffee produced excellent quality. Most importantly, the residents here insist on growing Arabica bourbon coffee, although the yield is small, but the texture is better. The residents of Antigua prefer an one-time harvest because they grow coffee in a large area, and use the ancient sun method to remove the skin and flesh of the coffee fruit. People pluck the ripe fruit and the immature fruit together, and even mix the leaves with them and expose them to the sun. Spread out on the ground for such a long time, coffee beans are easy to absorb the miscellaneous smell of the soil, so they often have a strange salty taste. Beginners often can't stand the strange taste, but people who are used to it like it very much. Coffee farmers in Antigua earn very little. But they themselves said: even if they are poor, they are still happy because of coffee.

Antigua coffee is smooth in taste and slightly charcoal-burning in aromatic alcohol, just like the sweetness of chocolate mixed with smoke. This kind of charcoal burning TOEFL in the nearby area, the volcano erupts every 30 years, allowing coffee trees to fully absorb the nitrogen emitted by the volcano during the eruption. Because of this unique charcoal incense, Antigua coffee is also known as "cigarette coffee". In fact, coffee produced in other countries near volcanoes has a similar smoke smell, but without the pure aroma of Antigua coffee. Almost all the coffee produced in Antigua retains this unique smell of smoke to the greatest extent. Among them, the most authentic is the coffee produced on Kamana's farm.