Coffee review

Coffee pull foam requires milk fusion is very poor skill requirements

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Caffeine foam requires poor milk fusion skills 1. Cup height: refers to the distance between the milk jar and the coffee cup, the distance between the normal milk jar and the coffee cup is about 510 cm (reference), exactly the distance between the cylinder mouth and the coffee liquid level. Each lesbian is different on this point, not exactly the same height and distance, no fixed height, but

Coffee pull foam requires milk fusion is very poor skill requirements

► 1. Cup height: refers to the distance between the milk jar and the coffee cup, the distance between the normal milk jar and the coffee cup is about 5mur10 cm (reference), it should be the distance between the cylinder mouth and the coffee liquid level. Each person is different at this point, there is no exactly the same height and distance, there is no fixed height, but the purpose is only one point, that is, to fully integrate milk foam and coffee, because the density of milk foam is small and light, when we merge, we often choose to increase the distance between the milk tank and the coffee surface to avoid destroying the cleanliness and color of the oil. So we have to understand that the thicker the bubble, the higher the distance (impact). On the contrary, the thinner the bubble, the lower the distance.

► 2. Milk flow size: refers to the thickness of the milk flow when pouring the milk in the milk jar into the coffee cup, the normal reference value is: the milk flow is a little thinner under constant conditions. The purpose of the milk flow size is to ensure that the cleanness and color of the oil will not be destroyed while fully merging the milk foam and coffee. The coarse milk flow will have a greater impact and will have a certain chance of breaking into the bottom of the cup to produce turbulence. Therefore, we will generally choose a finer milk flow to carry on the fusion. If we are more flexible, the size of the milk flow should match the quality of the milk foam. For example, if the milk foam is too thick, we need higher distance and finer milk flow, on the contrary, we can choose micro-coarse milk flow and closer milk flow to merge.

► 3. Fusion techniques: fusion techniques are roughly divided into three kinds: one-word fusion method, circle fusion method, fixed-point fusion method. These techniques do not have a great impact on the liquidity of the flower. First of all, let's talk about the difference between the three methods, the one-word fusion method is to remove the fusion by swinging left and right on a line, which greatly reduces the area of oil damage and achieves the purpose of fusion. Circle fusion method is to turn the circle to fusion, this fusion method to a large extent to move on the oil surface to achieve the purpose of fusion. The fixed-point fusion rule is to carry out fusion at a point, which hardly destroys the surface cleanliness of grease and achieves the purpose of fusion. The three fusion methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the best effect in terms of fusion state and uniformity is the circle fusion method (that is, large area de-fusion). The reason is very simple, the larger the fusion area, the easier it is to fully integrate milk foam and coffee. Fixed-point fusion and one-word fusion requires super grease and very good milk foam. Therefore, it is recommended to circle a large area to merge.

► 4. Fusion quantity: refers to how many milk bubbles are fused into the cup, and the amount of fusion liquid mainly affects the fluidity of the liquid surface during flower drawing (the following example assumes that grease, milk foam and fusion techniques are consistent).

In fact, there has never been a very clear literature on the origin of the coffee flower, only that at that time in Europe and the United States, the coffee flower was the difficult professional technology shown in the coffee performance, and such innovative skills, the difficult technology displayed, * shocked the coffee industry at that time, and received public attention from the very beginning. All people are deeply attracted by the magical and gorgeous skills of coffee flower drawing.

In Europe, the United States and Japan, there are many professional coffee books that introduce the basic technology of "Latte Art", and there are many coffee-related books that use coffee flower as a professional symbol on the cover, and coffee flower has become a necessary technology in all kinds of competitions nowadays.