Coffee review

Coffee: touching and lingering on the tip of the tongue

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Taste is an ambiguous word, but it conveys the most accurate information all the time. We always use taste to satisfy our emotional desires, identify our preferences, and evoke faint memories. The mellow taste of a glass of wine contains the long history of a winery. The sweet aftertaste of a cup of tea means a diluted and peaceful life. A blend of food.

Taste is an ambiguous word, but it conveys the most accurate information all the time. We always use taste to satisfy our emotional desires, identify our preferences, and evoke faint memories. The mellow taste of a glass of wine contains the long history of a winery. The sweet aftertaste of a cup of tea means a diluted and peaceful life. A harmonious taste of food, which may only be a few small molecules spread on the taste buds of the mouth, will become the hometown of drunken dreams.

The reason why we can taste sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty and other different tastes is because there are taste buds on the tongue. Scientific research shows that the normal adult has more than 10, 000 taste buds, which can detect 200 times diluted sweetness, 400 times salty, 75000 times sour and 2 million times bitter. There is no doubt that taste is a very exquisite gift given to us by the Creator.

The Chinese can be said to be one of the peoples in the world who pay most attention to taste and have the most say in taste. The long-standing food culture, the eight major cuisines all over the country and the local cuisine from all over the country are enough to create the most brilliant feast in the history of human civilization. However, a variety of delicious food does not necessarily mean the development and sharpness of taste. On the contrary, it may disturb people's taste system and lead to the dullness and loss of taste. In this material-rich age, whether it's greasy, dirty fast-food stalls on the streets or top luxury restaurants hidden in high-rise buildings, you may not find the real touch of the taste buds. Because taste, like smell, is not only a simple sensory stimulation, but also has a chaotic and secret relationship with the taster's life experience and emotional memory.

Many years ago, a frail French man suffering from asthma, Proust, tasted the taste of a snack called Little Madeleine that slipped across his tongue after being soaked in hot tea. From then on, he opened the floodgates of memory and achieved the seven-volume literary masterpiece Remembrance of time. Just like a butterfly flapping its wings to evoke a distant storm, the power of taste should not be underestimated. Proust's little Madeleine originated from childhood memories, similarly, in our daily life, a bowl of steamed bread steamed with bean curd, soy sauce mixed rice, porridge with pickles, because of the lingering memories of childhood, can also become a supreme human delicacy.

Taste is an ambiguous word, but it conveys the most accurate information all the time. We always use taste to satisfy our emotional desires, identify our preferences, and evoke faint memories. The mellow taste of a glass of wine contains the long history of a winery. The sweet aftertaste of a cup of tea means a diluted and peaceful life. A harmonious taste of food, which may only be a few small molecules spread on the taste buds of the mouth, will become the hometown of drunken dreams.

Coffee master Yunqi: the touch of taste comes from the inspiration of the soul.

Yunqi, born in September in Virgo, was born in Yangzhou and now lives in Nanning. Like to travel, like coffee, like good food, like cotton and linen clothes. Plans are under way to open a mind-themed cafe.

Heart Exploration: how do you fall in love with drinking coffee? Is there any story to share?

Yunqi: the first time I drank coffee was about ten years old. at that time, there was a popular song called "Wine and Coffee". When my uncle, a hipster in the 1980s, returned to Yangzhou from Shanghai to save his relatives, he brought back the coffee beans in iron cans, broke them with a small hammer and boiled them in a small milk pot. In the snowy winter, the house was filled with the aroma of coffee. At that time, I didn't know what satisfaction was, but the evening with the aroma of coffee was called warmth in my memory.

Heart Exploration: please describe the taste experience of coffee. What does coffee mean to your life?

Yunqi: from breakfast companions in the morning to sunset evenings or sleepless nights, coffee has become a part of my life. I always like to think of coffee as something between material and spiritual. In matter, he belongs to food, but not for the sake of satiety, but for the satisfaction of senses and the pleasure of taste buds. In the spirit, in the flow of life, in the lonely and lonely after the bustling beauty, the fate comes and goes, the rich gather and disperse, the moment that a cup of warm coffee is held, the heart slowly begins to settle down and flows in the charm of the cup. all sorts of delusions that silk goes to knot in the heart.

Mind exploration: in your opinion, is there a close connection between taste and people's emotions and memories?

Yunqi: taste belongs to the feeling of the body. our body is inspired by the soul to find what we need. what we find may be coffee, tea, dessert, plain appearance and ordinary price, but it can make our heart calm and satisfied. Full of gratitude. As a result, it can be extended and extended to everything in life, and enjoy the feeling of spiritually rising freedom in such emotions.

Heart exploration: many people can not drink coffee is good or bad, just use coffee as a pick-me-up tool. As a coffee expert, please tell us what factors are related to the good quality of a cup of coffee.

Yunqi: ha ha, the talent doesn't dare to be. The climate, variety, harvest, storage and post-baking of coffee beans are all conditions that determine the quality of coffee beans. From coffee beans to a cup of coffee has a lot to do with grinding, cooking methods and utensils, as well as drinking situations. But personally, no matter how much your brain knows about coffee, you still can't make a good cup of coffee. Only by constantly trying and understanding with your feelings can you really step into the country of coffee. To enjoy coffee easily is the supreme state of drinking coffee.