Coffee review

Simple answers to frequently asked questions-write to beginners

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The following only represents my personal opinion, with the deepening of my understanding of coffee, I am also a little bit in progress, if there is something wrong, welcome to correct. Cut the crap and get to the point:

I am a beginner, what kind of coffee is suitable for me?

A: The taste of coffee is not suitable for beginners or veterans. Each coffee has its own characteristics, even the coffee of the same manor, different years of processing, taste will be different. Even if it is the same coffee, different people roast it, the roasting machine is different, the roasting process is different, and the roasting degree is different, which will cause a big difference in the taste of coffee. Brewing people use different appliances, brewing process is different, will also cause different taste. Therefore, which kind of roast degree of coffee is suitable for you, you need to experience it yourself, as you deepen your understanding of coffee, your favorite coffee will also change. Newcomers can try more when choosing coffee. Don't be afraid of not drinking or not liking it. Only after drinking a certain amount of coffee will they slowly find their favorite type.

Do you import coffee beans?

A: The main coffee growing areas in China are Yunnan and Hainan. Most coffee beans are imported.

Is there a real Blue Mountain in the country?

A: Many novices read related articles, saying that 90% of Blue Mountain Coffee is exported to Japan, and the rest is also divided by Europe and America. There is no real Blue Mountain Coffee in China. N years ago, the above statement is not exaggerated. But now the situation is different, although most of the blue mountain coffee is fake, but there are real blue mountains in the country, and it is a formal channel to enter.

Of course, Blue Mountain AAA, which cost 19 yuan or dozens of yuan a pound, although there were various formal certifications on the package, was definitely fake. Blue Mountain was Blue Mountain after all, so it was not cheap enough to cost dozens of yuan a pound.

Why is coffee sour? Why is coffee bitter?

A: The acidity and bitterness of coffee have a lot to do with roasting. Simply put, the lighter the roast, the more sour it gets, and the deeper the roast, the more bitter it gets. The same kind of coffee, different roasting people, want to express different things, roasting degree is different, resulting in some sour, some bitter. However, not all coffee is suitable for light or deep roasting. Generally, there will be an approximate roasting range. As long as it falls within this range, it will taste good. For example, Ye Jia Xue Fei coffee, from the end of the first explosion to stop roasting before the second explosion, will have a good taste, just look at your preference, but few people roast it to the second explosion dense. Mantenin, on the other hand, is used by most people to baking it to the point where it starts and ends with a second explosion.

5 Why is coffee not delicious?

A: Coffee is not sesame, sesame oil, or essence. In fact, the aroma of natural coffee is not as strong as you think.

The aroma of coffee is only one of the indicators to measure the quality of coffee. Different coffees do have different aromas, some stronger, some weaker. Coffee shows different aromas at different roasting degrees. Deep baked beans may give you a bit of aroma. But it's also wonderful to take a closer look at the fresh aroma of light roast coffee. Light roast coffee, no grinding before brewing, aroma may be weak, once ground into powder, brewed with hot water, aroma will be "glow" out.

Many novices bought commercial beans that were deeply roasted, and when they opened the package, there might be some "rich flavor," but that's not necessarily the aroma of good coffee.

Why do coffee beans come in different sizes? Poor uniformity?

A: First, coffee beans of different sizes, roasting time is not the same heat, uniformity is certainly not good.

Second, some coffee beans are sun-treated, mixed with beans of different maturity, and the coffee uniformity is not good.

Third, some countries export beans classification, not according to the size of the beans classification, that is, did not pass through the screen filter, so the beans themselves are uneven in size.

Fourth, some estates mix different varieties of coffee, mixed together, even after screening, because the varieties are different, the degree of heating will be different, but also will lead to poor uniformity after roasting.

To sum up, some coffee beans have different sizes and poor uniformity, which is not something we can control. Some coffee beans have characteristics of certain coffee beans, such as Yejia Xuefei and Harald coffee, which are especially obvious under light roasting degree. Coffee from Kenya, Colombia, etc., usually has a good size and uniformity. However, there are exceptions. I have beans from Huila, Colombia. Although the price is expensive, the size is relatively small and the appearance is slightly poor, but the taste is very good. Therefore, novices need to accumulate more experience in order to truly distinguish what beans should be reliable. If you are too lazy to study, then don't get too entangled in the taste of beans, after all, the final coffee is to drink, not see. There is also an intentional mix of beans, which have different baking degrees mixed into beans, size, uniformity will also vary.

In addition, your beans can vary in size and uniformity, but there should not be stones, branches and other foreign objects or a large number of incomplete beans.

How do I keep the coffee I bought?

A: If you can't finish it in a short time, you can seal it, freeze it or refrigerate it. Every time you drink, take out the right amount.

8. How long is the shelf life of coffee beans?

A: Coffee beans sealed well, put a few years is not dead to drink, mainly with the passage of time, the taste of beans is getting worse and worse. It is recommended that everyone's beans be destroyed within 3 months if they are well preserved. It is better to drink it within a month.

9. Do you need to raise beans?

A: In fact, coffee beans can be drunk as soon as they are roasted, but with the passage of time, the taste of beans will change. Generally speaking, they will tend to be more and more "plain", and the stimulating taste will be smoothed out by time. I suggest that if you don't have a special hobby, you don't need to raise beans, just drink it directly. If you can drink the taste of beans at different times, it is also a very interesting thing.

10, I use siphon pot (French pressure pot, Philharmonic pressure, mocha pot, etc.) powder to grind how thick?

A: This is not intuitive to describe in language, and many people still don't understand it. There are few photos taken online, and after the photos are enlarged, they are still not intuitive. The best way is to ask experienced sellers to grind a small packet of sample powder for you separately as a reference. It should be noted that when the bean grinder grinds coarse powder, it will definitely be mixed with powder of different proportions and different thicknesses. When referring to the sample powder, it is best to use a piece of white paper, open the powder and put it on it, and see which powder accounts for the largest proportion.

11. What is the proportion of water and powder?

A: There is no standard answer to this question. Everyone has different preferences for concentration, and the proportion of gouache is different. But there is a rough proportion for reference, such as 10 grams of coffee powder, brewing 120~130ml coffee, if you think the coffee made according to this proportion is weak, then put more powder or less water. This is just a simple adjustment method, affecting the coffee strength factors, as well as powder thickness, water temperature, brewing time and so on, these are good to rely on you slowly to experience.

12. Why does the coffee I received do not match the description?

A: Let's look at an example:

Recently, I received a medium rating from a customer for the following reasons (original):

"The taste didn't match the description (with the purchase page for kona beans) and the owner said I didn't give him advance to say that it needed to be baked to the extent he described." I think that's a bit far-fetched. Don't tell me we need to emphasize to the shopkeeper that we need what you describe, not what you don't describe. Because I have been buying a lot of beans in the store, this is not the first time it has appeared, and I don't know which ones need to be specified to the owner. I did buy a lot of beans. I didn't want to give a bad review. Although I was very unhappy, I still gave it a medium review."

Most of the descriptions of coffee by sellers are through Internet search related articles or excerpts from books, which can only be used as reference. Because it has been said above, roasting degree has a great influence on coffee taste, for beginners, the most direct feeling is the acid and bitterness that affect coffee; the general seller's description of coffee taste, it is impossible to describe the taste of coffee under each roasting degree in detail; most people who buy coffee do not know about roasting, if you ask him what kind of roasting degree coffee, most people do not understand, so sellers usually according to their own understanding of this coffee to roast.

At this stage, most domestic coffee friends cannot accept coffee that is too sour, so many roasters will roast coffee to a deeper degree or roast it to a degree of sour and bitter balance without special instructions. If the coffee is too sour, you will get more complaints. In addition, the content on the Internet, the content on the book is inaccurate; many novices do not brew correctly and other factors, the taste of the coffee they drink and the taste described will really be very different.

I hope that novices correctly look at the description of coffee, everyone feels different about coffee, especially some subtle tastes, some people will never feel it; sellers should also describe the taste and feeling of coffee as detailed and accurate as possible.

Why do coffee beans look different from photos?

A: Coffee beans are smaller, photos look bigger, many sellers use macro lens shooting, beans will look bigger, coupled with the use of good light, beans on the photo will look more beautiful. When sellers take photos, they will also choose better-looking, tidier ones to shoot, but in fact coffee beans can't all look so good. No matter what the product is, if it is photographed well, it will often look better than the real thing. Therefore, the content of the photo can only be used as a reference. Of course, for those who sell dog meat to deceive consumers, or should be punished!

14. Is there coffee that is not sour, bitter, and fragrant?

A: As mentioned above, coffee is slightly sour in light roasting and bitter in deep roasting, so is it possible for medium roasting to be neither sour nor bitter? I haven't roasted coffee like this so far. In fact, sour bitter coffee is composed of one of the basic taste, if there is no taste of these two, coffee will be less what.

15. Coffee out of oil, good or bad?

A: Under normal circumstances, deep-roasted coffee will have oil phenomenon, even if the beans just out of the pot do not have oil, after a few days, beans may begin to oil, this is a normal phenomenon. For oily beans, pay attention to preservation and eat as soon as possible.