Coffee review

Is the quality of coffee beans more important, or is the machine more important?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Whether the quality extraction of coffee beans is more important, or whether the machine is more important, so the coffee powder with a larger diameter span of grinding powder can taste more turbid and irritating miscellaneous smell, and the size of grinding particles is basically the same. Coffee powder with relatively similar shape for extraction taste becomes brighter and stronger, and the performance of flavor characteristics is clearer and consistent in Italian concentrated extraction.

Is the quality of coffee beans more important, or is the machine more important?

Therefore, the larger the grinding span of coffee powder is, the more turbid and irritating smell can be tasted.

On the other hand, coffee powder with basically the same size and similar shape is used for extraction.

The taste becomes brighter and stronger, and the performance of flavor characteristics is clearer and consistent.

In Italian concentrated extraction, whether the degree of grinding is uniform or not not only affects the taste of the product, but also determines the success of Italian coffee.

If Italian production is carried out with a bean grinder with poor uniformity, it is easy to make the powder particles distributed in a certain part (or possibly more than one part) of Coffee pressed powder thicker, and the high-pressure water flow will quickly squeeze out of these thinner "vulnerabilities" of pressed powder, creating one or more channel effects so that the local coffee powder is overextracted while the surrounding part is underextracted. In this state of Italian extraction, it will only be a cup of bitter water.

When the grinding quality of a bean grinder is seriously lower than the uniformity required for making Italian style, no matter how fastidious the cloth powder is and no matter how good the powder pressing skill is, it is difficult to successfully make a qualified Italian style. Because the technology of powder distribution and powder pressing itself is based on the premise that the powder is uniform enough.

Therefore, if you want to get a better flavor in the cup,

A well-powdered bean grinder will bring about far more improvement than you can imagine.

Rigidity conditions for determining milling quality (2): fine powder content

Fine powder refers to coffee powder with very fine particles, also known as flour and ultra-fine powder.

Fine powder will inevitably exist in the grinding process.

When the proportion of fine powder exceeds a certain degree, it will aggravate the bitterness and miscellaneous taste, and have an adverse effect on the product.

Too much fine powder has a particularly serious effect on the taste of the product when using the French kettle.