Coffee review

Comparison of flavor characteristics of red standard, green standard and blue standard in the origin story of rose summer coffee beans in Panamanian jadeite manor

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Panamanian coffee beans are smooth, light and well-balanced, suitable for moderate roasting. There is a wide variety of Panamanian coffee beans, including Typica, Kaddura, Catuai, Bourbn and Pakamara.

The rose summer coffee bean got its name because the Panamanian jadeite manor identified it and won the Panamanian raw bean competition only after it was cultivated. In the following 10 to 20 years, the jadeite manor basically won the championship. The jadeite manor rose summer red standard, green and blue standard is the daily beans of Qianjie coffee. Rose summer is known as geisha in English, and the Japanese call it a geisha according to transliteration. Mr. Yuan later introduced it to the Chinese market and translated it into rose summer.

In an earlier article, Qianjie Coffee described in detail the context of the rose summer of the Panamanian jadeite manor. You can refer to and read it. I will not elaborate on it here. This article only explains the grade difference of red standard, green standard, blue standard and rose summer.

Panamanian Emerald Manor (Panama La Esmeralda) owner Daniel Peterson, accidentally found the newly purchased Haramiyo estate lower altitude director with a special form of coffee trees, through the coffee consultant Tang Patch that these coffee trees are rosy summer, he originally introduced from Costa Rica to improve the disease resistance of Panamanian coffee, but due to low production, many farmers have been cut down. But Daniel decided to plant these coffee trees at higher elevations, with the unique citrus and floral aroma of African beans. He separated his coffee beans and took part in the 2004 Panamanian Coffee Bean Cup Test Competition and became popular. Since then, Rose Xiadou has been unstoppable and has been the champion of the Panamanian coffee cup test competition for many years. In the eyes of boutique coffee lovers all over the world, geisha coffee beans are undoubtedly the supreme treasure.

Plot division of rose summer varieties in jadeite manor

High-quality Rose Summer is mainly produced in two plots, Haramillo Jaramillo and Cannas Vidis Canas Verdess. Haramillo Jaramillo: the annual rainfall is 4000ml, the average temperature in daytime is 19-25 ℃, the average temperature at night is 11-15 ℃, and the average altitude is 1600-1700m. The Haramiyo site is subdivided into five small plots: Mario (Mario), Noria (Ferris wheel), Reina (queen), Bosque (forest) and Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires).

Cannes Vidis Canas Verdess: the annual rainfall is 3500ml, the average temperature during the day is 16-23 ℃, the average temperature at night is 10-15 ℃, the average altitude is 1600-1800m. Cannes consists of nine small plots: Lino (flax), Coronado (coronation), Fundador (founder), Le ó n (Leon), Montaa (peak), Trapiche (sugar), Chinta (urn), Cabaa (cabin) and Tumaco (Tumako).

Veil El Velo: it is the latest plot purchased by Jadeite Manor, with an average elevation of 1700-1900m. In addition to planting Rosa and Kaduai, the site also has a small number of other exotic species, such as Laurina, Pakamara, Mocha and SL28. The veil is divided into seven small plots, namely: Guabo, Port ó n (Portal), Durazno (Peach), Higuer ó n (fig tree), Higo (fig), Buena Vista (Buena Vista) and guila (Eagle).

After years of experiments at the Jade Manor of Panama, it has been found that the Panamanian rose summer coffee beans collected by coffee trees growing above 1400 meters above sea level can show the special flavor of the rose summer coffee beans. Therefore, the main classification is based on the planting height, supplemented by the actual cup test results, divided into "red, green, blue standard" grade roses summer beans. Qianjie Coffee believes that the biggest difference between the marketing strategy of the Jade Manor and other manors is that it is divided into five brands according to the cup test performance and the varieties and plots planted. There are three brands of Rose Summer varieties: jadeite Special selection (Esmeralda Special), Private Collection (Private Collection) and Rosa 1500 (Geisha1500). Kaduai has two brands: Diamond Hill (Diamond Mountain grows) and Pamela (Palmyra).

Characteristics of Panamanian Rosa Coffee

Panamanian rosy summer coffee bean (Geisha) is a very rare coffee variety, which has caused a sensation among coffee connoisseurs all over the world over the past five years. Rosa coffee bean is considered to be the brightest, most abundant and strongly fragrant coffee variety. Rosa coffee trees grow at very high altitudes and have beautiful slender leaves. Rose summer coffee fruits and roses summer coffee beans are also slightly slender compared to other top-quality high-altitude coffee. Rose is full of sweetness and cleanliness on the palate, with rich aromas ranging from berry and citrus to mango, papaya and peach. A very obvious lemon (bergamot) general aftertaste is also a typical cup test attribute. Rosa coffee beans are often the champion of coffee varieties. Rosa coffee bean cup evaluation mellow degree is suitable.

Jadeite specially selected Esmeralda Special, commonly known as Red Standard

The rosy summer specially selected by jadeite is the red sign we often hear. The rosy summer coffee beans, which are planted at 1600-1800 meters above sea level and with a cup test score of more than 90 points, are produced in two producing areas of Jaramillo and Canas Verdes. The independent bidding held by the Jade Manor itself, in the divided plots, the Rose Summer batch that was put forward for bidding is the red bid. Guests often ask whether the competitive red bid is good to drink or the red bid is good to drink. In fact, the non-competitive red bid and the competitive red bid belong to the same plot. The difference lies in whether they participate in the bidding or not. Qianjie coffee thinks that it is not necessary to drink the bidding grade, first, the price is really high, and second, if you just want to try, the red mark is also a good choice.


The Red label Rose Summer of Qianjie Coffee Jade Manor comes from the mario plot, which is the site where Rose Summer won the championship in BOP that year. The slow sun-baked jade has a special, bright floral, citrus and honey-like sweetness. Private collection of Private Collection, commonly known as Green Standard

Private collection, commonly known as green standard, is not a batch of independent competitions, planting rose summer varieties that do not participate in bidding but are still of excellent quality. Micro-batch mixed beans from different plots such as Jaramillo and Canas Verdes were planted at 1600-1800 meters above sea level. People often ask what is the difference between a red sign and a green one. Qianjie Coffee gives the most easy-to-understand answer, that is, which small plot can be traced back to the red mark, while the green mark is that the mixed beans are untraceable. Because the mode of mixed beans is adopted, it is not specified in detail on the plot, so sometimes the flavor of the green mark is very similar to that of the red mark, but the next product may be different. Qianjie coffee feels like buying a lottery ticket. Maybe the batch you drink this time is the taste of the red mark. Green roses will be treated by sun / water washing treatment.


The green standard rose summer of Qianjie Coffee Jade Manor is treated with water washing. The green rose summer of water washing treatment has fresh jasmine and ginger fragrance, citrus-like bright acidity, thick and juicy taste. Rosa 1500 Geisha1500, commonly known as Blue Standard

Rose summer 1500 this brand is our common blue standard rose summer. Choose mixed beans from three different plots: Jaramillo, Canas Verdes and El Velo, which are 1400-1500 meters above sea level. Flavor micro-flower fragrance, fruit sour, sweet, taste is not thick, blue standard rose summer only washing treatment. In 2022, however, the blue label was replaced with the brand "Los Rocas". Qianjie has also tasted this new blue label, and the flavor is still there.


The rosy blue of Qianjie coffee is slightly floral, sour and sweet, and the taste is not thick, while the blue label of sun-treated coffee has a slightly floral aroma, obvious fermentation, berry juice-like taste and high sweetness. Suggestion on four types of Rose Summer Coffee beans in Qianjie Baking Jade Manor

[red Standard Rose Summer]

The furnace temperature is 150 ℃, the firepower is 120, and the throttle is set at 3; the temperature recovery point is 1 ", and the throttle is opened to 4 at 140℃, and the firepower remains unchanged; when the furnace temperature is 147.6 ℃, the bean meter turns yellow, the grass smell disappears completely, and enters the dehydration stage; when the furnace temperature reaches 150 ℃, the firepower is adjusted to 100, and the throttle remains unchanged. The smell of toasted bread has obviously changed to the smell of coffee, which can be defined as a prelude to an explosion. At this time, it is necessary to listen carefully to the sound of the explosion point, when the sound of the explosion point begins to explode, the throttle opens to 4, and after the explosion, the development of the ℃ after the explosion begins.

[green label Rose Summer]

The furnace temperature is 190 ℃, the firepower is 150, and the throttle is open 3; the temperature recovery point is 1: 39: 36 ", when the furnace temperature is 140 ℃, the throttle is opened to 4, and the firepower is reduced to 130; when the furnace temperature is 150.8 ℃, the bean meter turns yellow, the grass smell disappears completely, and enters the dehydration stage. When the furnace temperature reaches 161℃, the firepower is adjusted to 90, and the throttle remains unchanged. The smell of toasted bread has obviously changed to the smell of coffee, which can be defined as a prelude to an explosion. At this time, it is necessary to listen carefully to the sound of the explosion point. The sound of the explosion point starts to explode at 8pm 39th 55, and the throttle opens to 50.After the explosion, the development of 1kg 39th 30193.5 ℃ is put into the pot.

[washing Blue label Rose Summer]

The furnace temperature is 180 ℃, the firepower is 130, and the throttle is set at 3; the temperature recovery point is 1: 39: 32 ". When the furnace temperature is 104 ℃, the throttle is opened to 4, and the firepower remains unchanged. When the furnace temperature is 151.6 ℃, the bean table turns yellow, the smell of grass disappears completely, and enters the dehydration stage, when 7 times 39 ℃ 56 ", the bean surface appears ugly wrinkles and black markings, and the taste of toast obviously turns into coffee, which can be defined as a prelude to an explosion.

[sun blue label rose summer]

The furnace temperature is 180 ℃, the firepower is 130, and the throttle is set at 3; the temperature recovery point is 1: 39: 32 ". When the furnace temperature is 104 ℃, the throttle is opened to 4, and the firepower remains unchanged. When the furnace temperature is 151.6 ℃, the bean table turns yellow, the smell of grass disappears completely, and enters the dehydration stage, when 7 times 39 ℃ 56 ", the bean surface appears ugly wrinkles and black markings, and the taste of toast obviously turns into coffee, which can be defined as a prelude to an explosion.

Qianjie Cup Test Jade Manor 4 kinds of Rose Summer Coffee Bean report [Red Standard Rose] dry fragrance: Jasmine, citrus

Wet fragrance: citrus, lemon, honey

Entrance: lemon, honey, berries, orange peel, mango, cream, citrus, tea

[green label Rose Summer]

Dried incense: Jasmine, ginger

Wet fragrance: lemon, sweet orange

Entrance: lemon, orange, honey, cream, almonds, tea

[washing Blue label Rose Summer]

Dry fragrance: flower fragrance, citrus

Wet fragrance: citrus, lemon

Entrance: citrus, lemon, honey, nuts, tea

[sun blue label rose summer]

Dry incense: fermentation, caramel

Wet fragrance: flower fragrance, fermented aroma

Entrance: lemon, honey, melon, berries, fermented feeling

Suggestion on four kinds of Rose Summer Coffee beans in Qianjie Jade Manor

Filter cup: V60 # 01

Coffee powder: 15g

Ratio of powder to water: 1:16

Degree of grinding: (the pass rate of No. 20 screen is 80%)

Water temperature: 90-91 degrees

Qianjie recommends using freshly roasted coffee beans for brewing, so that you can maximize the rich flavor of the coffee. The coffee beans shipped in Qianjie are all roasted within 5 days, because Qianjie is well aware that the freshness of coffee beans has a great impact on the flavor. The purpose of Qianjie roasting is "freshly roasted coffee", so that every guest who places an order is the freshest coffee when he receives it. The bean cultivation period of coffee is about 4-7 days, so when the guest gets it, it is the time when the flavor is the best.

Qianjie takes into account that these rose summer coffee beans are lightly roasted, and the solubility of light roasted beans is lower than that of deep roasted beans, so in order to ensure that the flavor of rose summer can be fully extracted, higher water temperature is used for brewing. At the same time, a finer degree of grinding is also selected. Some fans have noticed that Qianjie has always recommended that the powder-to-water ratio is 1:15, while the Jade Manor's rose summer is 1:16, that's because a little bit larger powder-water ratio helps to better experience the layers and flavor of the rose summer.

Qianjie coffee uses staged extraction, also known as three-stage brewing, steaming with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, small water injection around the circle to 125 grams for stages, water level drop to 225 grams when the powder bed is about to be exposed, remove the filter cup when the water level drop is about to expose the powder bed, (steaming starts timing) the extraction time is 2 grams 3900-2 grams 3900.


[red standard] there are bright roses, citrus aromas, black rice, berries, apricots, compound fruits, honey, thick juice, rich flavor, sweet and obvious.

[green standard] the jasmine is full-bodied and sweet, with citrus, berry, juice, cream, green tea, orange peel and cantaloupe as a whole.

[washing blue label] Flower fragrance, soft sour notes of lemon and grapefruit in the mouth, honey in the middle, sweet oolong tea and brown sugar at the end, clean and bright taste. [sun blue label] it smells fermented aroma and fruit sweetness, tastes like melons and tropical fruits, like fruit juice, and the overall sweetness is very high.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925