Coffee review

The difference of ripening between high altitude coffee raw bean and low altitude coffee raw bean

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Generally speaking, with the increase of altitude, the aroma of coffee will become more and more prominent and unique. From the temperature and sweetness of Brazilian beans at 3500 feet above 6000 feet to the soaring taste of Ethiopian coffee beans above 6000 feet, indicating that the increase in altitude will enable coffee beans to give better play to the complex and subtle taste of coffee beans grown at high altitude. coffee beans are hard, dense and have the potential to develop a special flavor.

Generally speaking, as the altitude increases, the coffee aroma will gradually become prominent and unique. From 3500 feet, Brazil beans are mild and sweet, to 6000 feet and above, Ethiopian coffee beans soar in taste, indicating that elevation allows coffee beans to play a more complex and subtle taste. Coffee beans grown at high altitudes are hard, dense, and have the potential to play a special flavor. The truly amazing coffee is grown at altitudes of 4000 to 6000 feet, and these beans are carefully picked only during the ripening season. 3,000 to 6000 feet, about 1000 to 2000 meters high, provides ideal conditions for coffee growth: a frost-free climate averaging 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the year, moderate rainfall of about 80 inches, and plenty of sunshine. Coffee beans in cooler mountains grow slower, but the slower ripening process makes coffee beans higher in sugar and more interesting and mellow in flavor. High altitude areas have higher drainage and produce more concentrated fruit flavors. The best Arabica coffee growing areas have very fertile soils, and often in volcanic areas the effect of location on coffee bean flavor is profound. All coffee is grown in the tropics, and the altitude at which it is grown has a profound effect on the taste of coffee. The mountains stretching from the tropics to 30 degrees north latitude and south of the equator produce some of the world's best Arabica coffee. Central America and South America, South Asia and some Pacific islands, South Central Africa is also the world's most important coffee-growing region. Central American coffee is rated according to the altitude at which the coffee is grown. For example, SHB (Strictly Hard Bean) is the designation of Guatemala coffee beans, indicating that the coffee is grown above 4500 feet. Mexico is called Altura, which means "high" in Spanish, indicating that it is coffee grown at a high altitude; Papua New Guinea attaches a name of "Mile High" to indicate coffee beans grown in highland mountains. Coffee beans grown at high altitudes are hard, dense and have the potential to exert special flavors. The truly amazing coffee is grown at altitudes of 4000 to 6000 feet, and the beans are carefully picked one after another only during the ripening season. Central American coffee is rated according to the altitude at which the coffee is grown. For example, SHB(Strictly Hard Bean) is the title of Guatemala coffee beans, indicating that the coffee is grown above 4500 feet. Mexico is called Altura, which means "high" in Spanish, indicating that it is coffee grown at a high altitude; Papua New Guinea attaches a name of "Mile High" to coffee beans grown in highland mountains