Coffee review

Yunnan Tiekka Coffee Flavor Description Processing Method Characteristics Variety Producing Area Taste Introduction

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Yunnan coffee beans can rely on this national strategy to change the transportation mode of coffee raw materials from Malacca Strait to land transportation from Yunnan to Xinjiang to Europe, which can not only save 1/3 of the transportation time, but also alleviate the problems such as coffee moisture caused by sea transportation. You can use this thread

Yunnan coffee on the market is mostly katim coffee varieties, in fact, Yunnan or a small number of iron pickup varieties of coffee. For example, Qianjie has its own coffee estate in Lincang, Yunnan Province, planting tin card coffee, Qianjie 2013 solarization tin card coffee. Of course, there are still katim varieties in the front street, such as washed Yunnan Arabica coffee and sun-dried katim coffee.


Yunnan is the largest coffee growing place in China. Its unique geographical environment and climatic conditions, low latitude, high altitude, sufficient rainfall and suitable sunshine, between 15 N and Tropic of Cancer is the ideal growth zone for coffee, becoming the golden zone for coffee planting, forming a unique flavor of strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, with a little fruit flavor.


Yunnan coffee is also called Yunnan small coffee, coffee beans particles uniform and full, mellow taste moderate. Qianjie likes Yunnan coffee because it is Chinese own coffee, Qianjie has two Yunnan small coffee, one is katim, the other is iron pickup coffee beans. Arabica coffee refers to Arabica coffee beans because of their small size, also known as small fruit coffee, Robusta coffee is called medium fruit coffee, Liberica belongs to large fruit coffee. Morphological characteristics: small trees or large shrubs, plant height 5~8 meters. Base usually much branched, older branches gray. nodes dilated, young branches glabrous. Leaves thin leathery ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, apex long acuminate, base cuneate or slightly obtuse, entire or shallowly undulate, glabrous on both sides. Cymes several clustered in leaf axils, corolla white, aromatic. Berry when mature broad oval, red, 1.2 - 1.6 cm long, seeds 0.8 - 1.0 cm long. The flowers bloom from March to April.

Coffea yunnanensis

Although China is home to tea, coffee has a long history in China. Yunnan Arabica coffee came to the mainland of China in 1892. Since then, this species from abroad has multiplied in this magical eastern land. It has been planted for more than a century.


From the initial only to satisfy the old godfather's appetite to now become a regional cash crop, coffee in China experienced not only the mode of taking and copying, in the continuous exploration and cultivation of improvement, there have been coffee cultivation species suitable for China's geographical environment, but also a lot of coffee roasting methods that meet Chinese tastes. Yunnan coffee beans are relatively fresh compared to imported beans. Because imported beans need to cross the sea, but also after a long time of customs inspection procedures, to the major domestic dealers have passed more than half a year, simply can not talk about freshness. Domestic coffee can be roasted in a few days, which is definitely more than imported coffee beans. Moreover, the quality of Yunnan coffee beans is getting better and better now, so almost all cafes have Yunnan coffee.

Yunnan coffee-producing areas

Yunnan coffee planting areas are mainly distributed in Lincang, Baoshan, Simao, Xishuangbanna, Dehong and other areas.


Baoshan: Baoshan has an average temperature of 21.5℃ and a maximum temperature of 40.4℃. There is basically no frost all year round. It is recognized as the best producing area of Arabica coffee. The Arabica coffee cultivated here is famous for its strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, small and well-proportioned particles, mellow fragrance and fruity flavor. International coffee organization taste experts will Yunnan coffee evaluation for Colombia wet processing of small coffee category, for the world's good quality coffee. Yunnan Arabica coffee in Qianjie comes from Baoshan, Yunnan Province.

Lincang: The unique geographical location and climatic conditions make Lincang become the focus of attention of many coffee enterprises, and successively establish 200 mu and 100 mu high-quality coffee seedling bases in Mengding Town and Lincang Happy Farm of Gengma Autonomous County in the city, and carry out coffee planting in Gengma, Zhenkang, Yun County, Cangyuan, Yongde and other places.


Qianjie Coffee has set up its own manor in Lincang, Yunnan Province. Qianjie breeding is a kind of iron pickup, which is a pure Arabica species, and has better flavor than the Katim species planted in Yunnan at present. It takes at least 4-5 years from seedling to first fruit. This is also because Yunnan farmers know that the flavor of katim is inferior and are unwilling to push down and replant. The first batch of Yunnan coffee beans produced by Qianjie in 2020-21 was named "Qianjie 2013" and received unanimous praise from everyone.

Yunnan coffee varieties

At present, most of the coffee planted in Yunnan is katim variety, but Baoshan still has a small number of iron pickup coffee varieties planted.


Katim: It is a combination of Arabica species and Robusta species. Robusta species has good leaf rust resistance and rich oil, high yield and easy to plant. After crossing with Arabica species of iron pickup, Katim has 25% of Robusta gene, which improves leaf rust resistance, retains rich oil, and at the same time has rich taste of some native species of iron pickup. Therefore, most Yunnan estates begin to plant Katim in large areas.

Iron pickup (typica): The most classic high-quality Arabica species, many commercial improved species are now derived from this. Excellent taste performance, is recognized as a fine coffee variety, but the yield is extremely low and susceptible to rust disease, requiring more manual management. Tiekka coffee is native to Ethiopia and southeastern Sudan and is the most widely cultivated coffee variety in the Western Hemisphere. The plants are more robust, but less tolerant to light, and yield more in Hawaii. The top leaves of iron pickup are red copper, called red top coffee.


Because of this, Yunnan coffee was mostly used for instant coffee or commercial beans. However, now the quality of Yunnan coffee is constantly improving, and slowly the world has the name of Yunnan coffee in China, and even Yunnan coffee has appeared in fine coffee.

Coffee bean processing

Yunnan coffee is used in washing treatment method, of course, there are some coffee is sun treatment method. Such as: Front Street washed Yunnan Arabica coffee, Sunlight Catim coffee and Front Street 2013 Sunlight Tin Caf coffee. Both washing and sun treatments have their own flavor characteristics.


Washing treatment method: coffee farmers first pick good coffee berries into a large tank, incomplete development of inferior beans will float to the surface, mature full fruit will sink to the bottom, at this time floating in the surface of the defective beans (fruit) removed. Then a pulp sifter removes the epicarp and pulp of the coffee fruit, which is still attached to a layer of slippery pectin. Coffee beans with pectin are placed in a fermentation tank for 16 to 36 hours, during which time microorganisms break down the pectin. After fermentation, remove pectin residue from coffee beans with plenty of water. Finally, dry the coffee beans. Washing treatment method has both acidity and acidity, alcohol degree and shade, sweet and spicy fragrance.

Suggestions on brewing Yunnan Arabica coffee with Qianjie coffee

V60 conical filter cups are recommended for use on Front Street. The V60 cup has a large mouth, and its unique spiral curved ribs make it easier for air to escape and improve extraction quality. The taste may not be thick enough, but its high concentration of Yunnan coffee acid and distinct aroma is a major feature of it.


Filter cup: Hario V 60, water temperature: 88℃, powder amount: 15g, powder-water ratio: 1:15, grinding degree: medium fine grinding (Chinese standard No.20 sieve pass rate 75%)

[Qianjie 2013 Sun-baked Tin Coffee Flavor] The taste is thick, sour and sour, with citrus and berry tones, with a hint of fermented wine fragrance, caramel-like sweetness, creamy aftertaste, black tea feeling.

[Washed Yunnan Arabica Flavor] Herbal, Nutty, Chocolate, Caramel.

[Sunlight Yunnan Katim Coffee Flavor] Flavor performance: nuts, chocolate, spices, caramel, plum.


Front Street Coffee Brewing Advice

And want to brew a good cup of coffee to drink, in addition to the variety of coffee, there is also the freshness of coffee beans, Qianjie think coffee beans freshness is a very important part of brewing. Front Street Coffee ships coffee beans that are roasted within 5 days, because Front Street knows that the freshness of coffee beans has a great impact on flavor. Front Street Roasters 'motto is "Freshly Roast Good Coffee," so that every customer who orders coffee receives the freshest coffee. Coffee has a growing period of 4-7 days, so when the customer gets it, the flavor is at its best.

Of course, there are also some customers who need the front street to help grind, which does not matter, but the front street has to remind: coffee beans are ground in advance, there is no need to raise beans, because in the process of transportation, the pressure generated by carbon dioxide in the package can also make the coffee flavor mellow, so you can drink a cup immediately after receiving the coffee powder. However, coffee powder needs to be brewed in time, because coffee powder oxidizes faster after contact with air, that is to say, the flavor of coffee will disperse faster, and the flavor of coffee will not be so good. Therefore, Qianjie recommends buying whole beans and grinding them now, so as to better taste the flavor of coffee.

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