Coffee review

Cappuccino cup capacity-latte cup capacity

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Cappuccino cup capacity-latte cup capacity cappuccino coffee is a variation of Italian coffee, that is, strong coffee is poured with steamed milk, and the color of the coffee is like the headscarf on the dark brown coat of the cappuccino church monks, hence the name caffeine. Cappuccino is also related to the name of a monkey. There is a kind of little monkey in Africa with a pinch of black on its head.

Cappuccino cup capacity-latte cup capacity

Cappuccino coffee is a variation of Italian coffee, that is, strong coffee is poured with steamed milk, and the color of the coffee is like the headscarf on the dark brown coat of cappuccino monks, hence the name caffeine.

Cappuccino is also related to the name of a monkey. There is a small monkey in Africa with a black cone-shaped hair on its head, much like a pointed hat on a Franciscan robe, hence the name Capuchin, which was first used by the British in 1785.

The word Capuchin has evolved into coffee drink names and monkey names hundreds of years later, which has always been an interesting story for literati.

As a former Starbucks partner, lz can responsibly say that every Starbucks store has four types of cups: small, medium, large and oversized, corresponding to short, tall, grande and venti. In addition, there is an espresso 4oz cup (which can hold up to 3 espresso and will be full on the 4th).

The cup type on the menu version and the cup type for display start from the medium cup, but hot drinks can order small cups, ice drinks do not have small cups. The price of a small cup can be reduced by 3 yuan on the basis of medium cup. (for example, the price of Chengdu Starbucks freshly brewed coffee is 14 yuan for small cups, 17 yuan for medium cups, 20 yuan for large cups and 23 yuan for oversized cups)

The text description is not obvious, so lz gives full play to the advantages of his partner and brings you pictures. I just want to explain that Starbucks really has a small cup. But it is really not recommended to order a small cup, only 8oz, a mouthful to finish, the lowest cost performance. And, oh, every store has a small cup, not necessarily a small cup lid, first, the cost problem, second, the small cup and 4oz cup capacity is too small to drink, so do not need a lid. Hot drink cups are also available in four sizes. )

If the guest must order a small hot drink, it is OK (but we will try to advise the guest to give up this option). After all, we have studied the recipe of small cups, there are also small cups in the back area (take-out paper cups or shop porcelain cups), there are also small cup keys on the computer (it can be seen that Starbucks has never given up small cups), and I have sold small cups of American coffee myself, so the four types of Starbucks hot drinks have been explained.