Coffee review

Introduction to the flavor and taste characteristics of high-quality coffee beans in Panamanian coffee producing areas

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, On November 3, 1903, American troops landed in Panama, instigating Panama to become independent from Colombia and establish the Republic of Panama. On November 18 of the same year, the United States acquired the permanent monopoly to build and operate the canal and the permanent use, occupation and control of the canal zone. And dug a canal in the bee waist area in central Panama, so the canal area became the state of Bana in the Panamanian region.

On November 3, 1903, American troops landed in Panama, instigating Panama to become independent from Colombia and establish the Republic of Panama. On November 18 of the same year, the United States acquired the permanent monopoly to build and operate the canal and the permanent use, occupation and control of the canal zone. And dug a canal in the bee waist area in central Panama, so that the canal area became a "state-of-the-country" in Panama. Panama is located on the Panamanian isthmus in Central America, bordering Colombia in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the south.

Map of Panama

Map of Panama

It is bordered by Costa Rica to the west and the Caribbean to the north. The territory is S-shaped to connect North and South America, and the Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans from north to south. It is known as the "bridge of the world". [5] Panama has a land area of 75517 square kilometers, a land length of 772km and a width of between 60km and 177km. The coastline is 2988 kilometers long and the land boundary is 555 kilometers long. In latitude and longitude, Panama is located between 7 °N and 10 °N, and between 77 °and 83 °W

The dry aroma of Rosa is very bright, with aromas of rose and jasmine, with aromas of pomelo and citrus, light baked with nutty aromas, and wet aromas with hazelnut and more floral characters. In terms of taste and flavor, compared with the previously rising aroma, it may be slightly mild and subtle in the early stage, and the flower and fruit flavor will gradually increase as the temperature drops, and the cold aroma is excellent (sweet preserved fruit, rose fruit, orange glaze jam, strawberry jam, silk pine, cherry, vanilla and rose gradually fade, leading to lemon-flavored fruit). This is a coffee that can be praised by a large number of adjectives, and the sweetness of Huigansi. This (flavor) is testing the brightness of this coffee, especially in the case of shallow roasting. In the early years, the recognition of top coffee mostly followed Japan, while Geisha, with its hurricane-like power, hit the coffee world, and the coffee revolution came fiercely. Let a king who has occupied the throne of the coffee kingdom for a long time, Jamaica Blue Mountains, Hawaii Kona also have to back down, this wild species originally from Ethiopia, after numerous battles, has now been found in all major coffee producing areas, and its best spokesman is from Panama's "La Esmeralda" manor. Esmeralda's Rose Summer Coffee is the most famous coffee variety in Rose Summer.

The species of Geisha was discovered in the Rose Summer Forest of Ethiopia in 1931 and sent to the Coffee Institute in Kenya; it was introduced to Uganda and Tanzania in 1936, in Costa Rica in 1953, and Panama was introduced in the 1970s by Francesca of Dongba Seven Farm Garden. Mr. Serraxin received seeds from CATIE in Costa Rica and began to grow Rosa Coffee. Because of the extremely low production and bidding, the beans were not easy to come by. In 1931, the beans were exported to Kenya in obscurity from Geisha Mountain in southwestern Ethiopia (which happens to be synonymous with the Japanese geisha), wandered around Tanzania and Costa Rica, transplanted to Panama in the 1960s, and then survived for nearly half a century. Just a blockbuster, beat the victorious Bourbon, Kaddura, Kaduai, Tibica and other varieties to win the first prize of the Panamanian National Bean Cup Test Competition in 2005, 2006 and 2007. In 2007, the International famous Bean Cup Test sponsored by the American Fine Coffee Association (SCAA) won the championship again, and the bidding price was sold at US $130 per pound, setting a record for the highest price in the history of competition beans. It is reported that the later Panamanian national treasure bean competition will be divided into two groups: Rose Summer and non-Rose Summer, so as not to be robbed of the brilliance of other varieties by Rose Summer. Rose, a member of the Tibika family, became famous more than 70 years after leaving Ethiopia, and fulfilled the saying that Ethiopia is a treasure trove of Arabica genes. it is enough to make waves in the coffee market and roast cooked beans that look like some "wrinkles". Beans with such "sexy folds" are all in order to highlight their original taste and sour fruit. However, if the quality of raw beans is not high, there will be some miscellaneous smells, such as rotten soil, grass and dry taste, which bakers should try to avoid. Baked rose summer has charming lemon and citrus aromas and super sweet honey cream floral aromas, tropical fruits, strong sweetness. These are the feelings that Rose Summer has always made us feel. Properly baked, they make you feel like sipping the fragrance of a bouquet of flowers. Maybe you don't know the story of Rosa, which was originally an ancient native species from Ethiopia, which was taken as a coffee sample to a coffee experimental garden in Costa Rica and distributed to several small farms for small-scale trials.