Coffee review

Introduction to the world famous premium coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, ◆ Origin: Colombia ◆ Baking method: City Roast ◆ Characteristics: 1. Taste: Good acidity and sweet taste, with unique sour and mellow taste. 2. Aroma: Highly balanced, highly aromatic, with a strong flavor. 3. Vision: Full, fried coffee beans are bigger and more beautiful. Colombia is the second largest producer after Brazil

◆ Origin: Colombia, Colombia

◆ baking method: City Roast

◆ features:

1. Palate: good acidity and sweetness, with unique sour and mellow taste.

two。 Aroma: high balance, high aroma, rich taste.

3. Vision: coffee beans with full grains and fried culture are bigger and more beautiful.

Colombia is the second largest coffee industrial country after Brazil in output. The more famous producing areas are "Metenin", "Marissares", "Bogota" and "Armenia". The coffee beans cultivated are very rich in taste, quality and stable in price. The internationally renowned high quality beans are Colombia-Supremo / Colombia-Excelso of Colombia. Its taste is characterized by sour, bitter, sweet and strong, brewed coffee color such as brewed wine; with a unique sour and mellow taste, moderate baking refreshing, deep baking mature strong, there is a faint unique flavor between the two, fried coffee beans, acidity reduced full content, the appearance is more large and beautiful. In addition to its large output, Columbia can produce everything from low-grade to high-grade products, some of which are rare in the world and taste so mellow that they are admirable. ◆ Origin: Ethiopia, Ethiopia.

◆ baking method: City Roast

◆ features:

1. Palate: slightly sweet with soft acidity, sweetness has its unique round ripe taste and its unique sweetness, sour and bitter taste is extremely elegant.

two。 Bouquet: intense aromas of fruit and grass.

3. Vision: the bean granule is small and the bean color is uneven.

Ethiopia, known as the birthplace of coffee, has a history of coffee origin and a traditional agricultural country. It is most famous for its "mocha-Mocha" coffee. In the West, Mocha is not only the name of the coffee variety, but also refers to the method of brewing coffee or coffee-making utensils and special conditioning methods. Mocha beans are mostly dried, but there are also so-called gourmet water-washed beans. Mocha beans are famous for their sour taste, slightly sweet, slightly alcoholic aroma and low caffeine content.

Super Brazilian coffee beans

◆ Origin: Brazil, Brazil

◆ baking method: City Roast

◆ features:

1. Palate: slightly bitter and sour, mild in nature.

two。 Fragrance: light and elegant, the fragrance is in the middle.

3. Vision: beans with large grains, light green or yellowish.