Coffee review

Cappuccino Latte Fry White Difference Method Introduction

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The difference between Frie White, Cappuccino and Latte mentioned in the previous small series, Frie White is a latte with more coffee and less milk flavor in the popular sense. There must be a lot of people asking: Is that all there is to distinguish between Nafry White, Cappuccino and Latte? In fact, in terms of coffee strength, we can make a comparison between these three: Frie White Cappuccino Latte. In addition to the above, three of them are

The difference between Furebai, cappuccino and latte

The editor mentioned earlier that fragrant white is a latte with more coffee and less milk flavor in a popular sense. There must be a lot of people asking: is that the only difference between Freddy, Cabo and latte? In fact, in terms of coffee concentration, we can make a comparison of these three kinds: fragrant white > Cabo > latte.

In addition to the above, the three of them are slightly different in many details, such as the dishing of milk foam, temperature, flower drawing and so on.

In order to reflect the delicate and silky taste of Furei white foam, Freibai's foam is more delicate, with a thickness of less than 5mm, while the latte's foam is relatively thick, with a thickness of more than 1cm; cappuccino uses coarse bubbles of different texture and super thick.

When steaming milk, cappuccino needs to boil milk, while latte needs 3-5 seconds to steam milk, while Furebai is the least, controlled at 3 seconds.

It sounds like full of literature and art, but in fact, this cup of coffee is also a simple and fresh style.

Compared to the latte, the fragrant white coffee is stronger and a little sweeter, and the foam feels more slippery, with a white spot on it.

Compared with the conventional concentrate in latte / cappuccino / mocha, it uses the same amount of coffee powder (Ristretto), which is the same amount of coffee powder, and has less extraction (3amp 4) of concentrated liquid, which makes it more refined.

Such milk bubbles look very shiny on the surface, do not see large bubbles, the milk bubbles in the latte will be slightly thicker.

It does not have a very fancy pattern, and the simple white spot is its characteristic.

Compare the latte and Frabey directly above:

Coffee tips-the difference between cappuccino / latte / fragrant white is latte on the left and fragrant white on the right.

Comparison of the number of milk bubbles in three drinks of the same cup type:

Cappuccino "latte" fragrant white

Comparison of coffee content in three drinks of the same cup type:

Furebai "cappuccino = latte"

The next time you enter Starbucks, you can order a cup of coffee as you like.