Coffee review

What's the difference between washed coffee beans and sun-cured coffee beans? honey-treated coffee beans are washed in the sun

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What is the difference between the taste of washed coffee beans and sun-dried coffee beans-honey-treated coffee beans, sun-washed coffee water content of 12% to 13%, and dry coffee water content of 11% to 12%. General coffee beans show different colors due to their different water content, with higher water content being green or cyan, and less brown or near white. Therefore, the washed coffee beans are presented.

What's the difference between washed coffee beans and sun-cured coffee beans? honey-treated coffee beans are washed in the sun

Water content

The water content of washed coffee is 12% 13%, while that of dry coffee is 11% 12%. General coffee beans show different colors due to their different water content, with higher water content being green or cyan, and less brown or near white. Therefore, the washed coffee beans show a darker green.

How to tell whether coffee beans are insolated or washed?

Is the silver skin in good condition?

In the process of processing, the washing method usually removes the silver skin from the coffee beans, showing a special luster, but the law of drying and refinement only takes off the coffee shell, and the silver skin is still intact.

How to tell whether coffee beans are insolated or washed?


Baking degree

Different processing methods use different degrees of baking, the effect is also different. In general, if the water-washed coffee beans have not been deeply roasted, the residual silver skin of the central line still exists. Although the silver skins of dry coffee beans are intact during processing, they are all gone after baking. The deeper the roasting, the darker the coffee beans.

The first step is the same as washing. The fruit is picked when it turns red, but it is not thrown into the fermentation tank. Instead, the peel is removed by a machine, the berries are spread on the ground, dried and moistened, and the dried flesh is ground with a special machine to remove the seeds. Most of Mantenin in Indonesia adopts semi-washing method. Brazil has also begun to use semi-washing in recent years, which is the only one in the world that has both sun exposure. The country of production of these three treatments: water washing and semi-washing. That is, the coffee fruit is immediately picked when it turns red, the hard peel is removed by machine, the sticky berries are exposed, and then thrown into the pool to ferment. In about a day or two, the bacteria will eat most of the pulp attached to the seeds. The whole fermentation process needs to be monitored by the old master, if it goes too far, it will destroy the quality of coffee beans. After the berries are removed by fermentation, rinse the residual pulp attached to the seeds with clean water. At this time, the seed has been taken out, and then the drying process, it is best to lay the ground for the sun to dry, the flavor is better, but if it rains, it can also be dried by machine, but the temperature should be controlled. Dry and then polish