Coffee review

How to distinguish between genuine and false Blue Mountain Coffee-introduction of Flavor and taste quality

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The most important coffee bean trading organization in the world is the International Coffee Organization (ICO), which has 50 members of exporting countries and controls 99 per cent of global coffee production. According to industry insiders, coffee beans traded through the International Coffee Organization have strict quotas, as do Blue Mountain coffee beans. Basically, there is no bulk import of blue mountain coffee beans in our country. Since China did not enter directly

The most important coffee bean trading organization in the world is the International Coffee Organization (ICO), which has 50 members of exporting countries and controls 99 per cent of global coffee production. According to industry insiders, coffee beans traded through the International Coffee Organization have strict quotas, as do Blue Mountain coffee beans. Basically, there is no bulk import of blue mountain coffee beans in our country.

Since China does not have a quota for direct import of blue mountain coffee beans, will it change hands from Japan, Europe and the United States?

It is true that there are many blue mountain coffee beans in circulation in the international market. because of the advantage of quotas, countries such as Japan often process coffee beans and sell them to other countries and regions in the form of finely ground coffee powder or zero-point coffee beans. For example, enterprises in Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan buy blue mountain coffee beans from Japan every year. Since such transactions are unofficial, it is difficult to know the size of the number, and it is even harder to find out whether there are purchases in mainland China.

Due to the lack of detailed standards for coffee, it is concluded that there is no basis for various varieties of coffee, and consumers can only argue whether "Blue Mountain Coffee" is fake or not.

The world-famous Blue Mountain Coffee, produced in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, has been in short supply because of its low caffeine content (less than half of other coffees) and outstanding taste, catering to modern people's concept of healthy consumption.

Blue Mountain Coffee beans are known as "golden beans". They are only produced in the Blue Mountains in western Jamaica, which are more than 1800 meters above sea level. Here, the mountains are steep, the air is fresh, it rains all the year round, the temperature difference between day and night is great, and the unique new volcanic soil makes the coffee beans here slightly sour and mellow. The same coffee tree species tastes very different whether they are planted in Hawaii, Kenya, Papua New Guinea or anywhere else with a similar climate.