Coffee review

What's the difference between cod bean coffee and mother bean coffee-the difference between coffee beans and coffee powder

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What's the difference between cod bean coffee and mother bean coffee-the difference between coffee beans and coffee powder the more famous of the Peaberry on the market is Kona. This is an Arabian bean (Arabica) grown in Hawaii, with an average of only 5 Peaberry per 100. it is very precious. Some coffee fans think that the strong aroma of Peaberry is better, and because it is rare, each one has been picked by hand.

What's the difference between cod bean coffee and mother bean coffee-the difference between coffee beans and coffee powder

At present, among the Peaberry on the market, the more famous one is Kona. This is an Arabian bean (Arabica) grown in Hawaii, with an average of only 5 Peaberry per 100. it is very precious. Some coffee fans think that the strong aroma of Peaberry is better, and because it is rare, each one has been manually selected, and the price is becoming more and more expensive under the hype. However, coffee gardens in some coffee producing areas will throw away these defective beans. As a matter of fact, it has not been decided whether public beans taste better or not. The taste is always very personal, and different Peaberry varieties have different tastes.

A coffee fruit usually produces two beans and sometimes one, three or even four beans. Let's focus on the production of a bean. For some reason, the two seeds inside the coffee fruit did not split, and after the initial processing, they showed a complete ellipsoidal granular coffee bean, which we call Peaberry, or Caracoli, that is, the so-called male bean. Many coffee lovers love round beans, but in the actual coffee bean trade, the price of coffee round beans is indeed slightly higher than that of flat beans in the same producing area. So, under what circumstances will lead to the emergence of round beans? First, growing at the tip of a coffee branch may cause round beans to grow in the coffee fruit. Second, prolonged drought or malnutrition or blooming too early and too late lead to the unsound internal development of the coffee fruit. Due to the competition for survival, one bean "eats" another bean, giving birth to round beans. Third, the coffee fruit suffers from diseases and insect pests during its growth, which leads to the imperfect internal development of the coffee fruit and gives birth to round beans.

It is said that public coffee tastes better, but because the quantity is too small, only one coffee bean in every 100 coffee beans is male. Generally speaking, coffee growers are not particularly singled out to sell, and this difference is really difficult to find if you do not directly hit or contact the scene of the place of origin. Every May is the maturity of Brazilian coffee, and it is time to actually understand the gender of coffee. As the saying goes, things are scarce, but of course coffee is expensive for the public. The amount of public coffee is small, but the brewed coffee tastes better.