Coffee review

Yunnan Tieka Coffee Bean Flavor description Grinding scale quality Taste treatment Manor introduction

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Yunnan Tieka coffee bean flavor description grinding scale quality taste treatment manor introduction Yunnan cultural scholar Ms. Huang Shuyun said: a Malaysian coffee expert once said that the preservation of the old varieties of Yunnan coffee, to maintain the status of Chinese coffee in the history of coffee in the world. Zhukula Coffee belongs to Yunnan small-grained Bobang Iron pickup Coffee, which is already very popular in Yunnan.

Yunnan Tieka Coffee Bean Flavor description Grinding scale quality Taste treatment Manor introduction

Ms. Huang Shuyun, a cultural scholar in Yunnan Province, said: "A Malaysian coffee expert once said that if you keep the old varieties of coffee in Yunnan, you will keep the status of Chinese coffee in the history of coffee in the world. Zhukula Coffee belongs to Yunnan small-grained Bobang Iron pickup Coffee, this kind of coffee is already very rare in Yunnan, so it is necessary for us to protect and develop it. "

"Yunnan Tiebika Typica Tibica / Tippika / Tippika Criolla Coffee Peas | Typica teacher Coffee Raw beans"

In recent years, the local government is also fully aware of the importance of the protection and development of ancient coffee varieties in Yunnan, and regards coffee as a key industry for protection and development. The finance of Binchuan County allocates 100000 yuan of support funds every year to build the brand of "Zhu Kula century-old coffee". Yang Tiwu, director of the Economic Office of Pingchuan Town, is also resident in Zhukula Village to raise seedlings as a technician of seedling breeding of Zhukula Coffee. He said: "when we get to Zhukula Village, first, we should do a good job in the irrigation ditch (canal) of ancient coffee; second, we should control the diseases and insect pests of ancient coffee; and third, we should do a good job of pruning and interrupting to protect ancient coffee. On the basis of these, the next step is to do a good job of breeding.

Bourbon: juxtaposed with Tibica as an ancient and excellent variety. Some botanists even believe that Bourbon is a variant of the early Tibika transplanted to Yemen, where the bean shape changed from a thin tip to a round body. It was not until 1715 that France transplanted Mocha round beans from Yemen to the island of Bourbon on the east coast of Africa, and it was not until 1715 that it received the name round bourbon. Bourbon, which spread to Brazil and Central and South America in 1727, is also round beans. In addition, the British transplant of Yemeni mocha to St. Helena Island in 1732 was also a round bean. interestingly, it did not pass through Bourbon Island, but it was named Green Top Bourbon. It can be seen that the industry thinks that all the world's bourbon beans come from Bourbon Island is a big misunderstanding. It is important to recognize that there are many round bourbon beans that spread directly from Yemen without passing through the island of bourbon. In 181○, some of the round beans on Bourbon Island mutated into pointed beans, also known as "Bourbon pointed beans". Its caffeine content was only half that of ordinary coffee, and its output was low, weak, and extremely rare.

The quality of coffee depends on many factors, such as growing environment, climate, cultivation and management techniques and so on. Its excellent growth environment is low latitude, high altitude, sufficient rainfall and suitable sunshine, so the north latitude is 15. The ideal growing area for coffee is between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Cancer. Our planting base in Yunnan is located in 23 ℃ north latitude and 99 ℃ east longitude, with an elevation of 1230 meters, a height of 1540 meters, a height difference of 310 meters, a topography of mountains and slopes, and a large undulation, fertile soil, sufficient sunshine, rich rainfall and large temperature difference between day and night, these unique natural conditions have formed the special taste of Yunnan coffee-thick but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, slightly fruity, and the quality is similar to Colombian small grain coffee. Coffee fresh fruit is generally picked from November to February of the following year and processed by washing and wetting. Advanced imported equipment is used in coffee processing. At present, 30% of Yunnan coffee products are supplied to the domestic market and 70% are sold to foreign Yunnan coffee: due to the unique geographical and climatic conditions, Yunnan coffee has formed a unique flavor of strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, with a little fruit flavor. World-class coffee experts evaluate it as the world's best coffee, and its cultivation techniques and per unit yield are also world-class. Yunnan coffee is a variant of Arabian original species, which is generally known as Yunnan small-grain coffee, evergreen shrub, small kernel, thick peel, sweet pulp, mellow product and low caffeine content, so it is also called light coffee. It is the main cultivated variety in the world.