Coffee review

Difference of flavor and taste characteristics between water washing and sun treatment of coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The difference between the taste of coffee beans washed in water and in the sun-honey-treated coffee beans are washed in the sun. 1. If you don't know how to roast coffee beans, you can choose medium or so roasted coffee beans, because they are more suitable for most coffees. it is also in line with everyone's taste; 2. The shelf life of coffee raw beans is one to two years, and the shelf life of roasted cooked beans is within one month.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Senior coffee fans all know that there are coffee beans with various treatments in the coffee market, and different treatment methods will also change the flavor of coffee beans. The most common coffee treatment methods are water washing and sun treatment, both of which are the oldest treatments, but with the development of the boutique coffee market, coffee farmers treat coffee beans more carefully. Therefore, with the current exquisite washing treatment and exquisite sun treatment, what is the difference in flavor and taste between washing treatment and sun treatment? Qianjie Coffee this is through this article to give coffee fans some related knowledge.

What is tanning treatment?

As Qianjie coffee said above, the sun treatment is the oldest treatment, also known as the "natural drying method". As the name implies, natural drying through the sun, so there is no need for high-end equipment, only a continuous sunny day for sun operation, in which exposure takes 27-30 days. Therefore, the requirements for climatic conditions are more stringent, suitable for countries in arid areas.

Ethiopia, for example, is a coffee producer that widely uses solarization because of its high altitude, dry climate and lack of water resources. However, it is worth noting that although the sun treatment is relatively simple, it is also because the appearance of the sun-treated coffee beans is not good-looking, there will be some cracks, so it is not particularly popular.

Process of solarization treatment

What is the specific operation flow of tanning treatment? Qianjie Coffee is coming to popular science:

1. The first step is to pick the ripe coffee fruit, and then select the defective, overripe or moth-eaten coffee fruit through manual screening, leaving good beans. This is also most of the reasons why the appearance of coffee beans can be more uniform and good-looking in the front street store.

two。 After manual screening, the good fruit will be sent to the drying place for drying, of course, different coffee producing areas use different drying racks, some may be tarpaulins, high beds or cement floors, etc., with an average drying time of 27-30 days. The drying process is not completed until the moisture content of coffee is reduced to 11%.

3. This step is also a critical step. After drying, the coffee fruit will be sent to a special processing plant for peeling and shelling, and even polished, so that the pulp and other parts of the coffee fruit will fall off before getting the real common coffee beans.

4. After peeling, raw coffee beans will be screened again to remove coffee beans that do not look good. This is because overdried coffee beans will be fragile and will be crushed during peeling, while underdried coffee beans will contain too much water, and if the water is too active, it will make coffee beans prone to bacteria and mildew, so they will be re-screened before they are sent to the warehouse for storage and packaged for export.

Advantages and disadvantages of sun treatment

Advantages: as mentioned in the previous article on the street, the operation of the sun treatment is relatively simple, which means that it does not need much cost, so the sun-cured coffee beans have irreplaceable fermented flavor, and now the boutique coffee is developing rapidly. Coffee farmers also began to pay attention to sun-cured coffee beans, such as putting coffee beans on shelves and turning them frequently to prevent pollution. Now there are so many high-quality sun-dried coffee beans in Qianjie store.

Disadvantages: Qianjie Coffee mentioned above that sun-dried coffee beans are very demanding on the weather, so the dryness of coffee fruits is difficult to control, and if the drying ground is not clean, it is easy to make coffee beans add impurities, which will lead to an increase in defective beans. In the drying process, the coffee fruit is even with flesh, so it is also prone to mildew and corruption.

But fortunately, with the development of technology, coffee farmers pursue higher quality sun-cured coffee beans, so they begin to use instruments and manpower to closely observe the degree of fermentation and dryness of coffee, and find that abnormal coffee will be removed. Of course, the cost of this operation will be higher, but it is also more detailed, so it is also called exquisite solarization.

Flavor performance of sun-cured coffee beans

Because the sun-treated coffee beans have been exposed to the sun for a long time, the flavor will be stronger, the layers will be richer, the flavor will be fermented, and the sweetness will be higher.

What is washing treatment?

The second common method of coffee treatment is washing. Most of the coffee beans in different producing areas of Qianjie coffee are also washed, especially the rations beans introduced by Qianjie coffee, because the washed coffee beans will be cleaner and the flavor will be more thorough, which is in line with the original taste of the coffee fruit. Therefore, Qianjie often says that the flavor of washed coffee beans is a guide lamp to recognize the flavor of a producing area.

Washing treatment process

1. First of all, coffee farmers will pour all the harvested coffee fruit into the water, so that the bad and defective coffee beans will surface and sink to the bottom of the water is the quality of coffee fruit, and this operation also greatly reduces the time wasted by picking one by one.

two。 Put the screened coffee fruit into a peeling machine to remove the skin and flesh, and after removing these coffee fruits, there will still be a layer of pectin on the surface of the coffee fruit, so wash away the adhesive on the surface of the coffee fruit with a lot of water.

3. The next step is to use fermentation to completely remove the pectin, a process that takes about 18 hours, but after fermentation, the fermentation bacteria adhere to the surface of the coffee fruit, so you need to wash with a lot of water again, like this step. to get 1 kilogram of coffee beans requires 40 to 50 kilograms of water, so it's not suitable for dry countries.

4. Washed coffee beans can be dried, some areas will be directly taken outside to dry, and some more developed producing areas, will be sent to the treatment plant to use machine drying, so that the water content of coffee is as low as 11%.

5. Finally, the dried coffee beans are stored and packaged for sale and export.

Advantages and disadvantages of washing treatment

Advantages: after a lot of water washed coffee beans will be less impurities, the appearance is more complete, and because the coffee fruit skin and pulp are removed by washing from the beginning, so do not have to worry about mildew, the overall quality is also relatively stable.

Disadvantages: the process of washing treatment is more complex and cumbersome, and requires a lot of water, so the cost is high, and it is less used in areas where water resources are scarce.

Flavor performance of coffee beans treated with water

As mentioned above in Qianjie, the washed coffee beans will be cleaner and more thorough in flavor, with sour and fruity aromas, bright taste, less sweetness and mellow thickness.

The difference between washing coffee beans and sun-treated coffee beans

As mentioned above, there is a great difference between sun-treated coffee beans and washed coffee beans, while Qianjie coffee is considered to be stable in quality, clean in taste, sour and bright, while sun-treated coffee beans have the sweet and sour taste of tropical fruit, leaving the coffee beans natural and mellow, rich in flavor and sometimes with a hint of wine. Each has its own advantages, and there is no such thing as who is better than the other.

The above is the difference between the flavor of water-washed and sun-treated coffee beans arranged by Qianjie Coffee. Next, Qianjie Coffee gives an example of two blue standard Rosa coffee beans from Panamanian Jade Manor. Give coffee fans a more intuitive understanding of the difference in flavor between the two treatments.

Front Street Coffee Panamanian Water washed Blue label Rosa Coffee beans

Country: Panama

Producing area: Pokuit Emerald Manor

Altitude: 1500 m

Variety: Rose summer

Treatment method: washing treatment

Front street coffee Panamanian sun blue roses summer coffee beans

Country: Panama

Producing area: Pokuit Emerald Manor

Altitude: 1500 m

Variety: Rose summer

Treatment method: sun treatment

Qianjie coffee roasting and sharing

Both beans are rose summer coffee beans, so in order to highlight the acidity and flower-fruit aroma of this variety, Qianjie coffee used light roasting for both beans.

The furnace temperature is 180 ℃, the firepower is 130, and the throttle is set at 3; the temperature recovery point is 1: 39: 32 ". When the furnace temperature is 104 ℃, the throttle is opened to 4, and the firepower remains unchanged. When the furnace temperature is 151.6 ℃, the bean table turns yellow, the smell of grass disappears completely, and enters the dehydration stage. When 7 times 39 ℃, the bean surface appears ugly wrinkles and black markings, and the smell of toast obviously turns into coffee, which can be defined as a prelude to explosion.

Cooking suggestion

Filter cup: V600001

Water temperature: 90-91 ℃

Powder content: 15g

Powder / water ratio: 1:15

Degree of grinding: medium and fine grinding (Chinese standard No. 20 screen pass rate 80%)

Cooking technique: three-stage extraction.

Steam with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, small water flow around the circle to 125 grams for sectional injection, water level drop is about to expose the powder bed, continue to inject water to 225 grams to stop injection, and so on when the water level drop is about to expose the powder bed, remove the filter cup, (steaming starts timing) the extraction time is 2 minutes 39 percent 00 ".

Sun blue standard rose summer coffee bean flavor: lemon, honey, passion fruit, fermented wine.

Washed blue standard rose summer coffee bean flavor: Jasmine, citrus, bright acidity, honey.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925