Coffee review

Indonesia Mantenin Coffee Bean Grinding scale V60 filter Cup hand-made Gold Manning Coffee Water temperature

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Indonesia Mantenin coffee bean grinding scale variety treatment taste characteristics Mantenin has always been the most unique bitterness to show its most unique sweetness, like the sweetness of life. No matter how much sugar you put in, you can't hide the bitterness. When you first tasted her, it was amazing. But the charming aroma makes us unable to control ourselves.

After a friend bought the PWN gold mantenin coffee beans from Qianjie Coffee, he asked Qianjie, "Why is the taste of brewing at home different from that of drinking in the store? I have scanned the QR code on the coffee bean package and watched your parameters for grinding and brewing." Take it easy! Qianjie Coffee brewed Golden Mantenin coffee beans use the kono door filter cup, the biggest feature of this filter cup is to refresh the alcohol thickness of the coffee, so the grinding degree of the parameters will be a little thicker. Many friends use V60 filter cup to brew golden mantenin coffee beans at home, so how can we use V60 to brew PWN gold mantenin coffee?

Front Street Coffee: PWN Gold Manning Coffee beans

Producing area: Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia

Company: PWN Inc.

Altitude: 1100-1600m

Treatment method: wet planing treatment + four times screening more than 19 mesh

Variety: Ateng

What is the difference between the kono door filter cup and the V60 filter cup?

The V60 filter cup is a macroporous filter cup, and its fast flow rate is its characteristic. The design of extending to low ribs and large holes can give baristas plenty of room to control the flow rate. For example, when cooking the front section, it can reduce the flow rate and fully extract the flavor substances in the front section, while the latter section can speed up the flow rate and reduce the production of bitter substances. Qianjie Coffee thinks that the coffee brewed from the V60 filter cup has a good sense of hierarchy.

Kono filter cup belongs to small hole filter cup, and its slow flow rate is its characteristic. Only the short ribs close to the hole, the cloth powder without ribs is close to the filter paper, and there is no room for air flow, the extraction speed will be slowed down, and the contact time of gouache will be longer than that of V60 filter cup. Qianjie believes that the brewing of kono Mingmen filter cup can increase the alcohol thickness of coffee, so this filter cup is used when brewing moderately roasted coffee beans.

Back to the point, Qianjie kono filter cup brewing PWN gold Manning coffee using the degree of grinding with V60 brewing will appear thin and feel, then how should we adjust it?

First of all, let's review the kono brewing parameters provided by Qianjie Coffee PWN Gold Manning: powder quantity 15g, powder-to-water ratio 1:15, water temperature 88 ℃, degree of grinding: medium coarse grinding (65% screening rate of 0.85mm aperture screen). Seeing here, we are not thinking about what is the 0.85mm aperture screen.

The function of the 0.85mm screen is to determine a grindness correction standard suitable for the brewing method of this coffee bean. First weigh 10 grams of coffee beans, and then grind the coffee according to the degree of grinding to be measured. Then put the ground coffee powder into the upper part of the screen, then shake vigorously, and drop the coffee powder with a thickness of less than 0.85 mm into the lower half of the screen. Shake repeatedly and continuously to ensure that all coffee powder less than 0.85 mm falls. At this time, weigh the lower part of the coffee powder and divide the weight of the coffee powder by 10 grams to get the pass rate.

Qianjie has carried out different sieving and many experiments on the grinding thickness of various ways of brewing coffee, and the final recommendations for the grinding thickness of black coffee with 10g coffee powder as the standard are: ice drop > light roasting hand flushing, competition wind screening rate 80% > mocha, American drip filtration screening rate 75-80% > cup test screening rate 70-75% > medium roaster hand flushing, legal pressure screening rate 65-70%. The Qianjie coffee PWN Gold Manning uses medium roasting, so when brewing, 10g coffee powder is used to reach the thickness of 6.5g-7g, which is about the size of coarse sugar.

So since we do not adjust the grinding degree and cook it with a V60 filter cup, what should we adjust?

When the grinding degree is not recommended, it is necessary to adjust the gouache ratio of the coffee! The proportion of powder boiled with kono filter cup in Qianjie is 1:15, because the kono filter cup is characterized by slow flow rate and increasing alcohol thickness, so this parameter is just right for kono filter cup. Well, for the V60l filter cup, which has the characteristics of high flow rate and high hierarchy of brewed coffee, Qianjie suggests using a ratio of 1:13 to increase the overall alcohol thickness of coffee by reducing the ratio of powder to water.

Use V60 to brew PWN Golden Manning Coffee, do you want to adjust the brewing water temperature?

Here in the front street, it is recommended to use 90 °water temperature, the higher water temperature will make the coffee flavor molecules released more quickly. With the fast flow rate of V60, the coffee flavor of PWN Gold Manning Coffee appears to be more mellow. It is important to note that when using the water temperature of 90 ℃, it is necessary to ensure that the grinding degree of coffee powder is still 65% and 70% of the screening rate. If you use this temperature for brewing, the coffee will taste bitter / woody and other miscellaneous flavors. Having said so much, let's finally sum up the parameters of V60 brewing golden mantenin coffee beans in Qianjie.

Powder content: 15g

Ratio of powder to water: 1:15

Degree of grinding: medium and coarse grinding (China No. 20 standard sieve screening rate 65% Mel 70%)

Water temperature: 88 ℃

Three-stage extraction is used: in the first stage, the coffee powder layer is fully moistened with 30g water for steaming, then 70g is evenly injected around the medium-fine water flow (at this time the total weight is 100g), the injection of the third stage begins when the liquid level drops to 2x3 of the coffee powder layer, and the water injection is stopped after 95g with the same medium-fine water flow, the final extraction amount of coffee is 170g, and the extraction time is 3945 ". Because the coffee brewed in the V60 filter cup is clearly layered, the coffee should be fully shaken and tasted after the coffee extraction is completed.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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