Coffee review

How to describe the aroma of dried coffee?-description of Colombian coffee flavor

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, How to describe the aroma of dried coffee-Colombian coffee flavor description 1. Smell the coffee powder aroma in the cup before hot water brewing, and find the special dry aroma, which can be recorded in the aroma column, so as not to forget, because the dried incense is brewed in hot water after evaluation, it is no longer possible to provide coffee powder of the sample to assist the judges to recall. 2. After soaking in hot water, soak for 35 minutes, break the residue with a cup spoon, and smell the damp fragrance of the broken pool.

How to describe the aroma of dried coffee?-description of Colombian coffee flavor

1. Smell the coffee powder aroma in the cup before hot water brewing, and find the special dry aroma, which can be recorded in the aroma column, so as not to forget, because the dried incense is brewed in hot water after evaluation, it is no longer possible to provide coffee powder of the sample to assist the judges to recall.

2. After soaking in hot water, soak 3 Murray for 5 minutes, break the residue with a cup spoon and smell the wet fragrance of the broken pool.

3, soak for 5-8 minutes, smell the soaked wet fragrance, and record the special aroma in the aroma column.

There is a vertical 5-point scale on the left and right side of the dry incense or wet fragrance column, and the evaluation can be based on the first stage dry aroma intensity on the left, while the second and third stages of wet incense intensity are counted on the right wet fragrance strength meter. Finally, the aroma intensity and quality of these three stages are added to the total score on the upper horizontal 10-point scale, basically, the score of dry or wet incense. According to the quality of aroma, the intensity of aroma is for public reference. Confirm and then write the score in the score box on the upper right.

Wet aroma refers to the aroma of coffee liquid. In general, the wet aroma of coffee is not as obvious as the dry aroma in the sense of smell. When using the sense of smell to identify the wet aroma, we usually take advantage of the high temperature of the coffee, using the volatilization of the coffee liquid to identify the wet aroma. You can also drop a few drops of coffee liquid in the palm of your hand after the coffee liquid has cooled, and then make a fist, put the nose between the thumb and forefinger to identify the coffee aroma emitted by the temperature of the palm. Wet aroma is not only the identification of smell, but also the identification of taste. The intensity and persistence of the aftertaste after a sip of coffee is a very important indicator of the wet aroma of coffee. In short, high-quality coffee, its aroma should not only be able to smell, but also allow you to drink, most importantly, can provide a lasting aftertaste, teeth and cheeks of coffee, is a good cup of coffee dry aroma mainly depends on the sense of smell, refers to the aroma of coffee powder and coffee beans. In fact, for the sense of smell, the most fragrant stage of coffee is not when drinking coffee, but when grinding coffee, when coffee is ground from beans to powder, the aroma is the strongest and obvious. So if you want to really taste the charm of coffee at home, you must grind the coffee beans yourself, so that the coffee in the cup seems to become more mellow. In the dry aroma, we can obviously smell the general taste of coffee, such as acidic or bitter, astringent or scorched, and so on. for dry aroma, the intensity represents the freshness of coffee beans. and the purity represents the quality of coffee beans, for many over-roasted beans, I can even smell a bad smell or oil smell. The quality of such beans is obviously very low. On the other hand, the high-quality aroma will be full-bodied, long-lasting but never exciting.