Coffee review

Taste Ethiopian coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Ethiopia grows coffee in different climatic zones, so it has more than 140 farm varieties, and fresh coffee is produced all the year round. The quality of Ethiopian coffee varies according to different elevations and regional ecological environment. The Harar coffee in the southeast highland is a typical Muha coffee with strong aroma; the coffee produced in the southwest Wollega has a rich fruity flavor; Limu

Ethiopia grows coffee in different climatic zones, so it has more than 140 farm varieties, and fresh coffee is produced all the year round. The quality of Ethiopian coffee varies according to different elevations and regional ecological environment. The Harar coffee in the southeast highland is a typical Muha coffee with strong aroma; the coffee produced in southwest Wollega has a rich fruity flavor; Limu coffee has wine and spice flavor; Sidamo coffee is mild, full-bodied and sour, while Yirgacheffee coffee has floral flavor. Taste Yega Xuefei, chocolate and sour taste more intense, like lemon flying, with a trance of flowers.

Interestingly, Ethiopians also put pictures of horses on the coffee package to show the purity of the coffee. It is said that in the era when horses were the main means of transportation, Ethiopia had the best thoroughbred horses of Arab origin in the world, and Ethiopians were proud of it. Now they give this pride to Ethiopian coffee. "High-quality coffee should be as pure as thoroughbred horses". As a result of abiding by this concept, the taste of coffee here is still so mellow.

Ethiopia's scenery and lakes are the main tourist attractions. The highlands of Ethiopia have fascinating scenery and wildlife. In the Great Rift Valley region of Africa, a variety of endemic and common wild animals and birds can be seen, and there are a lot of vehicles going to this area. The spectacular waterfalls on the Blue Nile, the unique wildlife on Mount Thurman, and the Sauf Omar Cave in the southeast are some fascinating attractions. The boulder-hewn Lalibela church, the ancient architecture of Yaha, the Aksum obelisk, the medieval castle of Gondar and the monasteries of Lake Tana, Mount Damo and Mount Libanos are the main tourist attractions.

Holiday hint

Ethiopia still maintains the Roman Julian calendar, which is divided into 13 months, with 30 days per month in the first 12 months, and 5 days in the thirteenth month and 6 days in leap years. Beginning in spring, there is the Ethiopian New year (Tseday) on September 11th. This is the beginning of the harvest season and the time for parties and weddings. The busiest festivals in this country are New Year's Day, Maskal, Gena, Timket, Faseka, Kulubi Gabriel, Gishen Mariam and Axum Tsion in Ethiopia.

Information gas station

Visa: Ethiopia is an outbound tourist destination country for Chinese citizens. Chinese citizens can enjoy the treatment of Ethiopian visa on arrival.

Flights: Ethiopian Airlines is the airline with the widest coverage of African routes. In 2003, Ethiopian Airlines became the first African airline to open a route to Guangzhou, which is also the closest route from Guangzhou to Africa. Ethiopian Airlines has a flight from Guangzhou to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia's capital, every day of the week, except Saturday. In addition, there are three flights in Hong Kong every week.

Accommodation: you don't have to worry about accommodation and food when traveling in northern Ethiopia, and hotels at all levels emerge as the times require. However, the southern region is still relatively closed due to climatic and geographical reasons.