Coffee review

The reason for the non-expansion of hand-brewed coffee powder how to form a "hamburger" by steaming

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The reason why hand-brewed coffee powder does not expand-can coffee powder be brewed directly? step 1: folding filter paper. Select the V60 filter paper for two people, fold the filter paper into a cone along the edge of the seam of the filter paper, and put it into the V60 cup. Step 2: wet the filter paper. Remove the smell of filter paper. Step 3: grind beans and pour powder. Pour the ground powder into the silk-moistened filter paper, gently pat the filter cup, smooth the powder, and dig in the middle of the powder.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

There are often small friends in front of the street reaction, why hand coffee, steaming can not bulge up "hamburger" shape? Are the beans not fresh? The coffee beans in front of the street are freshly roasted for guests, and guests need to keep them for three or four days and then cook them for better flavor. Although it is true that the freshness of beans will affect steamed hamburgers, it is far from the only reason. Qianjie Coffee will talk to you today about what factors affect steamed hamburgers with hand-brewed coffee.

Why do you want to steam?

Steaming, which is often expressed as Bloom in English, refers to the preparatory action of wetting a small amount of hot water evenly on the surface of coffee powder before formal water injection during hand washing.

Steaming is mainly to release the gas in the coffee particles, mainly carbon dioxide. Generally speaking, the closer you are to the baking time, the more bubbles you will bubble when steaming. On the other hand, the coffee beans with deeper roasting degree will release more gas in the steaming process than the coffee beans with shallow roasting degree because of less water content. If the coffee particles discharged from the gas can be evenly absorbed and saturated, the subsequent extraction will be uniform.

In short, during steaming, the air between the coffee powder particles expands and releases a large amount of carbon dioxide, while a short gap layer between the coffee powder particles will provide the space needed for hot water to pass through the powder layer during formal water injection.

Factors affecting the bulging "hamburger"

The front street is discussed one by one from the degree of baking, freshness, grinding, water temperature and techniques.

1. The baking degree of beans

The roasting degree of coffee beans will also affect the "hamburger" that bulges when steaming. Generally speaking, light-roasted coffee beans do not bulge a very good-looking "hamburger" like deep-roasted coffee beans, but are relatively gentle. This is because the more carbon dioxide is contained in the more roasted coffee beans, the more exuberant the exhaust, so it is easier to bulge when steaming. And vice versa, light baked beans, even if they are very fresh, may not necessarily achieve the "bulging" hamburger effect you remember.

Qianjie coffee steamed deep roasted coffee beans

2. The freshness of beans

As mentioned earlier, steaming is for exhaust, so the fresh coffee beans contain more gas (mainly carbon dioxide), and the more "hamburgers" swell when steaming naturally. If you don't see an expanding "hamburger" during stewing, it means that the coffee may have been roasted for too long, causing the carbon dioxide in the cells inside the beans to be released naturally, which means that the beans are no longer fresh.

Beans in Qianjie, whether in stores or on Taobao, are all freshly baked. Fresh beans need to be cooked for three or four days in order to ensure that their flavor can come out.

3. The grinding thickness of coffee powder

If the coffee beans are ground too rough, the surface area of the water in contact with the coffee powder is small, and the exhaust effect is naturally weak. if the grinding degree is particularly rough, there will be no "hamburger" anyway. Because as soon as the water pours down, it flows directly through the gap between the coffee powder, not even steaming, let alone a "hamburger".

Qianjie coffee steamed rough ground coffee beans, not bulging "hamburger" shape

If the grinding degree is too fine, when the grinding particles are too fine, although the contact surface with water is too large, but because the powder is too fine, the water will stay on the surface and cannot get under the water, and the condition of steaming will not be good.

Qianjie coffee steamed and ground coffee beans, not bulging "hamburger"

Qianjie determines that the degree of grinding will be screened with a standard 20 sieve, with a passing rate of 80% for shallow roasted coffee beans and 70% for deep roasted coffee beans.

Qianjie coffee steamed normally ground coffee beans, bulging "hamburger" shape

4. Water temperature

Water temperature also has to affect an important element of coffee steaming, because coffee powder expands exhaust by absorbing heat. When the water temperature is low, the coffee powder does not absorb enough calories to quickly infiltrate into the coffee particles for air replacement, and the excess water is dripped directly into the pot.

Qianjie coffee is steamed with 60 ℃ of water without a "hamburger" shape.

5. Technique

There are many methods of steaming, including circling from inside to outside, circling from outside to inside, and central water injection diffusing. There is no difference between right and wrong in these methods. In general, it is easier to form a good-looking "hamburger" from the center to the outside when steaming.

The size of the water flow also has an impact on the steaming of coffee, and the difficulty coefficient of steaming a perfect "hamburger" is relatively high, which generally requires a stable circle range of water flow. And the small current is suitable for beginners to make a perfect "hamburger shape".

The coffee in the front street is stuffy and steamed, and the shape of "hamburger" is not obvious.

The coffee in the front street is steaming, and the shape of "hamburger" is obvious.

Step-by-step technique of hand coffee making

When brewing fresh coffee beans in Qianjie, the amount of steaming water is twice the amount of coffee powder, steaming for 30 seconds. After steaming, you can inject water at one time or in stages. Qianjie takes red cherries as an example to show the difference between disposable water injection and segmented water injection.

Qianjie Jiaxuefei Red Cherry

Producing area: Yega Xuefei

Processing plant: Altland

Altitude: 2300 m

Variety: original species

Treatment: sun treatment

Grade: G1

Flavor: lemon, licorice, citrus, berries, sweet orange, overall sweetness is high, Huigan has caramel, cream flavor, aftertaste with black tea aroma

[Qianjie Coffee brewing parameters and techniques]

The brewing parameters of Qianjie coffee are as follows: Hario V60, ratio of powder to water 1:15, water temperature 90 ℃, grindness BG#6S (Chinese standard No. 20 sieve pass rate 80%).

In terms of brewing techniques, Qianjie coffee uses twice as much steaming water as coffee powder, that is, 30g water for 30 seconds. If the powder-water ratio is 1:15, the total amount of water injected is 225g.

Disposable water injection (also known as one-off flow): after removing the 30g water used in steaming, directly inject water to 225g, the total time of water injection is 2 minutes (including steaming time).

Segmented water injection (also known as three-stage water injection): after removing the 30g water used in steaming, the second stage water injection is injected to 125g, and the final water injection stops at 225g water. The total time of water injection is 2 minutes (including steaming time).

[Yejia Sheffield Red Cherry Coffee flavor description]

One-knife cooking flavor: the overall feeling is relatively soft, the aroma is obvious, with lemon, flower, mature orange aroma, obvious imported nut flavor, citrus, plum acid notes, Huigan has the taste of caramel and cocoa.

Three stages of water injection cooking flavor: the overall taste is distinct, the aroma is obvious, with lemon, flower and fermented wine aroma, the entrance has a full sense of juice, citrus, citric acid, nut flavor is weak, Huigan has honey flavor.

One-knife flow because the water column stirring multi-extraction speed is faster, so the nut flavor is more, the layered feeling is thinner. Segmented extraction due to less water column stirring, although there is soaking time, but the water also quickly seeped through the filter paper to flow down, the extraction flavor is more balanced, aroma, ripe fruit, nut flavor, layered.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925