Coffee review

Step diagram of Japanese hand-made coffee-how to use French coffee maker

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Japanese hand coffee step diagram-French coffee maker usage 1. Moist coffee requires about 30g of hot water. (* shake the filter cup evenly, dig a hole in the middle with your fingers, rotate and inject it with a zigzag shape from the center, do not rinse the water to the edge of the filter paper, hamburger appears, timing starts with water injection) 2. After beautiful foaming, complete the water injection in the next 2 minutes. (* * 5

How to use a French coffee pot

Wet coffee requires about 30g of hot water.

(*** Shake the filter cup evenly, dig a hole in the middle with your finger, rotate the injection from the center position in a zigzag shape, do not flush the water to the edge of the filter paper, hamburger appears, timing starts from water injection)

2. After the beautiful foaming, the water injection will be completed within the next 2 minutes.

(***50 seconds or so, from the inside to the outside circulation of water injection, pay attention to the water flow does not touch the filter paper on the line, after the obvious foaming, about 1 minute 10 seconds to complete the first water injection, to the water level obviously dropped for the second time, after the obvious foaming water injection, circulation, to reach the water volume immediately stop, injection hot water drip filtration is completed about 2 minutes.)

One, water.

More than 90% of a cup of hand-brewed coffee is water, so water is naturally the primary material factor affecting the taste of coffee. The impact of water is mainly manifested in two aspects:

1, water temperature.

The temperature of hand-brewed coffee is generally maintained between 88-93 degrees. If the water temperature is too high, it is easy to extract the bitter components of coffee, causing bitter coffee, losing acidity, lack of freshness and brightness. On the contrary, if the water temperature is too low, it is easy to cause insufficient extraction, making coffee sour and dull.

2, the ratio of water to coffee powder

This principle applies to all aqueous solutions, i.e. the greater the ratio, the greater the concentration of the solution. Therefore, the same amount of coffee powder here, the greater the amount of water, the smaller the coffee concentration, the lighter and softer, the smaller the amount of water, the greater the coffee concentration, the stronger the taste.

Second, the degree of grinding.

The grinding degree of coffee powder determines the contact area between coffee powder and water during brewing and the degree of easy extraction. The finer the coffee powder is ground, the easier its ingredients are extracted and the heavier the taste, but the grinding details are easy to extract too much bitter ingredients and lose their original acidity. On the contrary, the coarser the grinding degree, the lighter and softer the coffee taste, and the appropriate coarseness can well express the acidity of the coffee.