Coffee review

Introduction of Coffee Bean Variety Grinding scale Manor

Published: 2024-10-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/21, Columbia Coffee Bean Manor region Taste treatment Variety Grinding scale Manor introduces Hurley Rojas Alvarez who has been engaged in coffee cultivation for 35 years. His parents began to teach him to love coffee and contribute to the coffee field when he was young, and now he has finally become one of the coffee experts who can cultivate high quality coffee. It's the second time.

Introduction of Coffee Bean Variety Grinding scale Manor

Herry Rojas Alvarez has been involved in coffee cultivation for 35 years. His parents began to teach him to love coffee and contribute to the coffee field when he was young, and now he has finally become one of the coffee experts who can cultivate high quality coffee.

This is the second time he has participated in the Cup of Excellence, and this time he has passed the preliminary selection of the online auction. Herry Rojas Alvarez was born in the Planadas region, where he grows coffee and other crops. He has two children and is busy teaching them the experience and knowledge of growing coffee. He is only in the fifth grade, but he says Cup of Excellence is a person who can learn about coffee and make people understand the value of efforts to improve quality.

In the past 12-13 years, in order to increase production and income, Colombia, a big coffee country, has rewarded improved new varieties in the form of national policies (high fruit rate, strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, and low planting costs). It is even semi-mandatory to cut down old varieties and change them to improved varieties in some areas. Under such conditions, in order to protect the old varieties with small yield, easy to diseases and insect pests, but with high quality, the manor has been firmly rejecting the government's request for improved varieties, so that today's old varieties Tibica and Bobang have survived.

The manor does not use convenient and efficient sorting machine, but to maintain the traditional laborious fermentation, daylight drying method. In order to protect the shade-loving trees from the strong sun, shade trees were planted around the coffee trees, weeding, irrigation and fertilization management were meticulous. Basic information of manor

Origin: Huilan Lerusa Manor, Colombia

Tree species: old varieties Bobang 60%, Tiebika 40%

Altitude: 1550 m

Taste: sweet pulp, mellow, depth, excellent sense of balance

The manor does not use a high-speed and convenient dryer, but uses the traditional SUN DRY drying method, acid and alcohol bitterness get the maximum concentration and sublimation. The highest grade manor coffee in Huilan, a famous region of Colombia.

Since 1950, the current manager, Mr. and Mrs. Lu Gasu, have devoted their enthusiasm and dedication to the management of the manor.