Coffee review

Operation process and operation of coffee roasting record table roaster

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Coffee roasting record table the operation process and operation of the roaster during the process of recording the baking curve, carefully blindly test each batch of roasted beans, record them, and accurately grasp the key elements, you can easily get the taste of coffee beans! Remember that each batch of coffee beans has a different baking curve and roasting methods. The environmental factors of raw coffee beans in the producing area will also affect

Operation process and operation of coffee roasting record table roaster

In the process of recording the baking curve, carefully blindly test each batch of baked beans, record them, and accurately grasp the key elements, you can easily get the taste of coffee beans! Remember that each batch of coffee beans has a different baking curve and roasting methods.

The environmental factors of raw coffee beans in the producing areas will also affect the quality of raw coffee beans. The rainfall in the producing area this year and last year, or the drying process of coffee before export, is also one of the key points.

High-altitude and ripe coffee beans usually last longer and have a longer life. Because of the high density of raw coffee beans, if the dry environment is good, the taste of the coffee itself will not change much.

Out-of-season coffee beans are not good, and old coffee is sometimes added to some coffee varieties. to put it simply, African coffee beans taste clean, bright and slightly thin when fresh. After being placed for a period of time, the volatile aroma of the coffee is thicker and sweeter.

Bake, cup test, bake, cup test! After continuous adjustment and taste of different coffee curve roasted coffee, so that the taste of coffee to achieve better!

Like the graph above, the temperature in the boiler dropped temporarily when the raw beans were put in. Soon the temperature became a rising curve again, and the site was called "Turning Point". There is a maximum temperature increase rate after Turning Point, which is called "RoR (Rate of Rise)". To put it simply, RoR is the inclination of temperature change. Therefore, the "RoR max" in the graph above shows the location with the greatest slope. This site is of great significance and will be discussed in detail in the second half of the article.

Then, the interval from the first explosion to the end is called "Development Time". The latest trend is to analyze baking by the ratio of total baking time to Development time. Alexandru Niculae (Romania), the winner of the 2016World Coffee Roasting Champion (World Coffee Baking Competition), has a Development Time ratio of 14-15%.

The temperature difference between raw beans and air can also be confirmed by a graph, which is a measure of how much convective heat (convection heat) is used in baking. As you can see in the graph below, the temperature difference between the Turning Point, the first explosion and the end can be calculated.