Coffee review

Puerto Rico Coffee Flavor Description Variety Characteristics Taste Boutique Coffee Bean Introduction

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In fact, any kind of coffee will be given a unique flavor due to its origin, just like different music styles will always give you different feelings. Puerto Rico's Yaoco coffee has the characteristics of fine coffee, it is very stable acidity, full particles, full flavor, aroma. The reason why Yoakot chooses coffee beans better than other growing areas on the island is that it is grown at high altitudes.

In fact, any kind of coffee will be given a unique flavor because of its origin, just like different music styles will always give you different feelings. Puerto Rico Yaoke coffee has the characteristics of boutique coffee, its acidity is very stable, full of particles, complete flavor, rich aroma. The reason why Yaocote chose coffee beans to be better than other producing areas on the island is that it is grown in high-altitude mountain areas, so it grows slowly and has rich fruit flavor, and it uses ancient coffee tree species, which have a unique flavor despite less yield. this is incomparable to some new tree species. Due to the abundant rainfall, rich soil and high-altitude microclimate zone, Yaoke coffee has all the qualities that gourmet coffee should have. Of course, Yaoke coffee is inseparable from the hard work of those coffee workers, who manage the whole process from planting coffee seedlings to post-harvest treatment.

And each kind of coffee has its own unique taste, when you taste Yaoke coffee, you will feel the unique acidic taste of Central American coffee, which is the most characteristic taste of Caribbean island coffee, so some people compare Yaoke coffee to the coffee with the most attractive tongue. And Jaime Fortuno, the president of Escoki's Escogido Yauco agency, pays silent attention to all this work every year, even the smallest details. Fortuno is an investment banker who graduated from Harvard Business School. He was determined to seize every opportunity to open up a market for top coffee in Puerto Rico. He expects a maximum annual output of 3000 bags of 45kg each, less than 1 per cent of the island's total coffee production.

This is the reason why Puerto Rico and Puerto Rico Yukot select Yauco Selecto differently. Yukot chooses manor beans, which is the joint brand of Puerto Rico San Pedro, Caracolillo and La Juanita.

Puerto Rico, as the "uninhabited territory" of the United States, is rarely heard of, and most people may know that it is a tourist destination rich in Miss World. As one of the few island countries in the Caribbean, the country, known as the "port of wealth" by the Spaniards, had a blank history before Columbus discovered the New World.

Yaoke Yauco is an area of 176.5 square kilometers in southern Poland, named for its production of Tainos, but local residents prefer to call themselves la Ciudad del Caf é (city of coffee) and la Capital Ta í na (center of Tainos). In the 1960s, immigrants from Corsican improved the cultivation of coffee and pioneered the application of flower sticking machines to the process of peeling coffee, making Puerto Rico an outstanding representative of coffee, ranking sixth in the world in terms of production and sales.

The Spanish-American War of 1889 ended with the victory of the United States, ending more than 400 years of Spanish rule over Puerto Rico. The demand for sugar in the United States has increased significantly, while the hurricane destroyed most coffee plantations, and the coffee industry in Puerto Rico was hit hard by natural and man-made disasters.

The national economy of Puerto Rico developed rapidly in the 20th century. Stimulated by the strong support of the government and the expanding demand of the local market, Polish coffee gradually returned to its former elegant demeanor. The Yauco region is internationally renowned for its full Body, creamy and red wine aftertaste and chocolate nut finish.

Higher altitude geographical characteristics, slower maturity, more than 100 inches of annual rainfall, special clay to provide adequate nutrients, the pursuit of taste perfection of old tree species, marine monsoon brought about by micronutrient elements, all aspects of careful handling and monitoring, American standard working environment. The value of Yauco Selecto has doubled for various reasons.