Coffee review

Why should Italian Coffee Machine be maintained regularly

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Why does the Italian coffee machine need regular maintenance? 1. Put the backwash gasket into the double handle and add the coffee machine cleaning powder 2g (about half a spoon short), then buckle to the brewing head of the coffee machine; 2, turn off the machine; 3. Press the 60ml key to turn on the machine until the cleaning appears on the screen, release the 60ml key for automatic cleaning; 4. Add 300ml cold water to the 600ml brocade steel cup and heat it in a steam pipe.

Why should Italian Coffee Machine be maintained regularly

1. Put the backwash gasket into the double-end handle and add 2g coffee machine cleaning powder (about half a spoon short), then buckle to the brewing head of the coffee machine.

2. Turn off the computer

3. Press the 60ml key for a long time until the cleaning appears on the screen, release the 60ml key to clean automatically

4. Add 300ml cold water to 600ml drawn steel cup and put it into steam pipe for heating and cleaning (about 60 °).

5. Pry off the rubber ring and filter screen on the bubble head with a short bar spoon, pry off all the handle filter screen, and wipe the bubble head with a dishcloth.

6. Soak the strainer and handle in hot water and add 5g (one spoonful short bar spoon) coffee machine cleaning powder

7. Then clean the rubber ring and filter tray.

(1) remove the drain pan and clean the sediment in the drain with a wet dishcloth, then rinse with hot water to keep the drain unobstructed; if the drainage is poor, pour a small tablespoon of coffee machine special cleaning powder into the drain, soak in hot water for five minutes to dissolve the coffee residue oil in the drainage pipe, and then clean it.

(2) if there is a leak at the bottom of the coffee machine, please check whether the drain is clogged. If it is blocked, clean the lower drain and drain.

4. External cleaning of coffee machine:

Wipe the outside of the fuselage with a clean wet rag every day, such as when wiping with a detergent, please choose a mild and non-corrosive cleaner to evenly penetrate and wipe the fuselage on a wet rag. The rag should not be too wet to prevent excess water and detergent from seeping into the circuit system and eroding the wire to cause a short circuit.

Note: machines, equipment and any accessories should not be scrubbed with iron wire, steel brushes and other hard tools.

[weekly cleaning]

1. Rinse the boiled head

Use the coffee machine automatic cleaning program or manual cleaning to clean the pipes and cooking heads.

Manual cleaning:

(1) remove the filter screen from the coffee brewing handle and replace the professional backwashing non-porous filter cup.

(2) put 5 grams of special cleaning powder for coffee machine into the non-porous filter cup, insert the brewing handle into the brewing head until it is completely closed, turn on the cleaning switch for 10 seconds, press the key to stop, soak for 5 seconds, repeat 5 times, remove the coffee brewing handle and pour out the waste water.

(3) after cleaning the handle of the perforated filter cup, re-embed the brewing head, press the cleaning key to make the remaining clean powder in the brewing system flow out, and the coffee brewing handle moves back and forth between the 45-degree angle and 90-degree angle. rinse the brewing head and the inside and outside of the coffee brewing handle until the water in the filter cup becomes clean and colorless, press the key to stop after removing the smell.

(4) use a headbrush to hedge the water distribution net of the cooking head and the apron of the cooking head to clean to remove the residual coffee grounds.

(5) after cleaning, remove the coffee handle, replace it with a fine-hole filter, and make a cup of coffee to remove the smell after cleaning.

two。 To wash the handle of the boil:

Remove the filter cup and brewing handle and soak it in 500ml hot water with 5 grams of cleaning powder for 10 minutes. Clean and wipe dry the coffee dirt and coffee grounds on the handle with clean water.

3. Nozzle head cleaning:

Soak the nozzle head in hot water, wash and wipe clean.

4. Drain pan cleaning:

Remove the drain pan, rinse and wipe dry. Drainage lines should be washed regularly to ensure smooth drainage.

5. External cleaning of coffee machine:

Wipe the outside of the coffee maker with a soft damp cloth and finally wipe dry.