Coffee review

Grinding Calibration of washed Coffee beans in Honduras introduction to the Flavor description of the region produced by the Manor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, This batch of Saint Rose treatment Plant (Beneficio Santa Rosa), a small cooperative of the local community, was established in 2005 with the support of a not-for-profit organization, TechnoServe, to provide production technology and eradicate poverty. This cooperative

Grinding Calibration of washed Coffee beans in Honduras introduction to the Flavor description of the region produced by the Manor

This batch of Holy Rose processing Plant (Beneficio Santa Rosa), from the Holy Rose place in the western province of Columbine, is a small cooperative of the local community, established in 2005 and supported by a non-profit organization, TechnoServe, to provide production technology and poverty eradication. The cooperative established a Mejoramiento Agra í cola Sostenible (MAS) assistance program to support 6000 families of small coffee farmers and provide technical assistance with the aim of producing high quality coffee beans. Coffee is planted from 1500 to 2000 meters above sea level. The main varieties of coffee are Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon and Pacas and Typica. Flavor reference: sweet, cream, brown sugar, melon sweet, mint, caramel milk. The acidity of the fruit is not obvious, it is layered and has a strong sweet taste of caramel. The aroma is harmonious, the taste is full-bodied, the flavor is sweet, warm and smooth.

Rainforest Alliance RFA (Rainforest Alliance) certification refers to a farm that meets the standards set by the Rainforest Alliance, which protects the farm and its surrounding ecosystem, imposes some restrictions on the use of pesticides, and evaluates benchmarks such as waste management. Only coffee that has been evaluated and certified can be called "Rainforest Alliance certified coffee". Among them, the certification benchmark for coffee stipulates that traditional farming methods cultivated in the shade of primary forests are adopted, which are beneficial to the protection of the ecosystem. Some of the proceeds from the alliance are also used for the protection of wildlife in tropical rainforest animal reserves and the improvement of workers' living standards.

The farm that meets the benchmark established by the Tropical Rainforest Alliance will evaluate the benchmarks such as ecosystem protection, pesticide use restrictions and waste management in and around the coffee plantation. Only the coffee that has passed the benchmark and is certified, can be called "Tropical Rainforest Alliance certified coffee". In addition, part of the proceeds are also used for wildlife protection in tropical rainforest animal reserves. In terms of labor life and well-being, it is a pair of coffee with a good natural environment. The certified benchmark is composed of three sectors of nature conservation, farming methods and regional society, from the protection of forests to water pollution, the working environment of employees, the use of chemical fertilizers and waste disposal. The certification benchmark for coffee stipulates that it is adopted, which is the most beneficial to the protection of the ecosystem, and is the traditional farming method of shade cultivation in the primary forest.