Coffee review

How big is a cappuccino coffee cup?-the difference between an Italian coffee cup and a single product

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How big is the cappuccino coffee cup-the difference between Italian coffee cups and individual coffee cups many coffee fans like to collect all kinds of coffee cups, so some powerful coffee brands continue to introduce specially designed cups for fans to collect. For example, illy will work with different designers to launch specially designed cups every year. Hong Kong star Chen Hao is a fan of illy coffee cups.

How big is a cappuccino coffee cup?-the difference between an Italian coffee cup and a single product

Many coffee fans like to collect all kinds of coffee cups, so some powerful coffee brands continue to launch specially designed cups for fans to collect. For example, illy will work with different designers to launch specially designed cups every year. Hong Kong star Chen Hao is a fan of illy coffee cups and will buy and collect them as soon as he sees them when he travels. Jackie Chan is also a fan of world-class famous porcelain coffee cups and saucers, with a collection of more than 600 sets.

a. Cappuccino coffee is a mixture of coffee and milk, with a mellow, sweet sense of balance.

b. Cappuccino consists of an espresso (defined according to 2.2.1 Amurk), textured milk and at least one centimeter (vertically assessed, if 4 points or more are given in the "density and persistence of foam" item).

c. Cappuccino coffee can be made in the form of flower or traditional form, and the form of expression is freely chosen by the players.

d. Cappuccino coffee must be filled in 150-180 ml coffee cups with handles, and these beverage cups must be accurately measured and verified to ensure that they are free of any harmful substances. this includes (but not the only condition): the vessel is too hot to hold or unsafe to drink, otherwise the item "use the right cappuccino cup" will be given "No". The amount of cappuccino must match the capacity of the cup (180ml cups must be filled with 180ml drinks), otherwise the "visually correct cappuccino" item will be deducted from 3 points according to the degree of difference.

1. Pour about 25 grams of coffee beans into the grinder and grind them to a fine degree.

2. Fill the coffee powder evenly into the powder loader of the cartridge and push it flat.

3. Pour the right amount of hot water into the electric mocha pot.

4. Put in the powder loader, paste the wet filter paper, tighten the pot (try not to force the handle) and begin to make coffee.

5. Pour the right amount of granulated sugar (I use rose-scented caramel), dark chocolate and milk into the container, heat and stir.

6. Pour the brewed coffee into the coffee cup (for example, the ordinary coffee cup should be preheated by soaking in hot water).

7. Pour the milk into the French filter kettle and pull the pressure rod for about 30 times to form a rich milk bubble.

8. Scrape off the topmost, thicker foam and pour the slippery foam into the coffee cup.

9. A cup of delicious cappuccino coffee is ready. Taste it slowly.