Coffee review

Introduction to the varieties of Ethiopian Coffee beans produced by Grinding scale treatment

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Ethiopia grows coffee in different climatic zones, so it has more than 140 farm varieties, and fresh coffee is produced all the year round. The quality of Ethiopian coffee varies according to different elevations and regional ecological environment. The Harar coffee in the southeast highland is a typical Muha coffee with a strong flavor; the coffee produced in the southwest Wollega has a rich fruity flavor; Limu coffee

Ethiopia grows coffee in different climatic zones, so it has more than 140 farm varieties, and fresh coffee is produced all the year round. The quality of Ethiopian coffee varies according to different elevations and regional ecological environment. The Harar coffee in the southeast highland is a typical Muha coffee with strong aroma; the coffee produced in southwest Wollega has a rich fruity flavor; Limu coffee has wine and spice flavor; Sidamo coffee is mild, full-bodied and sour, while Yirgacheffee coffee has floral flavor. Taste Yega Xuefei, chocolate and sour taste more intense, like lemon flying, with a trance of flowers.

Interestingly, Ethiopians also put pictures of horses on the coffee package to show the purity of the coffee. It is said that in the era when horses were the main means of transportation, Ethiopians were proud that Ethiopia had the best thoroughbred horses in the world. Now they give this pride to Ethiopian coffee, "high-quality coffee should be as pure as thoroughbred horses". As a result of adhering to this concept, the taste of coffee here is still so mellow. Although the Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee is petite, it is gentle and delicate and sweet. As the hometown of coffee, thousands of years of planting history and processing tradition in Ethiopia have created high-quality washed Arabica beans. Light baking has unique sweet aromas of lemon, flowers and honey, soft acidity and citrus flavors, fresh and bright on the palate. No milk or sugar, let the rich texture and unique soft flower scent brush your taste buds, leaving an endless aftertaste.

Yega Xuefei is a small town, 700-2100 meters above sea level, synonymous with Ethiopian boutique coffee. It has been a wetland since ancient times. The ancient saying "Yirga" means "settle down" and "Cheffe" means "wetland". The mode of production and flavor of coffee here are so outstanding that Ethiopian coffee farmers compete to take pride in the flavor of their coffee, making it the most famous coffee producing area in Africa.