Coffee review

Cappuccino coffee (Cappuccino)

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Cappuccino (Cappuccino) cappuccino is another kind of espresso, which contains 50% steamed milk and 50% foamed milk. It can also be said to contain 1pm 3 espresso, 1amp 3 steamed milk and 1amp 3 foamed milk. But it also depends on the person who makes the coffee. More steamed milk and less foam are used in many places. The color of this coffee is like the headscarf worn by Italian monks.

Cappuccino coffee (Cappuccino)

Cappuccino is another kind of espresso, which contains 50% steamed milk and 50% foamed milk. It can also be said to contain 1pm 3 espresso, 1amp 3 steamed milk and 1amp 3 foamed milk. But it also depends on the person who makes the coffee. More steamed milk and less foam are used in many places.

The color of this coffee is like the headscarf worn by Italian monks, so it is named cappuccino (coffee with cream cubes). Accompanied by cinnamon sticks, and then sprinkled with lemon juice, showing a complex flavor.

The so-called dry cappuccino (DryCappuccino) refers to the conditioning method with more milk bubbles and less milk. it tastes stronger than milk and is suitable for people with heavy taste. When it comes to wet cappuccino (WetCappuccino), it refers to the practice of fewer milk bubbles and more milk, with milk fragrance overshadowing the thick coffee flavor, which is suitable for those with light taste. The flavor of the wet cappuccino is similar to that of the popular latte. Generally speaking, the taste of cappuccino is heavier than latte. If you have a heavy taste, you might as well order cappuccino or dry cappuccino. If you are not used to the heavy smell of coffee, you can order latte or wet cappuccino.

Preparation method: pre-heat the deep-fried coffee, pour it into a small coffee cup, add 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, float with 1 tablespoon cream, sprinkle with lemon juice or orange juice, and insert the cup with cinnamon sticks instead of spoons.